Blue Angels set for St. George - St. George Daily Spectrum | GEORGE - The US Navy Blue Angels will take flight over St. George, headlining the area's first Thunder Over Utah Air Show in March 2012. ...
2011 USAF Thunderbirds Thunderama - Source:
Best day ever from Photos | Aric Lassegard wears an HGU-55/P aircrew helmet

THE STUNNING DUBAI AIRSHOW 2011 - (press release) | COM) UAE - January 24th, 2011 - Dubai is all set to welcome the 12th edition of Dubai Airshow, 2011. It is the fastest growing air show exhibiting ...

WEEKENDER: Snowbird 6: How Denis Bandet got his wings - Regina Leader-Post | Among the things Bandet saw were the Tutor jet trainers from CFB Moose Jaw's training unit and the Snowbirds, the Canadian Forces air demonstration team. ...
Land Rover Races Plane and Wins at Phuket Andaman Air Show 2011 - (press release) | The Phuket Andaman Air Show was back in Phuket this week with a crowd of over four hundred onlookers enjoying the aerobatics. The event, held at Phuket ...
Cool Jumper images – Brashant | In an emotional tribute to a Pretoria parachute jumper, killed in a practice session on the eve of the Durban Air Show, his long-time friend dedicated his first jump to him yesterday. HOMAGE: Parachutist Ralph Ridge jumps yesterday with a giant South African flag, honouring Brian Slade killed in a practice jump the day before the Durban Air Show ...
Kurt Russell, John Travolta, Harrison Ford at Living Legends of Aviation (Video) - | Harrison Ford presented a special Aviation Legacy Award to Pat Epps. Sean Tucker, the awards emcee, assisted by Kurt Russell, as Tom Hanks recognized ...
Celebrating Moose Jaw's pilots - The Moose Jaw Times Herald | Moose Jaw can celebrate another one of its successful pilots, who will enter Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame this spring at a ceremony in Ontario. Last year the Times-Herald revealed Moose Jaw's Dick Ryan, who founded the Moose Jaw Flying Club, will be inducted into the hall of fame in May. But fellow inductee, Don Hamilton, also has connections to the city. …
RAAF Fast Jets to fly over Canberra on Australia Day - Your Industry News (press release) | What: Royal Australian Air Force will perform a three-ship F/A-18 Hornet formation fly-past over Regatta Point as part of the Australia Day celebrations. ...
Start Making Plans for International Learn to Fly Day May 21 from Aviation Blogs by Av8tor | Last May, EAA members, chapters, and other aviation groups and enthusiasts introduced the wonder of flight to more than 40,000 people at 450 local events during the first International Learn to Fly Day. Mark your calendars and start making plans for the second annual event, set for Saturday, May 21, 2011. The goal of this effort is to involve the entire aviation community and bring aviators together with those who …
The League of WWI Aviation Historians from by Matt | WARBIRD RADIO - This week marks the beginning of a new series on WWI Avaition History. The League of WWI Aviation Historians is making this programming possible… and trust me…we couldn’t do it without them. Below is a little background on the organization taken from their website …
Flying the Black Rocket: The Northrop T-38 Talon – Airspeed | Here it is! Airspeed's
biggest and best video episode so far! I've loved the Northrop T-38 for years. Born in the cauldron of the F-5 Freedom Fighter program in the late 1950s, it has since trained more than 50,000 military jet pilots throughout the world. It's sleek and pointy and fast (Mach 1.3 capable). It's the advanced jet trainer for the US Air Force. And it's also the companion trainer for many of the Air Force's most amazing aircraft. In July, I got an orientation flight with the ...

Jet purchase to celebrate aeronautics contributions - Crestan Valley Advance | Former Lister resident Clarence (C.B.) Lang was once one of the world’s finest airshow jet pilots, leading the Golden Centennaires in more than a hundred performances to commemorate Canada’s centennial year in 1967. Now volunteers of the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce are working to bring a Tutor jet of the sort Lang flew in tight formation with his fellow pilots. ...
Presidential Pilot Remembers Flights Both Fancy and Fraught With Danger - AOL News | He sits on a couch thumbing through a photo album. "Here's Dwight Eisenhower," he says. "And LBJ, Gerald Ford, Leonid Brezhnev and Walter Cronkite." Famed Army One helicopter pilot, Retired Master Army Aviator Lt. Col. Gene Boyer, is glancing over the images that defined his life. He stops and recalls, wistfully, what it was like to get to know John Steinbeck during the Vietnam War. He was amazing, Boyer told AOL News during a recent interview. "The great Steinbeck. And just look what he wrote about us helicopter pilots." ...

