Steve McQueen was a pilot, not a celebrity, at Santa Paula Airport - Los Angeles Times [FLiR]
Mike Dewey, a retired movie stunt flier who also helped instruct McQueen, was impressed with his "incredible discipline" as he practiced grueling aerobatic ...
DOLDERER PUTS GERMANY BACK ON THE AIR RACE MAP - Germany’s Matthias Dolderer has had his eye on the Red Bull Air Race since it was created and now the 38-year-old German has the chance to put his heart and soul into it as well. Dolderer, who has 24 years of flying experience, earned his wings for a spot in next year’s world championship after a strong showing in September’s Qualifying Camp.
Pioneering Hilliard aviator soars into Hall of Fame - Delaware News, OH
The Powder Puff Derby was an annual air race from a West Coast point to an East Coast point, stopping at predetermined destinations in between. ...
Pacific Coast Dream Machines Fly-In from Fence Check
Orlando pilot prepares for trip around the globe - Houston Chronicle, United States
In 2006, Carol Foy of Spicewood, Texas, won an all-female air race across the United States. Foy, 52, has a cousin with Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS. ...
Tokyo raider 'Davey' Jones, WWII hero, dies in Tucson - Arizona Daily Star, AZ
He was one of the raiders who used B-25 bombers to hit targets in Japan in April 1942, a few months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. ...
A Doolittle Raider Makes His Last Flight from Military Photos by Wildgoose
FORT WALTON BEACH — Wednesday the country lost a World War II hero and Fort Walton Beach lost a local icon. Ret. United States Air Force Master Sgt. Edwin Horton Jr., who was a part of the famed Doolittle Tokyo Raiders, died at the age of 92. The Raiders were the first Americans to bomb the Japanese homeland during WWII. The 80 crew members were credited with boosting American morale in what would become a hard fought journey toward victory and V-J Day in August 1945.Following Horton's death and the death of a fellow Raider, Maj. Gen. Davy Jones one day earlier, the number of surviving Raiders is down to nine of 80.
Doolittle Raider Ed Horton Jr. dies at 92 - The News Herald, FL
Retired Air Force Master Sgt. Ed Horton Jr., who flew with the famed Doolittle Raiders, died at the age of 92. The Raiders were the first Americans to bomb ...
The Father of Airmail Looks Back from Air & Space Magazine
A RAF Mk XVIII restored to its 28 Squadron paint scheme has made the Atlantic crossing safely crated and is now being re-assembled in ASB Co-Founder Jim Beasley's hangar. Once flying, it will be one of only three flying in the world.Follow the Incredible Journey
Judith Resnik from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale
This blog sponsored by Winged Victory: Women in Aviation website. Astronaut Judith Resnik (April 5, 1949 – January 28, 1986) was an American engineer and astronaut who was killed in the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger during the launch of mission STS-51-L.
On board the Cavour aircraft carrier from David Cenciotti's weblog - the most visited Italian Aviation Blog by David Cenciotti
On Nov. 9, during the Armed Forces Day celebrations (see also: November 4th 2008 - 90th Anniversary of the end of WWI) I went to Civitavecchia to visit the brand new Italian aircraft carrier Cavour. Nave Cavour (550) was commisioned to Fincantieri on Nov 22 2000. The ship sailed for the first time in December 2006 and was delivered to the Marina Militare (Italian Navy) on March 27 2008. The Cavour should enter the active service by the Summer 2009. The new ship of the ItNavy…
Present at Creation from Air & Space Magazine
Art meets aviation in winning drawing - Pittsburgh Post Gazette
By Janice Crompton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette As his classmates look on, Malone Simon, a third-grader at Joe Walker Elementary School, explains his artwork, which was a winner in the state Department of Transportation's aviation art contest.
Santa flying into Aviation Heritage Center Dec. 6 - Sheboygan Press, WI
Santa's reindeer are resting up for Christmas Eve, so he will be arriving by airplane at the Aviation Heritage Center at Sheboygan County Memorial Airport ...
Museum in French Polynesia honors Jacques Brel's second life - Dallas Morning News
The Brel museum is part of the Paul Gauguin museum in Atuona village, Hiva Oa. The island is best reached via the passenger freighter Aranui 3...
P51 Mustang from Flight Image of the Day by Barbara Cockburn
Here's an image currently doing well in our gallery. On Friday it was the site's most highly viewed image. See some more images from AirSpace member BernieC...
