EAAC Free Unknowns Published from FAI Aerobatics Commission - CIVA - by Mike Heuer
The Contest Director of the European Advanced Aerobatic Championships, Stano Bajzik, in cooperation with Jury President Jiri Kobrle have announced that four "Free Unknown" sequences have been published for pilots to fly beginning tomorrow, 12 August, in Radom, Poland. The "Free Unknown" concept is new to Power aerobatics this year. Figures are selected by Teams, as in the past, but then sequences can then be submitted to the Jury, checked and published. Pilots can then choose from the available Free Unknowns. The four EAAC Free Unknowns are available below as attachments for download in PDF. EAAC pilots and officials have the day off today due to weather conditions in Poland.
U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds come to Chicago from Notes from the field? by scottfmurphy
This year the Chicago Air and Water show will play host to the United States Air Force Demonstration Squadron known as the Thunderbirds. They arrived at Gary Airport this morning – Gary is where the Air show is staged every year. They'll be taking some much needed time off while in Chicago, and will begin practicing again on Friday. The team has made some interesting changes this year – to bolster the Air Force's "Total Force Initiative", they have taken on a member of the Air National Guard, and the Reserves. Maj Sean Gustafson has been a member of the USAF since his graduation from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Civil Engineering. Maj Gustafson is a reservist on military leave from his job with Delta Airlines. He is the first reserve officer to fly with the team in their 56 year history. Maj Gustafson has over 80 hours of combat experience in the F-16. I had a chance to ask Maj Gustafson a couple of questions (thanks to Ed Janz of Pixel Brothers for shooting this video):
Wings Over Wine Country Air Show from Technorati
The 2009 "Wings Over Wine Country" Airshow will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 15th and 16th, 2009, at the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport. Air Show Admission Children under 6: Free Active duty service members with current militaryID card: Free Children 6-12... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
The Salinas Airshow from Technorati
My dad's company has a couple of branches, and one is in Carmel. Last year I guess they had VIP Presidential passes to the Salinas airshow, and this year decided to do it again, only sans presidential passes and PLUS a private chalet. PLUS family members. So that is how I found myself at the international airshow featuring none other than the Blue Angels! The airshow is held (and has been held for the last 30 years) at the Salinas Airport. It seems pretty big for a municipal airport. I live ...
MAKS-2009 Air Show: Moscow on August 18-23, 2009! - Windows to Russia!
Windows to Russia!: MAKS-2009 Air Show: Moscow on August 18-23, 2009!, A Blog About Russia, with the thinkings of an American and his Russian wife over a cup of coffee and tea!
2009 Moscow Air Show by RADA LLC
Over 400 Russian companies will participate in the MAKS-2009 air show outside Moscow on August 18-23, according to the Federal Service on Military and Technical Cooperation. A total of 436 Russian organizations have filed applications for the air show, including 120 enterprises that will feature military products. Overall, 1,449 exhibits will be on display, including 470 full-scale models. MAKS bills itself as a demonstration of the advantages and development trends of Russian science and...
Vulcan cleared for rest of display season following landing gear inspection from Flightglobal Events
The UK's Vulcan to the Sky Trust has secured an extension to the approved number of cycles for its restored Cold War bomber XH558 ...
Classics at Famouth Week - Adventure Cornwall
The rest of the week's events include further racing classes, musical entertainment and a Red Arrows flypast. See www.falmouthweek.co.uk for more ...
Red Bull Air Race moves to Europe from Aviation.ca News
The Red Bull Air Race World Championship moves to Europe for the second half of the 2009 season on 19/20 August when 15 pilots will be back to battle it out in Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian capital has become...
Heroes Among Us from Neptunus Lex
During a leadership and ethics class as a young midshipman I had the opportunity to view a video of Jeremiah Denton, a naval aviator shot down in Viet Nam who had the unenviable distinction of being the US serviceman with the longest time spent as a prisoner of war in enemy hands. The video had been made for propaganda purposes, with Denton asked to admit to "war crimes" – instead he answered, "I don't know what is happening now in Vietnam, because the only news sources I have are Vietnamese. But whatever the position of my government is, I believe in it, I support it, and I will support it as long as I live."
