Blue Angels, more wow crowd of 30000 - St. Cloud Times | The US Navy Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron made its St. Cloud debut Saturday during the first day of the Great Minnesota Air Show. ...
Quonset Air Show 2010 Ready by ilham | The Quonset Air Show is about to blast off and is ready to show the extreme aerial stunts that viewers crave. The air show is completely about fighter planes stripped of the weapons and prepared specially to perform air stunts that ...
BIGGIN HILL: This weekend's air fair to mark Battle of Britain 70th anniversary - This is Local London | THIS weekend's Biggin Hill Air Fair will mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain with a series of spectacular air displays. ...
Thunderpig takes wing at vintage military plane show - Pittsburgh Post Gazette | Thunderpig was the only improbable-looking machine at the Warbirds Experience, an annual event that showcases vintage planes. This year, for the first time, ...
Royal International Air Tattoo | Events diary | Caravan - Running for two days, the Royal International Air Tattoo just keeps getting bigger and better. It's the world's largest military airshow and has gained a well-earned reputation as one of the UK's top outdoor family events. ...
Quad City Air Show Boosts Business - | Thousands of people were out Saturday enjoying the Air Show and bringing in big business to the Quad Cities. "We usually have about 30 rooms and tonight we ...
Tora Tora Tora pilots memorialize Bettendorf teen - Quad City Times | The grounds are open from 8 am to 5 pm with aerobatic shows beginning at noon. For more information, visit on the web. ...
A few 'Precious' memories of Peppy - | World War II B-25 bomber pilot and inductee into the American Combat Airman Hall of Fame. College and pro football game official. ...
Sponsor Our Veterans from Windsor International Air Show by Sounds of Freedom II | The Windsor International Air Show and its' volunteers are dedicated to preserving and remembering the significant sacrifices our Veterans made and continue to do so, even in this modern day. Our small thanks consists of giving them the honour and VIP status at our show…

Airport event offers chance to experience flight - Idaho State Journal | The Legacy Flight Museum in Rexburg displayed a number of military aircraft during the event, among them the Douglas A1E Skyraider. ...
Hangar Party Features F9F-Panther Jet – WBKO | The party is a fundraiser for Aviation Heritage Park. It featured planes, a silent auction, and special exhibits honoring area Marine Corp, Coast Guard, ...
Dakota Territory Air Museum hosts free event - Minot Daily News | Frank Waldner of Bismarck wiped off his M151A2 Jeep near the Dakota Territory Air Museum right ...
Edmonton Celebrates Airfest 2010 - | Skies over Edmonton are a buzz this weekend as aircraft both military and civilian make their way to the Alberta Aviation Museum for its annual Airfest ...
Kids fly for free in Richland today - KNDO/KNDU | Planes from all over the area landed at the Richland Airport for a special aviation day tailored to kids. Hundreds of children, ages 8 to 17, ...
Cockpit Conversation by Aviatrix ( I listened to a radio show about nostalgia (ha! "I listened to a radio show" is nostalgia enough for some people). The research conclusion was that people like nostalgia because they are pleased to be able to remember something from the past, especially something that their peers confirm that they remember too, proving that it's a correct memory. It's the opposite of the feeling you get when you can't remember how to do something you once did every day…
Cosmonaut Museum for 50th Year of Gagarin from Spaceports by (JackKennedy) A visit to Moscow this year and next would be incomplete without touring the Cosmonaut Space Museum and giving a hat tip to the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin [narrated video inside the museum]. It will be fifty (50) years ago on April 12, 2011 that Gagarin rocketed into orbital space and into the history books…
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