Photographer Interview: Dave "Bio" Baranek published - Fence Check was fortunate to have one of those F-14 crewmen-cum-photographers, CDR David “Bio” Baranek, USN (Ret.), talk to us about his experiences and his photography.
Welcome to Phantoms Phorever! from Fence Check - Hi all, Would this be a good contribution?? Taken at Torrejon AB in October
Feel the heat! from Fence Check - Ill throw some buckeye heat in here:
Feel the heat! from Fence Check - The funny thing about the desert is its not hard to feel the heat.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Indy Transponder 30-November 1330z
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Indy Transponder 29-November 1320z
B-17 bomber's visit stirs memories for former pilot - Arizona Republic, AZ

...I was watching the various aircraft land and takeoff, when all of a sudden, a sleek little plane I’ve never seen before, sped into the break and landed. After that sierra hotel landing I just knew it had to be a Navy guy....
Ronald Reagan was president, there was still a Soviet Union, and a 19-year-old pilot set out to change the world. ...
Two hurt when plane clips mast, crashes into Davis Islands airport -, FL
Wings of desire - Financial Times, UK

Outskirts Press Announces 60 Years Later, the Latest Highly ...
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Friday, November 28, 2008
Indy Transponder 28-November 2326z
China to open airport associated with U.S. pilots' fight against Japanese from Aviation & Aerospace News [FLiR]
TENGCHONG, Yunan, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Construction at an airport famed as the home of The Flying Tigers, American pilots who fought for China against the Japanese invaders during World...
First Aviation Day Fly-In - Sun newspapers, FL
There will be light and heavy jets, a bi-plane, a helicopter, and vintage aircraft from the Commemorative Air Force promoting restoration of World War II ...
Tuskegee NHS Featured in “Year of History” Sweet Home Alabama History from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News
MONTGOMERYAL- Tuskegee University and Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site are destinations featured in the new "Year of Alabama History" brochure. Governor Bob Riley released the 94-page publication recently to promote the 2009 tourist campaign.
The brochure, "Historic Alabama: A Guide to Landmarks and Events", gives readers insight into the history of some 163 towns and cities across the state and features more than 700 museums, events and historically significant sites, from North Alabama to the Gulf Coast. Looking to spend a stay-cation at home or a place to fly for the weekend, this is the book for you. ...
Alabama 99s and Birmingham Zonta Club to Host Annual Amelia Earhart Luncheon from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News [FLiR]
BIRMINGHAM AL- The Alabama Ninety-Nines (International Organization of Women Pilots) and the Birmingham Zonta Club (International Organization of Executive and Professional Women) are hosting their annual Amelia Earhart Luncheon on Saturday 11:00am, January 10, 2009 at the Birmingham YWCA. Amelia Earhart was a Zontian and was the first president of the Ninety-Nines. Clubs from all over the world honor her trailblazing spirit every January. ...
Blimps on the Move for Sporting Events from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News
MOBILE- Last Tuesday a blimp stopped in for gas at Mobile Brookley Field. With the bowl game season approaching, more blimps will be moving into position. One main purpose of the blimp at events like football games is to capture live aerial footage. Another is providing high-profile visibility for whatever company pays to have its name on the side - in this case, Outback, according to the Mobile Register. The complex makes an ideal stopover for blimps because of a wide-open, 20-acre field adjacent to Mobile Aerospace Engineering, said Adam Creatore, crew chief with Tampa-based High Degree Operations Corp., which flies the Outback blimp, according to the Register. ...
Report gives few clues in plane crash that killed 2 - Deseret News, UT
CEDAR FORT, Utah County — A small plane that crashed near here, killing two people, was performing a series of aerobatic maneuvers at a low altitude when it ...
Run Away! from Technorati
It's Friday here. When you have been around aircraft for a while you have the common sense to stay away from the back of them when they are powering up. Lesson learned. The B-1 is famous for doing a few rolls at airshow displays. This video is pretty good. Enjoy. Hat tip: ATFS Crash
Today at RAF Coningsby/ BBMF Hangar visit. from Warbirdworld
Called in today to RAF Coningsby and the BBMF Hangar to see what was going on at this moment in time. The flight was busy servicing the aircraft as you can see via the shots and video included in this report. The Mk IIa is away at Arco at Duxford having a major overall and should be back at the flight for its cert/ticket to display around April next year. After the Lancaster was overalled at Coventry during the winter of 2006, AA stated that it will be good for another 30 years yet, so loads of Merlin x 4 sounds yet...