He did this while blinking the word "torture" in Morse code, in order to communicate the North Vietnamese standards of care. For his defiance, Denton spent four years in solitary confinement. Upon repatriation he spoke for his fellow POWs saying, "We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our Commander-in-Chief and to our nation for this day. God bless America."
Such examples are hard to live up to, but that's why we have heroes – to give us something to shoot for. ...
Aero-TV At Oshkosh 2009 REDUX: Amazing Flying Machine -- Wright 'B' Flyer from Aero-News Network
One Of The Aviation World's Iconic Designs Makes A Comeback 100 years... that's a fair piece of time when you look at any technology, these days, much less anything that flies. Thats said, a flyable replica Wright B Flyer was making the rounds of Oshkosh and threatening to, again, enjoy some air beneath its wings in celebration of the century milestone.
New Aviation Films Show the Filmmaking Has Definitely Changed - Autopia | Wired.com
Another film in production is 'A Pilot's Story' from Rico Sharqawi and Will Hawkins. The movie hopes to be the next big aviation documentary. The story is told from the pilot's perspective and they have interviewed a wide range of pilots from movie stars to air show performers to share their thoughts about what makes piloting an aircraft so magical. The movie is scheduled to be released next year.
LOST IN TIME: Will Supersonic Transport Make a Comeback? from Airline Reporter by David Parker Brown
British Airways Concorde landing at Heathrow in 2003.
When the TU-144 and Concorde first went into service in the 1970's , it was a time of aviation excitement. Both aircraft had the promise to completely revolutionize commercial transportation, providing speeds over twice the speed of sound (around 1100 mph vs 500-600 mph for other commercial airliners). Most thought the supersonic transport (SST) would replace other aircraft, to become the norm in general aviation. It was thought the sonic boom experienced when a jet goes over the sound barrier would become part of daily life, and people would be willing to live with them to have fast transportation. ...
1940 Air Terminal Museum, Wings & Wheels from The Adventures of Chopper Chick! by Desiree
I was recently contacted by PJ Gustafson the Wings & Wheels Coordinator for the 1940 Air Terminal Museum, cool sight by the way! I unfortunately won't be able to make it to their most recent event since I am out on contract until mid October, but here is some info I wanted to pass along to everyone from PJ.........
Last Female Space Shuttle Commander Leaves NASA from SPACE.com
Astronaut Pamela Melroy, the last-ever female space shuttle commander, is leaving NASA's spaceflying ranks for a new career in private industry.
Hoosier will pilot next shuttle mission from IndyStar.com - Top Stories
WASHINGTON -- A Hoosier will pilot the space shuttle Discovery's next mission to the International Space Station, NASA officials announced today.
After the war it was a popular competitor at the Reno air races. This example on the warbird line at Oshkosh this summer needed to have its unpainted exhaust guards polished (below) after every flight to remain shiny. Pentax K10D ...
Added pictures from the airshow at Jarlsberg to Flickr: by larspreben (Lars Preben Sørsdahl)
Aircraft Junk Yard by Michael
Seafair 2009 - Seattle - 07/31/09 from FenceCheck Forums
California International Airshow 2009 - Salinas - 08/08/09 from FenceCheck Forums
EAA AirVenture 2009 - Oshkosh - 07/27/09 from FenceCheck Forums
Blackpool air Show – more pictures « Blackpoolcam – Digital Pictures
The Contest Director of the European Advanced Aerobatic Championships, Stano Bajzik, in cooperation with Jury President Jiri Kobrle have announced that four "Free Unknown" sequences have been published for pilots to fly beginning tomorrow, 12 August, in Radom, Poland. The "Free Unknown" concept is new to Power aerobatics this year. Figures are selected by Teams, as in the past, but then sequences can then be submitted to the Jury, checked and published. Pilots can then choose from the available Free Unknowns. The four EAAC Free Unknowns are available below as attachments for download in PDF. EAAC pilots and officials have the day off today due to weather conditions in Poland.
Aresti Cup to be Presented this Month from FAI Aerobatics Commission - CIVA - by Mike Heuer
The Aresti CupThe Aresti CupThe 25th World Aerobatic Championships begins this month in Silverstone, United Kingdom and over 60 pilots will be competing to win aerobatics' most important award, the Aresti Cup.
The Aresti Cup, donated by Col. Jose L. Aresti of Spain to the FAI in the 1960's, is presented to the World Aerobatic Champion. The trophy was first presented in 1964 to Tomas Castaňo of Spain. ...
