Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You are the Air Show Committee

I schedule the acts. I direct the traffic. I design the tickets. I take the tickets. I park the cars. I drive the trams. I drive the courtesy carts. I drive the water cart. I marshal the planes. I book the chalets. I organize the chalets. I cater the chalets. I sponsor the chalets. I sell the food. I supply the food. I serve the food. I supply the water. I drink the water. I drive the stakes. I hang the banner tape. I set up the chairs. I handle the rental cars. I supply the tents. I put up the tents. I handle the jet teams. I schedule the warbirds. I handle the ultra-lights. I handle the balloons. I organize the military history encampment. I run the car show. I organize the photographers. I take the photos. I sell the sponsorships. I organize the media. I create the DVD I broadcast the event. I schedule the performers. I run the tower. I work the flight line. I organize the static ramp. I organize the warbird ramp. I feed the performers. I feed the volunteers. I organize the vendors. I organize the golf outing. I work the golf outing. I organize the radios. I take care of VIPs. I take care of veterans. I organize the golf carts. I lay down the plastic. I mow the fields. I roll the fields. I hang the banner tape. I brief the pilots. I handle security. I handle the hotel rooms. I talk to the planes. I design the program. I sell the program. I handle the accounting. I handle the legal matters. I create the website. I create trade agreements. I work with the FAA. I organize the airport. I sell ads. I make banners. I provide t-shirts. I empty the trash. I provide first aid. I man the field hospital. I coordinate with the charities. I throw the parties. I create special events. I work with the military. I clean up the field. I take down the fences. I take down the banner tape. I pull out the stakes. I take down the tents. I attend multiple meetings. I give freely of my time. I care about central Indiana charities.
I care about aviation. I care about pleasing our visitors. I care about my fellow committee members. I volunteer. I make a difference.
I am the Indianapolis Air Show Committee. I am thankful for everyone who is a part of me.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Thank You!

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