A question for performers and their thoughts from
... After she was done flying my wife said; "Wouldn't you love to be up their doing that?" A statement which I had made or at least thought everytime I watched an airshow aircraft perform and I would always think: man that would be awesome to be up there doing that. But for some reason this time a different thought entered my head and I answered her question with: "No." She gave me a surprised look and said; "Why not?" Well I'm going to explain my answer and I want to know if anyone else can identify with what I'm saying. I told her that if I were "up there" doing that I would not be able to enjoy the beauty of it from the ground and truly appreciate it or get pictures of it. ...
Mixing Your Pleasures from Neptunus Lex by lex
Ecce: The flying motorcycle.
LIFE photo archive hosted by Google from Military Photos by drakegoodman
This was brought to my attention courtesy of another forum.
"Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google".
Upside - thousands of pics in large size format.
Downside - all watermarked.
Can I suggest you post any particularly good finds here.

Even before Man invented & learned to fly heavier-than-air vehicles, he used his hands to describe the aerial maneuvers of birds & other creatures of flight. Ever since humans took to the skies themselves, all aviators naturally use hand gesturing to communicate about their flying experiences & as a simple tool for flight instruction. ...
Picture of the Week: AVweb's Flying Photography Showcase from Aviation & Aerospace News Happy Thanksgiving, to those of you reading AVweb in the United States! Here at "POTW" world headquarters, we have plenty to be thankful for — including the steady flow... video coverage - pilots and thier planes from
Thanks Bill
We got a new video up of Michael Racy, Debby Rihn-Harvey and Dan Clark talking about their beloved flying machines...
Here's a link:
Pilots and their planes
VIDEO: The "making" of the Ryanair Charity Calendar 2009
from Flight International by Barbara Cockburn
F/A-18F Super Hornet Demo - Langley AFB 2008 from Fence Check [video]
Video of the Week: Warbirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover
from Aviation & Aerospace News Updated Constantly
We didn't discover this week's "VOTW" in time for Veterans' Day, but somehow we think our readership will appreciate it anyway. Thanks to AVweb reader Ian Herron, who dropped...
VIDEO: Aircraft in emergency landing
from Flight International by Barbara Cockburn
We've been talking about this video this week. So, being of the mind to share, here it is...
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Indy Transponder 28-November 1100z
2009 Cable Air Show from by Editor
Looking for a great airplane-orientated activity to enjoy with the family early next year? Look no further than the 2009 Cable Air Show! This great weekend-long event will have Californians arriving in their droves to some great flying-orientated family fun.
Tuscaloosa Hopes Blue Angels Will Headline 2009 Air Show from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News
TUSCALOOSA AL- Tuesday representatives of the Blue Angels arrived in a Blue Angel F-18, Number 7 to met with representatives of the City of Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County, and Northport. Wayne Cameron, Tuscaloosa Municipal Airport Manager says it was pretty exciting to have them here. US Navy Blue Angel officials were conducting a site visit for a possible coveted airshow date for the 2009 season…
Saturday, Dec 6, 2008 - Flying Tiger 8th Annual Fly-In, Worthington Springs, FL from Aviation Events
Aerial present drop at Lethbridge - Geelong Advertiser, Australia
The Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia event is open to the public and will include flying displays, children's entertainment and car displays. ...
You are the Air Show Committee from Indy Transponder
I schedule the acts. I direct the traffic. I design the tickets. I take the tickets. I park the cars. I drive the trams. I drive the courtesy carts. I drive the water cart. I marshal the planes. I book the chalets. I organize the chalets. I cater the chalets. I sponsor the chalets. I sell the food…
Wanna set a speed record? from DailyAviator by Dennis Collins
One of the ways aviation was first promoted, beginning a century ago, was by the official recognition of records. In that way pilots were encouraged to fly farther, higher and faster in various types of aircraft, and the media attention these actions drew advanced aviation and attracted money. Between the aging of the pilot population, and the current economic difficulties, maybe it would be a good time to set some records…
'Thunder on the Bay' air show flies in April -
By MARY PEREZ - BILOXI -- The first air show since Hurricane Katrina returns to Keesler Air Force Base on April 5-6.
Flight One: Remembering Early Air Mail to Edmonton - [FLiR]
Alberta Aviation Museum is pursuing a special initiative for the 100th Anniversary of flight in Canada during the 2009 calendar year.
Celebrations hit heights! - Gulf Daily News
It will be based at the Heritage Village, near Bahrain National Museum, and take people 100m into the sky for a rare bird's-eye view of Manama.
