Vintage aircraft focus of possible TV series - Plain Dealer ... Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton earlier this year for a fly-in of B-25 bombers to commemorate the famed Doolittle Raiders of World War II. ...
Miramar Air Show 2010 : Shez Photography by Bryan | So instead the audience got to see the slowest plane at the air show, an Antonov An-2 biplane. This plane is massive for a single engine aircraft and yet it can take off from distance as short as 170 meters (558 feet). ...
Air museum opens hands-on learning facility - The Desert Sun | The Palm Springs Air Museum welcomed a new addition on Nov. 20, as the Major General Ken Miles Aviation Science Center opened its doors for the first time. ...
DVD Review: Royal International Air Tattoo 2010 from Flightline UK | Produced by Adrenalin Television, available from priced £16.95 (Collectors Edition £24.95, Standard Edition Blu-Ray £24.95, Collectors Edition Blu-Ray £35) The Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) is the biggest annual airshow in the country in terms of participating aircraft and one of the largest military airshows in the world. With that size, the RIAT has set high standards for airshow organisation. Those high standards are reflected in this production which is produced with high quality High Definition broadcast standard equipment. The camera-work is mostly superb, though the opening display coverage of the Swedish Air Force Gripen is noticeably shaky in comparison to the rest of the footage and other productions…
Exercise Vega 2010 @ Decimomannu airbase – part 2 from David Cenciotti's weblog - the most visited Italian Aviation Blog by David Cenciotti | Below, more shots by Giovanni Maduli during Exercise Vega 2010 at Decimomannu airbase. Pictures were taken on both Nov. 24, and Nov. 25, 2010, during the Media Day that was organized by the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF). More pictures will be published in the next days. Part 1 can be found here here.
Weekend Wings #37: The F-111 Aardvark, Part 1 from Bayou Renaissance Man by Peter | On Thursday, December 3rd, 2010, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) will officially retire its remaining General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark strike aircraft. The date will mark the end of more than four decades of service for this remarkable plane. The F-111's story is so complex that we can't possibly do it justice in a single Weekend Wings article. I'll therefore break the story into two parts. This article will examine the genesis of the program, and focus on the new and complex technologies that went into it. The second instalment, next weekend, will discuss the aircraft's development and operational career, and the numerous variants that were produced…
Steve McQueen bio published from General Aviation News by Janice Wood | Did you know that Steve McQueen was a pilot who flew antique planes? That and more is revealed in a new biography on the star, "Steve McQueen: The Life and Legend of a Hollywood Icon," by Marshall Terrill. Read more...
Racing for glory - Miles M2L Hawk Six by shortfinals | In the 1930s, Charles Phillips and Jack Powis formed Phillips & Powis Aircraft at Woodley, near Reading, Berkshire following a chance meeting with Frederick G. Miles, an up-and-coming aircraft designer. Miles joined the company, and so did his wife Blossom (Maxine) and his brother Herbert, and was soon turning out wooden touring, club and racing aircraft of startling efficiency and performance…
"Aircraft Crossing" UCAP #213 from Uncontrolled Airspace: General Aviation Podcast | The boys gather for one of their early morning hangar flying sessions. They talk about a different kind of through-the-fence operation... Jack gets a new toy... and, there's gonna be a book! Uncontrolled Airspace #213 "Aircraft Crossing"...
Miracles Happen When Pilots are Involved from Flight To Success by Karlene Petitt | With only a month until the Centennial of Women Pilots comes to a close--- I wasn't sure if we could pull off an event on such short notice. The event: December 5th FREE FLIGHT in honor of the FLY IT FORWARD campaign. Then miracles began to happen--- thanks to pilots…
Airships for the 21st Century « Aerospace Blog ... these new vehicles are being designed to lift heavy payloads, remain aloft for weeks or even months at a time, and fly without pilots—all while expending far less energy than a conventional airplane or unmanned aerial vehicle. ...
November 28 from Cut and Paste Aviation by KenInfinite…
On This Day in Aviation History: November 28th – NYCAviation | 1987 - South African Airways Flight 295, a Boeing 747-200 Combi, crashes into the Indian Ocean as the result of a fire, killing all 159 on board. ...
How A Top Secret Program Restored American Air Superiority from Aviation Trivia of the Day by JP Santiago | At the height of the Vietnam War, the skies were filled with technologically-advanced American aircraft from both the US Navy and the USAF, yet the air battles were a thread-bare echo of past glories in the 1950s skies over Korea's MiG Alley. By 1967 the Navy had a kill ratio of only 3.7 to 1 (3.7 MiG kills for every Navy fighter lost to a MiG) and the USAF was even worse, with a kill ratio of only 2.2 to 1…
A row of AH-1 Cobra Attack Helicopters - US Army Sky Soldiers from Helikopter Hysterie - The Helicopter Blog by Axel | In one of our earlier posts we showed a black US Army AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter. In the old picture it's hard to judge the actual size of this machine. Today I have another view from the same event, where you see quite a few of the AH-1s parked in a row waiting for their turn. Look at the full size image and check out the crew relative to the choppers. That should put it into perspective. You can also go on a ride in an AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter for about $450 per 15 minutes. Follow the link for details…
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