Paul Cannedy fought WWII from a cold B-17 pilot's seat - Baxter Bulletin | Paul Cannedy went to work for his country 67 years ago today at the controls of a B-17 Flying Fortress. The plane carried a crew of 10, a dozen 50-caliber ...
Museum to Display City Hall Blitz Exhibition from RAF Museum London News | The Blitz, the aerial bombing campaign on London during the Second World War ran from 7th of September to 11th May 1941. During this period 50,000 bombs and millions of incendiary devices fell on the city bringing death and destruction to London’s civilian population. In total 30,000 Londoners were killed, entire communities destroyed and countless thousands left homeless. To commemorate this turbulent period in …
Permanent exhibition will commemorate RAF museum - NW Evening Mail | “The ripples from the closure are still being felt, there have been a lot of problems – not just within aviation heritage but for those involved in the ...
3 Aircraft Less Than Ordinary in Video from Plastic Pilot | Cri-Cri, Bumble Bee II, and the
YMC 130 H. … If you know Jet Assisted Take-Off, you’re right. But have you ever seen a Jet Assisted Landing? …

Bricks to honour those who worked at base - Journal Pioneer | SLEMON PARK - A planned Aviation Heritage Park involving historic aircraft and recognition of civilian and military people who served in Summerside is ...

Aviation Fundraiser To Expand Exhibit - | ... planned to hold a fundraiser on Friday, January 28, at 5:30 pm The money would go towards adding 5000 sq. ft. of space to display aviation history. ...
China: Made in the USA from by bwallace | Aviation writers and pundits have
speculated that the recently unveiled Chinese Stealth J-20 plane could have been developed with the use of U.S. technology. On March 27, 1999, the world’s first stealth fighter, the F-117 Nighthawk, was shot down over Serbia during the Kosovo war. Many civilians collected pieces of the wreckage as souvenirs. Since the news of the Chinese J-20 has come out …

More on the J-20
Sixth-graders construct light sport plane in classroom - V V Daily Press | VICTORVILLE • When Endeavour School of Exploration teacher Paul Covert told his students on the first day of school they’d be building a plane this year, the majority of the sixth-graders weren’t buying it. “I thought he was a nutcase,” Andrew Diaz, 12, said. “At first we didn’t believe him. Until we were beginning to see it take shape my head was just spinning. I was like, ‘We’re actually doing this.’ ” Three months later, 34 students in Covert’s class are less than ...
Sporty’s Academy uses Flight Training Syllabus to increase student retention from General Aviation News by Janice Wood | Sporty’s Academy, the flight school at Sporty’s Pilot Shop, received attention recently for having a student pilot retention rate three times better than the industry average. Sporty’s has long endorsed modular flight training as an effective method for engaging a more expansive customer base, but other tools have also shown good results, according to company officials. …
Museum Month, Buzz Aldrin, Galas and More from | … 2. Buzz Aldrin. Known in America for both his moon landing with the Apollo 11 mission and his “Dancing with the Stars” appearance, the legendary Buzz Aldrin will be signing books at the San Diego Air & Space Museum on February 1, from 1pm-2:30pm. Choose his recent memoir Magnificent Desolation or one of his children’s books Look to the Stars or Reaching for the Moon. The signing is free with museum admission. …
The 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) from Aviation Trivia of the Day by JP Santiago |
During the design and development of the Shuttle Orbiter, air breathing jet engines were a part of the design for some time until cost and technical considerations in early 1974 led to their deletion from the concept. No longer able to "self-ferry", NASA now faced the problem of how to get the Orbiter from the remote landing sites to the launch locations. At the time NASA Langley had a study ongoing on a large aircraft design called …

Russians Point to Chinese Space Cooperation from Spaceports by (JackKennedy) | China is on the threshold of conquest of space, note this Russian-made space video report. Thirty years ago, China launched its first artificial satellite. In the long term, the Chinese plan construction of their own national orbital station and it will explore Mars with the Russians beginning this year. The Chinese space …
NASA Remembers Those Lost Pursuing Discovery and Exploration from PR Newswire: Aerospace/Defense | WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2011 NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Deputy Administrator Lori Garver will lay a wreath at the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia at 10 a.m. EST, Thursday, Jan. 27, to commemorate the agency's National Day of Remembrance. …

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