SR 71 from Pilots of America Message Board by NC19143 – [FLiR]
Lufthansa Technik "Super Star" moves into hangar - Lufthansa Technik's restoration of a Lockheed L-1649A Super Star (Super Constellation Starliner) took a major step forward when the airplane was moved on November 20 into a new hangar at Auburn-Lewiston Airport in Maine, according to an Aviation International News report. Read more...
Aviation Airshow Air Race Photography Discussion - The Boneyard, video documentary. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tuscon AZ. from
The Boneyard, video documentary. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tuscon AZ. - I think this is from the Discovery Channel, but it's on you tube now. An aviationists dream. Do they have a souvenier store there?
Flightdeck Friday: Ghosts from Tailhook Daily Briefing by Steeljaw Scribe
Spring 1941 - Fleet exercises off Hawaii:
Birds of paradise, courtesy of a Busy Bee - The Age, Australia
World War II relics can be seen underwater off Madang, including many shipwrecks to dive and snorkel on and a B-25 Mitchell bomber that ditched after engine ...
It was 30 years ago today... from PPRuNe Forums by Chairborne 09.00hrs
A black day for the Fleet Air Arm - the last launch of the Buccaneers and Phantoms from HMS Ark Royal, delivered to RAF St Athan and future service with the RAF.Seen at a cold St Athan:
Midwest Helicopters rocks the cold weather lift jobs on the east coast! from The Adventures of Chopper Chick! by Desiree
Commercial websites for women pilots from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale
Came across this website which has a desk calendar featuring dates in women's aviation. That's a calendar I've been searching for for a long time, indeed, if I had had the financial wherewithal myself I would have made one meself and put it on the market.Anyway, they beat me to it, and I ordered it today. I'll report on it when I get it, but if you know of anyone interested in aviation, (female or otherwise!) send 'em this as a Christmas gift! - They also have clothing - t-shirts, fleecy vests, a logbook (pink, with the powderpuff logo on the front), and Softcomm headsets.
Martin XA-45 from The Unwanted Blog by admin
The three-engined XB-51 began life in 1946 as the XA-45, which featured two turbojets and two turboprops. While data is currently lacking, this design *seems* to have not only a tail turret, a bombardier (implying an internal bomb bay) and forward-firing - likely traversible - guns on the wingtip pods… but also two guns on the wingtip pods pointed *sideways,* and given aerodynamic fairings over the barrels. The pods seem to have tracks which indicate that the side-guns are also traversible. If this is indeed what they are, the most likely explanation is that the XA-45 was meant to orbit a target and unload fire on it with the side-guns, in much the same way that the AC-130 works…
Here's a few more from AirShow 2008, Grand Junction, CO. from Technorati Search for: airshow - H/T Kenny
Photos from 2008 Lee Bottom Fly-in from Pilots of America Message Board by Steve [FLiR]
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Indy Transponder 27-November 0500z
Organizer: Air show not returning in 2009 - Rome News-Tribune
Eugene Schayer, an organizer with the car and air show that has come to Rome the past three years, said there will not be a 2009 installment.
Greg Koontz - Takeoff - - by youtubelatest
Battle Creek Field of Flight Airshow 7/4-6/08: For more airshow videos, pho....
A Rare Chance To Bid On A Tri-Motor from AVwebFlash Current Issue
One lucky bidder on Jan. 17 will get to be the new owner of a completely restored 1929 Ford 4-AT-E Tri-Motor, after an auction to be held in Scottsdale, Ariz., during a car show, EAA said on Wednesday. It's not very often an airplane of this pedigree becomes available on the open market, according to EAA. The airplane, NC9612, is one of only six in the world that is known to be airworthy. It has flown many different missions in several different mission configurations, including a stint as a transport in Hawaii in the early 1940s, and was hit by bullets during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It was fully restored in 2005, with a reworked airframe and an all-new interior. The fuselage and wings were completely re-skinned. The landing gear is complete and original. A special buyer's preview and inspection is scheduled for Dec. 6 and 7 at Goldsboro-Wayne Municipal Airport in North Carolina. The airplane will not be on site at the January auction in Arizona.
Organizers cancel 2009 Great Outdoors Festival held at EAA in Oshkosh
from The Oshkosh Northwestern Local News
The Great Outdoors Festival will not be returning to Oshkosh next year after being held here annually for 10 years, allowing outdoor enthusiasts to participate on hands-on sporting events, such as fly-fishing clinics and sharp shooting activities.
Suggested reading: Air mail airplanes from Letters from Flyover Country by Bob Collins
Air & Space Magazine from the Smithsonian has a captivating story and slideshow from the Blakesburg, Iowa fly-in last September airplanes that were once the backbone of the U.S. Mail system. I'll have to put that on my list of things to do in September. The article is called "You've Got Mailplanes."
