Blue Angels Fly Low Show – KCBS
The pilots who fly the Blue Angels over San Francisco are briefing for a low-level show that will keep the fighter jets below the fog that's settled over ...
2009 San Francisco Fleet Week Air Show highlights - Boilr by Jeremy K
2009 San Francisco Fleet Week Air Show highlights.
US Navy Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Team - Military Pictures ... by Scott
Global defence forum on topics for military aviation, air force, army, navy, missiles, defense technology, space and nuclear forces as well as post military pictures and videos. Discuss world security issues in areas such as war on ...

This week's Image of the Week (featured on page 3 of Flight International), is taken by AirSpace user Max Tribolet. The image is of a US Air Force Heritage Flight, seen at the 2008 Lackland AirFest air show in San Antonio, Texas. Left to right are a Lockheed Martin F-22, Curtiss P40, Lockheed Martin F-16 and Boeing F-15.
Weather doesn't stop final day of Airsho -
By Audrie Palmer While the weather may have put a damper on Sunday's final day of the CAF Airsho, officials said they were still able to ...
WWII Reenactors @ CAF Airshow from Military Photos by wicked_hind
Thought you WWII buffs and reenactors would like these photos. These guys were great and didn't mind posing for a few photos. Anyway, I hope you guys like them.
Female pilots celebrated at the Autumn Air Show - Cambridge Evening News
The Autumn Air Show celebrated these 'Women with Wings' yesterday. Carolyn is the world's only current female Spitfire pilot and Anna is believed to be the ...
Online site gathers Whatcom County aviation stories - Bellingham Herald
The Heritage Flight Museum in Bellingham has created an online site where people can share their stories about local aviation history, with an emphasis on ...
Warbirds Take To The Skies Sunday In Tulsa - News On 6
This P-51 Mustang fighter took to the air Saturday and Sunday in Tulsa. [Photo by Bill Bridenstine] This twin engine B-25 bomber was on display at the Tulsa ...
Contest: B-25 “Panchito” Free Plane Ride – WBT
Bringing together the legacy of those brave veterans and the B-25, the Disabled American Veterans has teamed up with Larry Kelley, owner of the B-25 ...
The sky's the limit -
His favorite is a gray B-25 bomber, which he built from a kit in 2001. Showers, 81, constructed the gray World War II plane - it was made famous by Lt. Col. ...
Museum plan for old landmark - Essex Echo
On display will be newspaper cuttings and photographs from the time, models of military equipment and rare artefacts including parts of two B17 bombers that ...
Bangor was fascinated by flying machines in 1909 - Bangor Daily News
They talked about Bell's latest passion — the aeroplane. Telephones were old hat by now. Their use was expanding rapidly. Even farmers were installing them ...
Wings of Time…# 02…the Avro 504 from AeroHub by admin
“Wings of Time”…# 02…the Avro 504…first of the classic British primary pilot-trainers.
Europe Trip #22: IWM Duxford - 3 - Static Restorations from Rodney's Aviation Ramblings by Rodney
One of the hangers I wandered in to [yes, it was open to the public] contained a small number of restoration projects in various states of repair. This hanger helped to reinforce to me just how much work they put into their aircraft. The first aircraft is on the way, the second and third looks really good and the fourth and fifth look like they are waiting for someone to get interested :-)
2009 Year in Review from Kings Media by (Steven King)
Since my airshow season has ended, I decided that I wanted to put together an article that will give a little synopsis of how I seen things go this 2009 airshow season. I thought I would start with some facts of my season. Overall I attended 28 shows, including 8 practice shows, at 12 different locations. I drove approximately 4100 miles and traveled through 8 states. Early on, this season was plagued with bad weather. Many shows try to continue to have their shows as rain dates are not a practicality in the airshow industry with how things are scheduled. Despite the bad weather, I really enjoyed each and every show I attended. I seen some old friends in the industry and met some new ones and said goodbye to a few as well…
Exclusive Video: Flying the Zeppelin NT with Airship Ventures from AVwebFlash Current Issue
Pilots who signed up for sightseeing flights over San Francisco in the new Zeppelin NT kept asking the crew if they could take a turn in the front seat. Tired of having to say no, the company created a special day-long program just for pilots. AVweb's Mary Grady tried it out during a session in Long Beach last month, and here is her report.
WhiteKnight Vehicles to Appear at Edwards Air Show at Parabolic Arc by Doug Messier
SCALED COMPOSITES PRESS RELEASE Scaled Composites' White Knight One and White Knight Two aircraft will be making a rare public appearance at the.
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