EAAC Continues -- First Unknown Completed from FAI Aerobatics Commission - CIVA - by Mike Heuer
The European Advanced Aerobatic Championships is on schedule with a day off set for Tuesday, 11 August due to rain in the Radom area.
Simon Fick of France now holds first place after the completion of two flight programmes. Fick flies the CAP 231, F-GVFF. ...
... The last programme of the Championships will be the Free Unknown, the first year this new programme has been tried at Power Championships. While these types of sequences have been flown for sometime in Glider competitions, it is new to the Power aerobatic world in 2009. Four countries submitted Free Unknown sequences. Pilots can choose from any of the four for their flights.
The Aresti CupThe Aresti CupThe 25th World Aerobatic Championships begins this month in Silverstone, United Kingdom and over 60 pilots will be competing to win aerobatics' most important award, the Aresti Cup.
The Aresti Cup, donated by Col. Jose L. Aresti of Spain to the FAI in the 1960's, is presented to the World Aerobatic Champion. The trophy was first presented in 1964 to Tomas Castaňo of Spain. ...
EAAC Continues -- First Unknown Completed from FAI Aerobatics Commission - CIVA - by Mike Heuer
The European Advanced Aerobatic Championships is on schedule with a day off set for Tuesday, 11 August due to rain in the Radom area.
Simon Fick of France now holds first place after the completion of two flight programmes. Fick flies the CAP 231, F-GVFF. ...
... The last programme of the Championships will be the Free Unknown, the first year this new programme has been tried at Power Championships. While these types of sequences have been flown for sometime in Glider competitions, it is new to the Power aerobatic world in 2009. Four countries submitted Free Unknown sequences. Pilots can choose from any of the four for their flights.
U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds come to Chicago from Notes from the field? by scottfmurphy
This year the Chicago Air and Water show will play host to the United States Air Force Demonstration Squadron known as the Thunderbirds. They arrived at Gary Airport this morning – Gary is where the Air show is staged every year. They'll be taking some much needed time off while in Chicago, and will begin practicing again on Friday. The team has made some interesting changes this year – to bolster the Air Force's "Total Force Initiative", they have taken on a member of the Air National Guard, and the Reserves. Maj Sean Gustafson has been a member of the USAF since his graduation from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Civil Engineering. Maj Gustafson is a reservist on military leave from his job with Delta Airlines. He is the first reserve officer to fly with the team in their 56 year history. Maj Gustafson has over 80 hours of combat experience in the F-16. I had a chance to ask Maj Gustafson a couple of questions (thanks to Ed Janz of Pixel Brothers for shooting this video):
Wings Over Wine Country Air Show from Technorati
The 2009 "Wings Over Wine Country" Airshow will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 15th and 16th, 2009, at the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport. Air Show Admission Children under 6: Free Active duty service members with current militaryID card: Free Children 6-12... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
The Salinas Airshow from Technorati
My dad's company has a couple of branches, and one is in Carmel. Last year I guess they had VIP Presidential passes to the Salinas airshow, and this year decided to do it again, only sans presidential passes and PLUS a private chalet. PLUS family members. So that is how I found myself at the international airshow featuring none other than the Blue Angels! The airshow is held (and has been held for the last 30 years) at the Salinas Airport. It seems pretty big for a municipal airport. I live ...
MAKS-2009 Air Show: Moscow on August 18-23, 2009! - Windows to Russia!
Windows to Russia!: MAKS-2009 Air Show: Moscow on August 18-23, 2009!, A Blog About Russia, with the thinkings of an American and his Russian wife over a cup of coffee and tea!
2009 Moscow Air Show by RADA LLC
Over 400 Russian companies will participate in the MAKS-2009 air show outside Moscow on August 18-23, according to the Federal Service on Military and Technical Cooperation. A total of 436 Russian organizations have filed applications for the air show, including 120 enterprises that will feature military products. Overall, 1,449 exhibits will be on display, including 470 full-scale models. MAKS bills itself as a demonstration of the advantages and development trends of Russian science and...
Vulcan cleared for rest of display season following landing gear inspection from Flightglobal Events
The UK's Vulcan to the Sky Trust has secured an extension to the approved number of cycles for its restored Cold War bomber XH558 ...
