Near crash into Detroit River at the Red Bull Air Race - Detroit Free Press | On Saturday, he almost became part of it during qualifying for the Windsor round of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship. Hall, 39, of Australia, ...
Red Bull Air Race' Lamb Wins Windsor Qualifying from Aero-News Network | In Other News There Was, Indeed, A Qualifying Race Somewhat overshadowed by Matt Hall's close call with the Detroit River, Britain's Nigel Lamb won the first Qualifying point of his career on Saturday by posting the fastest time in Windsor, Ontario, ahead of Sunday's fourth race of the 2010 season. Britain's Paul Bonhomme was second with Hannes Arch of Austria third in front of a crowd of 48,000 spectators…
Lady Liberty Better Duck - Stunt Planes Race Through New York Harbor – DNAinfo | A stunt plane zips through slalom gates during a Red Bull air race. (Mike Hewitt/Getty Images) By Adam Nichols Lady Liberty better watch out - tiny stunt ...
Race pilots taking Liberty - New York Post | Fifteen stunt pilots will zip through New York Harbor at hair-raising speeds for an unprecedented air race that will turn the waters off ...
Just trust these Australian blokes -- Red Bull Air is some serious racing - Detroit Free Press | Fogarty and Hagen were rooting for Australian Red Bull pilot Matt Hall, who finished third in the Red Bull Air Race World Championship in 2009. ...
Air show is fast, furious, noisy - Delmarva Daily Times | It's the second straight year the Air Show has hosted the Thunderbirds. Show organizer Bryan Lilley said that's no small feat, especially considering only ...
Heart soars and the stomach follows in flight of stunt plane - Chippewa Herald | During preparations for this weekend's Chippewa Valley Air Show, I was given the unique opportunity to ride with aerobatic pilot Greg Poe in his ...
Performers share joy of flying with audience - Herald Times Reporter | Maroney retired from the military in 2002, but has continued to wow air show crowds with his aerobatic act and top-notch flying skills. He flew his red, ...

Jimmy Stewart Airport Festival to bring big planes, sounds - Indiana Gazette ... this year will be a Saturday evening hanger dance, featuring live big band-era music and hosted by the Keystone Wing of the Commemorative Air Force. ...
C-47, paratrooper flew into history in the sky over Normandy 66 years ago - Plain Dealer | The C-47, on loan from a private collector to the nonprofit Military Aviation Preservation Society, is vintage 1943, so conceivably it could have been part ...
On This Day: June 6th, 1944 from Bayou Renaissance Man by Peter | I posted last year about the commemoration of the Normandy landings on this date, which brought freedom back to the shores of occupied Europe. They would lead, within a year, to the downfall of Nazi Germany and the end of that particularly vicious and savage tyranny. I don't have anything more to add this year, so I'll let last year's post and pictures speak for themselves. I'll just say: remember those who took part. There are relatively few of them left now, and they grow fewer every year. If you know one, please thank him for all of us. Peter

Rufus Ward: Columbus and D-Day - Commercial Dispatch - MSMDC News | Carleton Billups was a B-25 pilot in Europe. And 66 years ago today Orman Kimbrough of Greenwood landed on Omaha Beach, where he knocked out a German ...
World War II vet remembers D-Day invasion at Normandy - Delaware County Daily Times | The Allies' D-Day invasion in 1944 upon the beaches of Normandy, France, 66 years ago today marked the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany in World War II. It was an unprecedented military invasion that relied upon American and ...
Local veterans recall World War II- Houma Courier | Then 20 years old, he peered around a .50-caliber machine gun out the window of a B-17 bomber. Flying at 20000 feet in the air, the machine gun's placement ...

Aircraft Restoration Project - WDIO-TV | Duluth's own branch of the Commemorative Air Force, the Lake Superior Squadron, held an open house Saturday at their hangar. The main feature was a World ...
Aircraft buffs take flight on WWII planes at Ellington - Houston Chronicle | Finally this weekend it arrived at Houston's Ellington Airport: a ride on a big B-25 bomber that saw action during World War II. On Saturday, the eve of the ...
Dates set for 2011 aviation expo - Tampa Tribune | SEBRING - The US Sport Aviation Expo announces that Jan. 20-23 will be the dates for the 2011 event at Sebring Regional Airport. The event, focused on Light ...
WASP recalls time as war pilot - Indiana Gazette | ``I flew everything I could get my hands on,'' she said, including C-47 and C-54 multi-engine transports, the twin-engine B-25 Mitchell bomber and the A-24 ...
United States - California - Wings Over Gillespie 2010 - San Diego / El Cajo from FenceCheck Forums | I shot a few frames this morning...before a total shutter failure…
New book reconsiders Wright brothers' role in aviation history ... from "aviation history" - June 6 New book reconsiders Wright brothers' role in aviation history MMD Newswire (press release) For various reasons, the brothers were not able to successfully improve their initial design to compete with later aviation developments. ...
June 5 from Cut and Paste Aviation by KenInfinite
June 6 from Cut and Paste Aviation by KenInfinite
Aviation Trivia of the Day by JP Santiago | In the immediate postwar period the performance of jet engines was such that they weren't economical and for the nascent USAF needing high performance escort fighters for its bomber fleet, they simply didn't have the range to accompany bombers like the Convair B-36 Peacemaker and the Boeing B-50 Superfortress on their projected missions. While the idea of a parasite fighter like the McDonnell XF-85 Goblin represented one approach, it represented a loss of bombload as the parasite fighter had to be carried under the fuselage, the most ideal location being where the bomb bay was located, near the bomber's center of gravity…
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