Mail Planes Visit Lee Bottom - Nordo NewsDec 8, 2008: Christmas Dinner and Slide Show from Fly-In Calendar -The first thing they did was to bring their oldest flying Boeing which is also the only flying Model 40, Stearman Speedmail, and oldest flying Stearman to Lee Bottom while enroute to New York where they were to start a re-enactment of the Transcontinental Airmail Run.. But what makes their stop even more incredible ...
KRMY: Brooks Field Airport - Marshall, MI
"Gathering of Mustangs & Legends" DVD to be released November 28
from RSS Feed: News
The long-anticipated "Gathering of Mustangs & Legends Commemorative DVD" is available now for pre-order. The 90-minute long DVD commemorates the once-in-a-lifetime Gathering of Mustangs & Legends air show, held at Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio in September of 2007.
YAY! PLANES - A DVD for kids who love airplanes
Welcome to the home of YAY! PLANES, the best DVD for kids about airplanes! Order online today!
Come along as Argyle and Jim teach us about airplanes and introduce us to the parts of an airplane, the shapes that airplanes are made from, and even how planes fly! ...
YAY! PLANES was just recently endorsed by the fine folks at Jet With was created as an informative site for anyone flying with children. From important documentation requirements to the best toys on planes, even the true hard facts about infant safety on planes, this site is dedicated to changing aviation travel from a dreaded transportation necessity and "nightmare" to an enjoyable and safe part of the trip for all involved. ...New Book Holds Hope for Aviation’s Future from Jetwhine by Scott Spangler
...It continues the saga begun in his first book, You Want to Build & Fly a What?, about his learning to fly, the construction of his VW-powered Nieuport replica, and the birth of Kansas City Dawn Patrol in 1985. Fokkers starts, more or less, with the Great Flood of ‘93, which inundated Liberty Landing International, a grassroots private strip about 15 miles northeast of Kansas City Downtown Airport and 20 miles east southeast of Kansas City International. It ends with the Starks’s hauling their Morane to Canada in June 2008 for its role in the forthcoming movie, Amelia. ...
Japan’s Yoshihide Muroya is proud to be the first pilot from Asia in the Red Bull Air Race World Championship and is confident his entry will help galvanise interest in the sport across the continent even if it might take him a while to get into the points.
Snowbirds fly over 2008 Vanier Cup, Hamilton, Ont. from News
The Snowbirds were thrilled to honour Canada's great student athletes by flying over the 2008 Vanier Cup before a crowd of almost 14,000 who gathered to watch the University of Western Ontario Mustangs battle the Rouge et Or from Université...
"Centennial of flight" program announcement from News
2009 is the 100th Anniversary of flight in not only Canada but Alberta as well. It is a little known fact that only a few short months after the historic flights in Baddeck Nova Scotia an Albertan, Reg Hunt, made...

Flights of fancy... - The Statesman, India
Nine Suryakiran aeroplanes of the Hasimara Base took off today. “We have 12 Suryakiran aeroplane in our base of which nine were in the show today. ...
International Women's Air & Space Museum playing Cards
from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale
Got my playing cards today, the second edition...
Abandon In Place: Apollo 1 launch table from The Unwanted Blog by admin
A few years back I went ona business trip to Kennedy Space Center. While there I got a behind-the-scenes tour of some of the less-seen spots of aerospace interest. By far the most impressive was a tour of the Vehicle Assembly Building…
In the Neighborhood - Battle Creek Enquirer, MI
USS Indianapolis survivor Dick Thelen will be the special guest speaker at the Cereal City Sunrise Rotary Club meeting, 7 to 8 am Dec. 4. ...

VTOL Sabreliner from The Unwanted Blog by admin
Rare Aircraft - United States from
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You are the Air Show Committee

I care about aviation. I care about pleasing our visitors. I care about my fellow committee members. I volunteer. I make a difference.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
Thank You!
Indy Transponder 26-November 1100z
Tuscaloosa hopes to land Blue Angels in 2009 -, AL
... Angels met with representatives of the City of Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa county, and Northport; all in the hopes of landing a Blue Angels airshow in 2009. ...
