Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show Features Rod Hightower, Erik Lindbergh, and Gregg Maryniak from The Aero Experience
Day 1 of the 2011 Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show featured local aviation safety experts as well as internationally known presenters. The two-day event, sponsored by the Greater St. Louis Flight Instructors Association, has become an annual local institution - a combination of trade show, fund raiser, ...
FW190 at Planes of Fame from Another Time

Air force display team cleared for take-off
Six airshow appearances by the Red Checkers were subsequently cancelled and the five-aircraft display team has not flown publicly since. ...
Pilot killed in crash honoured one year on - Manawatu Standard
Mr Cree, an experienced instructor and member of the Red Checkers aerobatic team, was practising an aerobatic manoeuvre – known as a fish tail pass – when ...
Can you help air tattoo? - Swindon Advertiser
THE Royal International Air Tattoo wants prominent sites on which it can display it new artwork. Organisers of the event at RAF Fairford are hoping that ...
DVD Review: Sanicole International Airshow 2010 DVD and Photobook Pack by Flightline UK
Available from the Sanicole Airshow website
The Sanicole International Airshow is one of the most famous and rest regarded shows in Europe. Flightline UK made it’s first visit to the show in 2010 and I have to admit, it was probably my favourite show of the year. Few other shows provide quite the variety of Sanicole and it is supremely well organised! This year the show included such acts as the Canadian Skyhawks Parachute Team, the Swift Aerobatic Display Team, Breitling Jet Team, Breitling Wingwalkers, Belgian F-16, Dutch AH-64D Apache, Red Bull AH-1 Cobra and the Turkish Stars.
For the first time in 2010, Sanicole hosted a Sunset Show on the Friday before the show. While Sunset ...
Most Female Friendly Airport in the United States! from Flight To Success
March 8 1910, Raymonde de Laroche became the first woman to earn a pilot license in the world. In September of the same year, Bessica Medlar Raiche, a Wisconsin native, became the first woman to solo an airplane on the American continent.
One hundred years later, to celebrate the achievements of these trailblazing women, pilots ...
Encouraging Girls to be Pilots from Life on the Road as a Pilot
Two things happened recently to prompt this blog post. First, I exhibited at the Great Lakes Aviation Conference last weekend with my 9 year old niece, Delaney. Second, I received an email asking me about the role models on the website. More about that later.
So, first off, the Great Lakes Aviation Conference (GLAC) was held at Eastern Michigan University Student ...
The Great Air Race – England to Melbourne 1934 - Wall Street Stocks

The MacRobertson Trophy Air Race took place October, 1934 as part of the Melbourne Centenary celebrations. The idea of the race was devised by the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, and a prize fund of $75000 was put up by Sir Macpherson Robertson, a wealthy Australian confectionery manufacturer, on the conditions that the race be named after his MacRobertson confectionery company, and that it be organised to be as safe as possible. The race was organised by the Royal ...
Soviet Warbirds from FenceCheck Forums
Centennial of Naval Aviation - Heritage Paint Schemes from FenceCheck Forums
Transitional Helicopter Flight Training (1956) from Calgary Recreational and Ultralight Flying Club
National Archives and Records Administration – ARC Identifier 36696 / Local Identifier 111-TF-2423 – Transitional Helicopter Flight Training: Part I – Transition to the H-19 – Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. (09/18/1947 – 02/28/1964). This film covers the H-19′s preflight inspection, taxiing, normal takeoff, hovering, autorotations, normal and steep approach, and engine shutdown.
January 16 from Cut and Paste Aviation
First flight of AF-4 from Flight Image of the Day
The eleventh Lockheed Martin F-35 flight-test aircraft is expected to begin taxi trials during the week of 10 January ahead of first flight as the $380 billion programme faces the consequences of the most sweeping government review to date. ...
Broken leg delays Richard Branson's flight attendant debut from Flight International
Branson AirAsia uniform.JPGEarlier this month on the slopes Sir Richard Branson broke his leg after a fellow skier crashed into him. (The other skier's identity has not been released, but who wants to bet it was someone who did not get their upgrade after trying one of these excuses?)
It was especially bad timing as Branson next month ...
More turmoil for Spaceport America from Personal Spaceflight
The new year has not been a good one so far for Spaceport America, the commercial spaceport under construction in southern New Mexico. Early this month executive director Rick Homans resigned, apparently at the insistence of the administration of new governor Susana Martinez, who took office on New Year’s Day. On Thursday the governor announced the formation of a six-person “transition team” to examine the ...
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