Wings Over Wairarapa 2011: Post 4 - RNZAF C130 Hercules from Rodney's Aviation Ramblings by Rodney | The Royal New Zealand Air Force are always a treat to watch, especially the larger aircraft, such as this Lockheed Martin C130H Hercules. Unfortunately due to weather, the Kiwi Blue parachute team were unable to perform, but the Herc still did a nice demonstration, showing it's speed, ground handling, steep approach and the "wheelbarrow". People were also able to walk through the aircraft between demonstrations and have a nosey around. …
Wings over Wairarapa 2011 24 photos – DP Review | Saturday 22 January at Hood Aerodrome, Masterton in New Zealand. A great crowd well pleased to see a show that represented huge leaps in quality, if not quantity, of very polished aircraft and their intrepid care-givers. A great welcome extended to the veterans contingent all helped create a truly memorable day.
CAF announces performers for Air Fiesta 2011 from | A husband-and-wife wing-walking act, nighttime aerobatics in a 70-year-old Beechcraft and a tribute to the Valley’s Vietnam veterans are among the highlights of Air Fiesta 2011, scheduled for March 11-13 and hosted by the Commemorative Air Force’s RVG Wing. After dark on Friday only, Matt Younkin will take to the skies in his vintage Twin Beech, billowing smoke and lit up like a UFO, for a routine dubbed “Magic by Moonlight.” Younkin will also perform daytime routines in the Twin Beech each day of the air show. …
Rob Reider from Airshow Ace | Rob Reider is an air show announcer, recipient of the coveted ICAS “Sword of Excellence,” entertainer, pilot, Midwest television personality, singer, performer, writer, and winner of 5 Emmy awards has put all his experience into ...
100 years of International Women’s Day. Let’s celebrate! - | Activities such as flying events, factory and school open door events, museum special programs, photo contests, and flight challenges are organized to showcase today’s women of aviation as well as extend a warm welcome to newcomers. …
1st Lt. Jack W. Mathis from Photos | First Lt. Jack W. Mathis was the lead bombardier in a B-17 Flying Fortress squadron on a bombing run over Vegesack, Germany, March 18, 1943. Lieutenant Mathis was mortally wounded from antiaircraft fire, but dragged himself to his bomb sight to complete the mission. He died at his post. Due to his heroic actions, he was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. (U.S. Air Force illustration)

Where the Vintage Airplanes are - Sonoma from Another Time by Dan Linn | In my travels I have made it a point to visit what I would call vintage airplane "hot spots." Airports around the country that are home to large collections of vintage airplanes. One of those places is Sonoma, California. I visited Sonoma a couple years back (see here for that trip report and go to the June 2006 Blog archive for all three of the posts) and was blown away at the high quality vintage aircraft that reside there. The above …
Antonov An-225 Mriya from FenceCheck Forums
Chit-chat over the "Rocks" from From the Flight Deck | … For those in the know, Buffalo Airways, have made a name for themselves in the show "Ice Pilots." It's a hit in Canada, Great Britain and Australia. One follower sent me this link. …

A vintage aircraft thrill for sick children - ABC Online | The event has been organised by the Warrnambool Aero Club, as Vice President Paul O'Rouke explains, he had the idea a few years ago for the local aero club ...
Indian Labs Demonstrate Mission-Ready Akashdeep Aerostat at Aero-India 2011 from | Aerostats are becoming popular in India, for their simple and reliable operation, extended persistence on missions and low operating cost. India has already deployed several aerostat-borne radar systems, used as ‘gap fillers’ in regions where ground-bound radar coverage is incomplete or in high priority areas requiring continuous radar coverage. India has reportedly deployed several IAI/Elta [...]

YouTube – The Shuttle’s Unique Finish Line from Calgary Recreational and Ultralight Flying Club by bikeal | George Diller/NASA Public Affairs: To a space shuttle commander returning with a crew from orbit, the sight is unmistakable: three miles of straight, smooth concrete running northwest to southeast on the swampy shores of a triangular island on Florida’s Atlantic Coast. It is NASA’s Shuttle Landing Facility, a welcoming expanse that marked the finish line for space shuttle missions beginning in 1984.
Challenger's Enduring Mission: 25 years strong from Space Tweep Society Blog by CAtkeison | The loss of the space shuttle Challenger and her crew of seven a quarter century ago this Friday marked not just a significant place in American history, but helped capture the imagination of the country and it's youth.
As Challenger sat poised to begin the twenty-fifth space shuttle mission, students around the United States …
As Challenger sat poised to begin the twenty-fifth space shuttle mission, students around the United States …
Space Adventures and Virgin Galactic make a little news in Munich from Personal Spaceflight by Jeff Foust | On Sunday afternoon Eric Anderson, chairman of Space Adventures, and George Whitesides, president and CEO of Virgin Galactic, appeared on a panel at the Digital – Life – Design (DLD) conference in Munich. The half-hour panel, with the rather clunky title “New Space Mission”, was designed to provide attendees of this rather eclectic conference with a brief overview of the state of space tourism? (How eclectic? The panel took place immediately after a hip hop performance and before a talk by one of the designers on the movie TRON: Legacy.) The two also managed to make a little news about their respective ventures. …
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