Superjumbo flypast welcome for QE2 - The Press Association
An Airbus A380 superjumbo will perform a flypast as part of the welcome for the QE2 when it completes its final voyage on Wednesday. ...
rodrakic: Just asked to contribute to as a guest writer. (woot!) 1st topic? Favorite aviation blogs. Suggestions? The Indy Transponder comes to mind! from Twitter / rodrakic
Jetpack + Guts = World Record from AviationBull - Where pilots go to shoot the bull... by Ted
A HAWK ONE CLOSE UP – - Global fans of the F-86 Sabre are fascinated with the restoration of Canada's Hawk One. If you want to see a dream in the making, don't miss new photos posted by an ASB member. Inside Photos From Cold Lake
Dubai Helishow 2008 - A Big Success from Vertical Online RSS Feeds - News Page
Terrafugia targets December for first test flight - "Next month." That's how Anna Mracek Dietrich, chief operating officer of Terrafugia, responds when asked "When will the Transition, the roadable aircraft, make its first flight?" Read more...
Hello Plane Folks, This week I bring you an essay and a card! The essay is an eye-popping view of the world of the Reno Race Pit Crews.The card is from my new venture, Click here for the essay- And have time, indulge me by clicking here to see the card- Spot On! Click here to open your card from Max Haynes Don't forget to turn your sound on. If it doesn't work for you, I'd sure like to know! Happy Thanksgiving, Max Haynes - MaxAir2Air Pictures
8th Air Force Museum Collection at Risk from Warbirds Online by Ryan Keough
The 8th Air Force Museum located at Barksdale AFB in Shreveport, LA was the feature of an article this week by the Shreveport Times calling attention to issues surrounding its large collection of vintage bomber aircraft - including rarities such as the Consolidated B-24J Liberator, Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, and Avro Vulcan. The National Museum of the United States Air Force — the organization charged with oversight of aircraft displayed at countless bases around the US — has given warning to the 8th Air Force Museum after an unsatisfactory inspection and failure to meet the initial stages of accreditation by the NMUSAF. As many of the aircraft are displayed outdoors for the lack of a hangar or funds to build one, the 8th Air Force Museum is facing significant challenges to remain viable under the close eye of the NMUSAF.
See the entire article at this link. Visit the museum website here.
Museum invites local authors for holiday book signing event from National Museum of the USAF Top Stories by (Sarah Parke)
The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force welcomes several Dayton area aviation authors for a holiday book signing event in the museum's gift shop on Dec. 13 from noon to 4 p.m. Authors include:
-Dianna Brisco - The Day Marcus Flew
-Charlie and Ann Cooper - How To Draw and Paint Aircraft Like a Pro, War in Pacific Skies: Featuring the Aviation Art of Jack Fellows, Into the Sunlit Splendor: The Aviation Art of William S. Phillips, Stars of the Sky: Legends All and Tuskegee's Heroes: As Depicted in the Aviation Art of Roy E. La Grone
-Tim Gaffney and Ty Greenlees - The Dayton Air Show: A Photographic Celebration and several other books written by Gaffney
-Mike Jackson and Tara Dixon-Engel - Naked in Da Nang: A Forward Air Controller in Vietnam, Neil Armstrong: One Giant Leap for Mankind and The Wright Brothers: First in Flight
-Mary Ann Johnson - McCook Field 1917-1927: The Force Behind America's Golden Age of Flight and Field Guide to Flight: On the Aviation Trail in Dayton, Ohio
-Dan Patterson - Aviation Century World War II, 50 Aircraft that Changed the World, Cockpit: An Illustrated History of World War II Aircraft Interiors, Aviation Century The Early Years and several others
-Sarah Byrn Rickman - Nancy Love and the WASP Ferry Pilots of World War II and Originals: The Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron of World War II
-Lou Thole - Forgotten Fields of America: USAAF Bases and Training WWII: Then and Now, volumes 1-4
-Dale Whitford - Unlocking the Gateway to Flight: The Keys to the Success of the Wright Brothers
The museum's gift shop, as well as some of the authors, will have books available for purchase, but visitors may also bring in their own copies to be signed. This may be a perfect opportunity for those looking to give a personalized gift for the holidays. more...
Air Force museum seeks help - Northumberland News
By Jason Chamberlain The National Air Force Museum of Canada, located in Trenton, will enter its 25th year of operation in 2009.
PlaneMadness Episode 44 from The PlaneMadness Podcast by (Capt'n Chris)
…Capt’n Chris coming at you live from the BitThruster Studios Complex on the West Coast of the United States - It’s Episode #44 of the PlaneMadness Podcast with an informal wrap up of the AOPA convention as well as all kinds of other great content! We’re playing catch up a little here this week, and so some of the stories you hear today you may have already heard… So I’ll try to give them some of the PlaneMadness forward galley ’secret sauce’ if you will…
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Indy Transponder 26-November 0110z
Turkeys take flight on United from Left Field by David Field [FLiR]
They may be turkeys, but they're not that dumb. They get to ride up in first class while you have to go to...
