Long Beach abuzz with aviation enthusiasts - #AOPA Pilot - It's a sunny beautiful day in southern California, but no one wants to be outside--unless it's at the airport--because Long Beach is hosting AOPA Aviation ...
Watch AOPA Summit 2010 Online from PropBlast by mjg | Can't get to Long Beach for AOPA Summit 2010? You can get the best of it by watching AOPA Live…
Blue Angels honor heroes with show - WALA-TV FOX10 | The military's flight demonstration team is performing its homecoming show this weekend, which also coincides with Veterans Day. The Blue Angels performed ...
Blue Angels thrill thousands at air show - Pensacola News Journal | About 35000 people turned out Thursday for the first day of the Blue Angels 2010 Homecoming Air Show at Pensacola Naval Air Station. ...
Local vet gets pleasant surprise - Times-Georgian
As his family wheeled him across the tarmac after the spectacular Blue Angels Air Show, Walter Tallman still did not expect the reception he was about to ...
Airshow set for Saturday in Andalusia - Montgomery Advertiser | The South Alabama Regional Airport Authority and cities of Andalusia and Opp will host an airshow Saturday. The free event will feature the US Air Force ...
A show of support for veterans - San Diego Union Tribune | Several hundred people squinted skyward to watch the Navy's Leap Frogs parachute team drop into Poway Veterans Park, blue and red smoke streaming behind ...
20101111-Tomcat! from Air & Space Magazine

Museum takes over Stuart air show - Hometown News | MARTIN COUNTY - When spectators attend this year's events at the Stuart Air Show, they will be seeing a show put on, for the first time, ...
Sikorsky Aircraft to debut at air show – TCPalm | STUART — Sikorsky Aircraft plans to bring to the Stuart Air Show this year a 3-D mock-up of the X2 Raider helicopter that broke the land ...
U.S. Navy pilot and Boxford veteran flew many missions over Okinawa - Wicked Local Middleton | P-38 fighters and B-25 bombers were using the nearby Westover Army Air Base as a refueling stop before flying across the Atlantic. ...
The Youngest WWII Naval Aviator Still Flies - MyStateline.com | The youngest naval aviator of WWII lives right here in the stateline. As dive bomber, he survived kamikaze attacks and bombing runs at Japanese destroyers. ...

Airshow China flying display schedule is out from Alert 5 - Military Aviation News by alert5 | Organizers for this year's Airshow China has released the flying program. The A380 will only fly for 2 days from Nov. 16-17.
Airshow China 2010 -------------- Nov16--Nov 21 from Military Photos by shiphone | Airshow China 2010 Nov.16th - 21st.2010 ZHUHAI.GUANGDONG.CHINA China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (namely Airshow China) is the only international aerospace trade show in China that is endorsed by the Chinese central government. It features the display of real-size products, trade talks, technological exchange and flying display. Since 1996, the show has been successfully held in Zhuhai in every even-number year for seven sessions. Airshow China 2010 will take place from Nov.16th – 21st, 2010 in Zhuhai…
The TSA's Sense of Humor Makes Me Nervous - This is a photo of the TSA booth by the security check-in point at Indianapolis International Airport. Take a close look at the wallpaper on the computer in that booth. Nervous yet? In case you don't recognize the image in the wallpaper, it's this fake children's book cover:
Colton Harris-Moore Indicted On Aircraft Theft, Flying Without Airman's Certificate from AvStop » Number One Online Resource For General Aviation News | Colton Harris-Moore, 19, of Camano Island, Washington, was indicted by a federal grand jury in the Western District of Washington in connection with his lengthy crime spree in the Pacific Northwest. Harris-Moore is charged with interstate transportation of a stolen aircraft, interstate and foreign transportation of a stolen firearm, being a…
Global Space Launch Plans Reviewed from Spaceports by jack@jackkennedy.net (JackKennedy)
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