Classics at Famouth Week - Adventure Cornwall
The rest of the week's events include further racing classes, musical entertainment and a Red Arrows flypast. See www.falmouthweek.co.uk for more ...
Red Bull Air Race moves to Europe from Aviation.ca News
The Red Bull Air Race World Championship moves to Europe for the second half of the 2009 season on 19/20 August when 15 pilots will be back to battle it out in Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian capital has become...
Heroes Among Us from Neptunus Lex
During a leadership and ethics class as a young midshipman I had the opportunity to view a video of Jeremiah Denton, a naval aviator shot down in Viet Nam who had the unenviable distinction of being the US serviceman with the longest time spent as a prisoner of war in enemy hands. The video had been made for propaganda purposes, with Denton asked to admit to "war crimes" – instead he answered, "I don't know what is happening now in Vietnam, because the only news sources I have are Vietnamese. But whatever the position of my government is, I believe in it, I support it, and I will support it as long as I live."
He did this while blinking the word "torture" in Morse code, in order to communicate the North Vietnamese standards of care. For his defiance, Denton spent four years in solitary confinement. Upon repatriation he spoke for his fellow POWs saying, "We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our Commander-in-Chief and to our nation for this day. God bless America."
Such examples are hard to live up to, but that's why we have heroes – to give us something to shoot for. ...
Aero-TV At Oshkosh 2009 REDUX: Amazing Flying Machine -- Wright 'B' Flyer from Aero-News Network
One Of The Aviation World's Iconic Designs Makes A Comeback 100 years... that's a fair piece of time when you look at any technology, these days, much less anything that flies. Thats said, a flyable replica Wright B Flyer was making the rounds of Oshkosh and threatening to, again, enjoy some air beneath its wings in celebration of the century milestone.
New Aviation Films Show the Filmmaking Has Definitely Changed - Autopia | Wired.com
Another film in production is 'A Pilot's Story' from Rico Sharqawi and Will Hawkins. The movie hopes to be the next big aviation documentary. The story is told from the pilot's perspective and they have interviewed a wide range of pilots from movie stars to air show performers to share their thoughts about what makes piloting an aircraft so magical. The movie is scheduled to be released next year.
LOST IN TIME: Will Supersonic Transport Make a Comeback? from Airline Reporter by David Parker Brown
British Airways Concorde landing at Heathrow in 2003.
When the TU-144 and Concorde first went into service in the 1970's , it was a time of aviation excitement. Both aircraft had the promise to completely revolutionize commercial transportation, providing speeds over twice the speed of sound (around 1100 mph vs 500-600 mph for other commercial airliners). Most thought the supersonic transport (SST) would replace other aircraft, to become the norm in general aviation. It was thought the sonic boom experienced when a jet goes over the sound barrier would become part of daily life, and people would be willing to live with them to have fast transportation. ...
1940 Air Terminal Museum, Wings & Wheels from The Adventures of Chopper Chick! by Desiree
I was recently contacted by PJ Gustafson the Wings & Wheels Coordinator for the 1940 Air Terminal Museum, cool sight by the way! I unfortunately won't be able to make it to their most recent event since I am out on contract until mid October, but here is some info I wanted to pass along to everyone from PJ.........
Last Female Space Shuttle Commander Leaves NASA from SPACE.com
Astronaut Pamela Melroy, the last-ever female space shuttle commander, is leaving NASA's spaceflying ranks for a new career in private industry.
Hoosier will pilot next shuttle mission from IndyStar.com - Top Stories
WASHINGTON -- A Hoosier will pilot the space shuttle Discovery's next mission to the International Space Station, NASA officials announced today.

After the war it was a popular competitor at the Reno air races. This example on the warbird line at Oshkosh this summer needed to have its unpainted exhaust guards polished (below) after every flight to remain shiny. Pentax K10D ...
Added pictures from the airshow at Jarlsberg to Flickr: by larspreben (Lars Preben Sørsdahl)
Aircraft Junk Yard by Michael
Seafair 2009 - Seattle - 07/31/09 from FenceCheck Forums
California International Airshow 2009 - Salinas - 08/08/09 from FenceCheck Forums
EAA AirVenture 2009 - Oshkosh - 07/27/09 from FenceCheck Forums
Blackpool air Show – more pictures « Blackpoolcam – Digital Pictures
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