... be pardoned by the president (Bush, no jokes please) at a White House ceremony. They will then be flown to Disneyland on 'UAL Turkey One' to the West Coast, along with a few representatives from the National Turkey Federation. There, they (the animals) will serve as the grand marshals in the Disney Thanksgiving parade. We're not sure what happens to them after that ...
University and Air Force celebrate together from Aviation & Aerospace News
The Hercules aircraft flew low over the small university town of Wolfville, N.S. and three tiny orange dots dropped out the back of the plane. As the orange dots got closer...
Father, son set record to raise airport awareness from AOPA News
For most pilots, setting an official speed record would be a lofty enough goal in itself. But for Michael Nau and his father Dennis, that was only part of the plan.Toys for Tots Fly-In - December 6th [FLiR]
from Pilots of America Message Board by pcorman
Join us at Oceano on December 6th for a Toys for Tots fly-in sponsored by the Vintage Mooney Group. All planes and pilots are welcome.
Checkout the details at
"Pearl Harbor" Special Event on Saturday December 6 at Camarillo ... - Ventura County Star, CA
The Commemorative Air Force Aviation Museum at Camarillo Airport will commemorate the "Pearl Harbor" attack of December 7, 1941. ...
Decommissioned military aircraft to be used as artificial reef in Phuket, Thailand
from Alert 5 - Military Aviation News [FLiR]
There is now a good excuse for me to go diving in Phuket, Thailand. Four Douglas C-47 Dakota transport planes as well as six Sikorsky S-58T helicopters have been lowered into the sea off Phuket to create artificial reefs. The Telegraph has the photos.
Jet Pack Crosses 1,500-Foot Long Colorado Canyon, Breaks World Record [Crazy]
from Gizmodo by Jesus Diaz [FLiR]
[video] Stuntman, jet pack pilot, and Evel Knievel-wannabe without the Elvis suit Eric Scott has broke a world record by flying 1,500 feet in 21 seconds over the Royal Gorge in Colorado, 1,025 feet over the Arkansas River. Pardon my French, but it has to take some balls to do this jump. Some balls and a hydrogen peroxide-powered jet pack with a carbon fiber design....
Royal Gorge Jet Pack Flight Successful from Aero-News Network
Propels Man 1,500 Feet Across Arkansas River Jet packs -- that is, real ones -- generally suffer from very short endurance. The longest flight of the original Bell rocket belt was just 26 seconds. A newer, lighter, carbon-fiber design using hydrogen peroxide rockets, has upped that record to 33 seconds.[Photo credit]
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University unleashes new Jet Dragster from RSS Feed: News
"Turbine-engine tunes, with afterburner base notes, will make beautiful music as Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University unleashes a symphony of speed on North America in 2009, when the student-designed Embry-Riddle Jet Dragster hits the tracks for the next racing season," said a sonorous Nov. 24 news release from the school.
Behind-the-scenes look at aircraft museum - [FLiR]
“We are sure that seeing the projects first-hand will give people an informed appreciation of just how much work is required to preserve and maintain the wonderful collections of the Royal Air Force Museum.” The conservation centre will be open to the ...
Sky's the limit for Enterprise Week - Northampton Chronicle & Echo, UK
Aerobatic display team The Blades were also present. Organiser Iain Burridge said: "The pupils had an exciting time because there were plenty of ...
Flying motorcycle the next roadable airplane? from AOPA Pilot Blog: Reporting Points by Tom Haines
Speaking of Holy Grail (see my earlier post–hey, you gotta keep up here!), Samson Motorworks claims it has the utmost in roadable aircraft with its new SkyBike. The SkyBike is a three-wheeled, two-seat motorcycle with a telescoping main wing and a canard. Powered by a shrouded single propeller driven by a rotary engine, the vehicle will supposedly fly at 130 mph–although it hasn’t flown yet. ...
World’s first flying car set to ship late 2009 -
Finally, it seems, one company has managed to successfully fuse the concepts of both automobile and aeroplane, and they are already taking pre-orders with a ...
Astronauts send special greetings to military from Air Force Link Top Stories
The combined crews of Space Shuttle Endeavour and the International Space Station have sent a special greeting to members of the American military in time for the upcoming holiday season. ...
