Navy `Blue Angels' to perform at Homestead air show -
Seventeen acts will take to the skies, including the Navy's Blue Angels flight demonstration team and the Army's Golden Knights parachute team. ...

This was a very special day to the US Army Parachute Team. Today current members of the Team, alumni, family and friends gathered to celebrate the completion of their annual Assessment and Selection Program. Former Golden Knight Darrin Grim narrated for the event stating that, “Knighting ceremonies dates back to medieval times, when a squire [...]
Tryouts Week 7: Final Thoughts and Jackets from US Army Golden Knights
As we, the nine remaining candidates, laid down to sleep on Wednsday evening, we knew that jacket day was soon. However, the exact time and experience was still an unknown. We all had our thoughts on when and how our coveted jackets would be presented. None of us could have guessed what the devious Cadre [...]
US Navy Seals Leap Frogs Parachute Team from Military Photos
Replica plane visits Norfolk to mark birth of naval aviation - The Virginian-Pilot
The aircraft, built by Coolbaugh, replicates the first plane to fly off a ship, thus beginning naval aviation. (Preston Gannaway | The Virginian-Pilot) By ...
Pearl the movie - Facebook
Pearl the movie ANNOUNCING: "Pearl" Screening & DVD Release Party Sat., Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at Opening Bell Coffee in Dallas! Free admission and movie posters! Meet and get autographs from Director King Hollis, Producer David Rennke and Actor Angela Gair (Lucy)! DVDs and t-shirts available for purchase. Hope to see you there!
Anderson hot air balloon festival scheduled for Nov. 5-7 at Civic Center - Anderson Independent Mail
Exciting exhibitions include jumps by the Flying Tigers Parachute Team, aerial shows by the Fire Tower Fliers remote control airplane club and turf and rock ...
Matthias Dolderer Sells His Zivko Edge 540 V3 Plane - Elite Choice
Matthias Dolderer is a famous and sought after Red Bull Air Race champion. He is now selling his Zivko Edge 540 V3 plane on James List. It is being touted as the world's best aerobatic race plane ever flown in Air races. ...
Visit the Palm Springs Air Museum for free this weekend - The Desert Sun
Visitors can stop by the Palm Springs Air Museum for free this weekend as the museum celebrates its anniversary with a special lineup of activities. ..
Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum from
The Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum is located in Anchorage, Alaska. Its mission is to preserve, display, and honor Alaska’s aviation heritage, by preserving and displaying historic aircraft, artifacts, and memorabilia, and to foster public interest in aviation and its history. The museum has several ...
Museum Launches Aviation Blog - RAF Museum London News Article
We hope the public will seize these opportunities to see and share in our work, to monitor our progress and appreciate fully our aviation heritage. Why not come along to view the Wellington and our new Training Centre?” ...
Scars to Freedom gala aims to raise funds to treat soldiers, veterans - The Desert Sun
13 at Palm Springs Air Museum, 745 N Gene Autry Trail. Scars to Freedom Inc. is a local charity aimed at providing free scar treatment to active soldiers ...
'Off we go, into the wild blue yonder' - Charlotte Observer
During WWII, Charles Barrier was a captain and pilot of another B-17 in the 749th Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, based in England. ...
Department of Airports honors late Gene Nelson - Kern Valley Sun
“In my career in the Air Force, it was always important to reach out and touch young people and bring them into aviation, whether they made that a career or ...
Pilots give students thrill - Post Searchlight
The occasion was the annual Young Eagles Day program. Bainbridge High School Air Force Junior ROTC students and students from Miller County, Thomasville, ...
Tiger Airways Singapore co-presents newest IMAX film "Legends of Flight"
eTravelBlackboard - Asia Edition
※We are excited to partner with Mead Johnson Nutrition and Tiger Airways to premiere Legends of Flight to families and young children. ...
NASA Administrator Statement On 10th Anniversary Of Crews Aboard The International Space Station from Space Shuttle and International Space Station News
On Nov. 2, 2000, the first crew arrived aboard the International Space Station to live and work aboard the orbiting laboratory. The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Charles on the 10th anniversary:
Electrical glitch delays final Discovery launch another day - CNET
He said engineers are developing repair scenarios, but the focus is on developing "the rationale to fly in the condition that we're in. ...

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