Greetings from Wisconsin from Patty Wagstaff
Greetings from the Southwest Wisconsin Airfest where we are sitting in the FBO, and I'm about to pay bills online and take care of e-mails before I get on my monkey suit and get ready to fly. We are on the fourth of five shows in a row (it was to be six, but the Front Range, Denver, airshow cancelled). Last night we flew a really well attended and fun twighlight show while the sun was setting. Today it's cool with a high overcast (a balmy day in Wisconsin:) and perfect airshow weather. The crowds are great and streaming in the gate. In dairy farming country, the shuttle busses are tractors and look really cute shuttling people across the pastures into the airshow. ...
Air boss controls the skies at Southern Wisconsin AirFest - Janesville Gazette, WI
Air Boss David Schultz applauds an act during Air Show rehearsals at Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport on Friday. JANESVILLE — Standing on his air-traffic control tower in aviator shades, David Schultz looks like the man as he directs aircraft at ...
Air Show this weekend in Las Cruces - TMCnet
More than 20000 attendees are expected over the weekend to see acts including Melissa Andrzejewski, the youngest woman to ever be a member of the US Unlimited Aerobatic Team; Ruidoso native Kyle Franklin, the world's youngest wing walker; ...
Wings of Eagles hosts aviation open house - Elmira Star-Gazette
BIG FLATS -- At times, 8-year-old Zack Spicer took his mother by the hand and pointed to an airplane that captured his interest during the Aviation Open House held today at Wings of Eagles Discovery Center. "This is his first time seeing the planes," ...
"Legends over Madera" Air Show. -
Fresno, CA (KFSN) -- Fighter jets are taking to the skies over the north valley this weekend for the "Legends over Madera" air show. The event opened to the public Friday at the Madera Municipal Airport, where spectators had a chance to watch some of ...
Golden Knights Kick Off Air Show - Rochester R News, NY
After the Golden Knights circled for their first jump, the air show contained four and half hours of action on land, on the ground, and in the water. So, why are they doing the show at Ontario Beach this year? "It was something to celebrate the 175th ...
Air show to feature planes, parashutes and aerobatics - Valley News
HEMET - Some 30000 people are expected to attend the Hemet-Ryan Air Show today, which will feature a parachute team and aerobatics.
Red Arrows on Salthill Promenade from Technorati
From the heavens above…the Red Arrows swoop from the sky over Galway Bay during the airshow today ( bigger version here - gallery here ). Another scorching hot day in Galway…if we get another one tomorrow, we'll start taking them for granted. This morning, thousands of people lined the Prom in glorious sunshine to watch the Red Arrows display followed by racing by the Volvo Ocean Race ships. The racing took place quite a distance out - Silver Strand, Gentian Hill or Barna would pr
Stepping out in a Stearman -
And every aerobatic move is preceded by a dive to gain enough airspeed to finish the maneuver without serious loss of altitude. With all that wing above and below, the airplane glides extremely well and comes down hill like a feather. ...
Air show to feature planes, parashutes and aerobatics - Valley News, ca
HEMET - Some 30000 people are expected to attend the Hemet-Ryan Air Show today, which will feature a parachute team and aerobatics. In addition to flights such as "Dr. D's Old-Time Aerobatics'' and a biplane performance, there will be displays of ...
Round Engines, Big Formations from AVwebFlash Current Issue
The wake-up call of choice for those attending the annual Red Star Pilots Association fly-in at Gaston's White River Resort in northern Arkansas is the sound of round engines turning for a flight in the dead-still 6 a.m. air. About 20 Nan Changs and Yaks converged on the picturesque resort where the patrons are usually sinking lures for Rainbow Trout instead of boring holes in the sky. The Herpa DC-3 is a major player in the flying, leading a 13-ship formation through the Ozark foothills that demands plenty of the pilots. There were lots of low passes on the 3,200-foot grass strip and the hundreds of residents of neighboring towns who turned out to see the spectactle were thrilled with the GA spectacle
The CareAffaire involves a pancake breakfast, a small air show with a WW II B-25 bomber, P-51 Mustang, Corsair, T-6s, a T-34 formation team and other war birds that the public will be able to see. Rides will be available on most of these planes as well ...
Visit to Lakeland Florida Air Museum May 2009 Blog/report. from Gary Watson's Posts - Stick and Rudder by Gary Watson
A visit resulted in us being in the area at the time to the Florida air museum at Lakeland. First time for us, so here is how it went. Went west on Interstate 4 and coming off at Jnc 27 be prepared to have 25c ready as you will go through a toll-booth. After leaving the toll-booth, the road will go right and join a road which will take you to a set of traffic lights. At this point turn right and about 400 yards down the road you should see the entrance to the Lakeland regional airport. ...
8th Air Force Museum, Savannah,. Visit Blog/report.
Fantasy of Flight, Polk City May 14th May 2009.
Video from the First Acro Session in the Super Decathlon from Airspeed by Stephen Force (Steve Tupper)
By this time (April 16, 2009), I had received word that my T-6A Texan II ride had been approved and I knew that is was going to be sometime in May. So I got out to the airport and flew acro aggressively to condition myself for the Texan ride. I wanted to be able to fully experience that ride and motion sickness can be such a buzzkill, in addition to making the coverage for you guys pretty lame. ...
Popular culture continues to embrace Amelia Earhart - San Jose Mercury News, USA
By Susan King More than seven decades after she disappeared in the South Pacific on her flight around the world, Earhart remains the most famous female aviator in history, a timeless heroine and inspiration to generations of women, filmmakers and ...

Legends Over Madera Air Show 2009 - Madera - 05/29/09 from FenceCheck Forums
Eurofighter Typhoon from FenceCheck Forums
T-6 / SNJ / Texan / Harvard from FenceCheck Forums
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