XCOR to Announce Ticket Sales for Suborbital Space Flights from RLV and Space Transport News
XCOR has now released an official announcement about their press conference planned for next Tuesday (see earlier item here, which came via The Lurio Report):
XCOR Aerospace to Announce Ticket Sales for Suborbital Space Flights
Media Alert: Dec. 2, 2008 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern Beverly Hills, CA
MOJAVE, Calif., Nov. 25 /PRNewswire/ --
Who: XCOR Aerospace, of Mojave, CA
What: XCOR to announce ticket sales on Lynx suborbital flights
When: 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern, Tuesday, Dec. 2
Where: The Santa Monica Room, The Beverly Hilton, 9876 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA
Why: XCOR Aerospace to announce ticket sales for Suborbital Space Flights
From the Podcasters:
A Final Note About Steve Fossett… from The PlaneMadness Podcast
by (Capt'n Chris)
Airspeed Announces 2009 Airshow Season Coverage
from Airspeed by Stephen Force (Steve Tupper)

Tyndall AFB from Fence Check
Airlines :: Qantas B747 can't stay out of harms way . . . from FlightAware > Discussions
Spinner, 2008 Reno Air Races on Flickr - Photo Sharing! by (thatguyeric)
Cars from Fence Check
Pictures from SARL Air Race, Taylor, 22-11-2008 from
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Flight Explorers Hands-On Programs for Kids Special Holiday Sessions
Hands-On Programs for Kids
Special Holiday Sessions!
Flight Explorers programs are half day explorations into the science and wonder of aviation. Each session includes:
-Special Gallery Tour
-Hands-On Project With a Flying Aircraft Model
-Exclusive Flight Simulation Mission in the Flight Sim Zone
Two topics are available on Friday, November 28th:
Airplane Adventure
Friday, November 28th
10 AM to 1 PM
Explore the science of flight! Build and fly a rubber-powered airplane and master aircraft control in the Flight Sim Zone. Welcome to the world of aviation!
Whirlybirds Away
Friday, November 28th
2 PM to 5 PM
Discover the helicopter's special place in aviation. Build a rubber-powered helicopter and take the controls of one in the Flight Sim Zone. Leap into the adventure of vertical flight!
Visit for more information. Space is limited and advanced registration is required; registrations will not be accepted after each session fills up. Download a registration form from
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from the Hiller Aviation Museum !
Business Aviation Defended by Unusual Source
For Immediate Release:
Flight Line Internet Radio
Business Aviation Defended by Unusual Source:
The Warbird Beer Show
Fort Wayne, IN, November 25, 2008:
As corporate flight departments shake their heads over the furor created by US auto executives flying in corporate jets to Washington, DC, support for business aviation came this week from an unusual source: The Warbird Beer Show.
Rising star Internet radio talk show hosts Dave Holmes and Greg Muir usually get more kudos for their banter than anything else. "Sidney and Scratch," hosts of The Warbird Beer Show are known for covering all types of aviation and space stories, most always with an ample dose of humor.
This week’s show, however, featured a serious segment on the true value of business aviation. Regarding the "business jet furor," Holmes stated flatly, "Business jets are tools and not toys. They’re not frivolous assets that need to be parked." Clearly understanding how business aviation reduces travel time waste, co-host Muir asked, "What does it cost per minute to run that business?" Holmes pointed out the "complete nonsense" of ‘looking bad’ by showing up in a jet. "Congress should focus on the actual problem, not on the distraction of how people showed up to the meeting." Holmes dismissed the inappropriate mainstream media focus on business aviation as "ridiculousness."
According to Holmes, his opportunity in Internet radio has been the perfect vehicle to entertain audiences, and also to occasionally educate. "Greg and I aren’t young guys. We’ve been around the patch and seen enough that sometimes we just have to get serious. The show is fun, but if we have a chance to remind people of reality, that is okay, too. We talk directly to people who are about the topic, which is great."
Starting up in September 2008, Flight Line Internet Radio is a 24/7/365 streaming Internet radio station targeted at the global aviation community. The concept appears to be a success. In their first 11 weeks of broadcasting, the station has accumulated over 40,000 unique listeners and is growing at an average of 1000 new listeners per day.
Flight Line Internet Radio co-founder Don Costanza attributes the station’s popularity to the focused attention it gives to its listener’s passion. "Aviation people really love being able to think about airplanes all the time. It’s amazing that we have been able to give them something to latch onto like this. We’re actually quite humbled by the success."
The Warbird Beer Show can be heard daily at as well as from their home page, . For more information, contact Don Costanza at