US Navy Leap Frogs 2011 Performance Schedule from Milcom Monitoring Post
The US Navy Leap Frog Parachute Team has announced their performance schedule for the 2011 season. This schedule on the blog is subject to change without notice and is weather permitting, for everyones safety. ...
WWII pilot makes daring escape in China - Flying Tigers News
... The Flying Tigers were initially part of the American Volunteer Group, serving with the Chinese army to drive the Japanese back. Later, the group became the Chinese American Task Force, which eventually became the 14th Air Force.” ...
Mystery of the ‘Frozen Airmen’ from General Aviation News
At a Jan. 15 appearance at Seattle’s Museum of Flight, author and mountaineer Peter Stekel will tell the story of a mysterious 1942 military plane crash that did not begin to unfold until decades later, when the mummified remains of an airman in a World War II uniform — with an unopened parachute — were found entombed in ice in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. ...

Pima Air and Space Muesum Tucson from Helikopter Hysterie
Look at today's picture or this bird's-eye-view of the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona. If that's not convincing, I don't know what is. My plan is to pay the museum a proper visit soon. Keep your ...
Expanded Canadian Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa seeks bigger role in aviation and community - Ottawa Citizen
A $7-million addition to the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum signals an expanded role for the museum as a hub for aviation in Canada and as a community centre, the museum’s director-general Stephen Quick said on Thursday.
“Forward thinkers and culture have always been linked to aviation,” he said during a tour of the new wing currently under construction. ...
A tryst with the world's first nuclear war-bird - International Business Times
In fact, the aviation history would have undergone a radical change with the introduction of the first nuclear-powered bomber, the XB-70 Valkyrie; ...
Americans 'reverse engineer' German V-1 - Alamogordo Daily News
The P-80 pilot's orders in June 1948 at Holloman Air Force Base were unmistakable. The errant JB-2 Loon in his sights had an unstable gyro and was on course to bomb Tularosa. Just 1,200 feet from the cruise missile, the pilot "opened fire with his six .50 (caliber) machine guns," retired U.S. Air Force Col. Wayne Mattson wrote in the New Mexico Space Journal (Summer 2007). ...

Euan's Blog
Classic Flyers Museum # 4 Hawker Hunter
Grumman Ag-Cat & Boeing Stearman
Classic Flyers Museum # 2 F-86 Sabare
Classic Flyers Museum # 1: DH Heron
Foley's year in review - Wicked Local Westport
This photo was shot in anticipation of the RI National Guard's annual air show. I had fun

See the Focke Wulf-190 in flight from General Aviation News
Germany’s infamous Focke Wulf-190, aka the “Butcher Bird,” will be the subject of Planes of Fame Air Museum’s first Living History Flying Event of 2011 Jan. 8. Although 20,000 FW-190 fighter planes were made during World War II, none had flown after the war until Focke Wulf Flugzeugbau began to manufacture new examples for collectors a few years ago, according to officials with the Chino, California museum, who advise aviation enthusiasts to not miss this chance to see this rare aircraft in flight. ...
2011 should be a year of celebration for the ladies among us from
August 2011 will be the 100th Anniversary of the first U.S. woman to qualify as an aviator. Ms. Harriet Quimby was her name, and she was a photojournalist from San Francisco, California. After being assigned by a weekly journal to cover the Belmont Park (New York) International Aviation Tournament for a feature story, like many of us today, Harriet immediately became smitten by aviation, and soon started taking flying lessons. ...
Military Aviation Museum / Fighter Factory in Virginia Beach and Suffolk, VA from FenceCheck Forums
Top Gear - Spitfire Magic from TAKEOFF TUBE
Clarkson, Hammond, and May have a go in Spitfires before facing the Germans in Zolder.
January 2 from Cut and Paste Aviation
Today in Aviation History – January 2 from Calgary Recreational and Ultralight Flying Club
Adventure on their New Year calendar - DNAindia
... Anita Malik, who runs a paragliding centre with her husband, says, “Children find it easier to learn and they’re wonderful to teach as they listen and pick up faster.” She takes the Young Eagles workshop, a two-day course to introduce children to flying and help them experience their first instructional tandem flight. ...
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