Air race a success - Taylor Daily Press | The Taylor Municipal Airport hosted the fifth annual Rocket 100 Air Race with over 40 pilots from Texas to California to Canada taking part. ...
No airshow for Dawson Creek in 2011 – CJDC | Dawson creek City Council decided that it will pass on hosting next year's air show, unless corporate sponsors step in to foot the bill. ...
2010 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow by joekates | The 2010 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow was the latest of a long line of grand finales that the Naval Flight Demonstration Squadron has presented, and with it comes mixed emotions. Sadly, the final performances of the year means that ...
Our view: Memorial - Anchorage Daily News | Last summer, right before the Arctic Thunder air show, four airmen died in the crash of a C-17 cargo jet on a flight in preparation for the show. ...
Open-air Aircraft Museum to be Open in Irkutsk in 2011 - Russia-InfoCenter | Open-air Museum of Aircrafts will be opened in Irkutsk for the 350th anniversary since the city's foundation to be marked in September, 2011. ...
This Enormous Flying Boat Made Transcontinental History, 75 Years Ago Today [Techversaries] from Gizmodo by Sam Biddle | The China Clipper left San Francisco as a huge seaplane full of mail—110,000 pieces of it. But was responsible for the first transpacific flight in history, and became one of the world's first technological celebrities. More »
The Polish Aviation Museum - The Polish Air Museum (Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego) may not be one museum that every tourist wants to go to, but if you like aviation history and old airplanes, it's worth a visit. It is in a suburb of Krakow at a historic airfield about ...
Class of 2010 – Robert Mitchell from San Diego Air & Space Museum Blog by bbernasconi | The biographical information below was compiled by Nelson Chase, Assistant Archivist, for the 2010 International Air & Space Hall of Fame Gala. For more information on the Museum's Library and Archives, click here. You can also view our new online Air & Space Hall of Fame exhibit by clicking here…
Warbird T-Shirt Quilt from Another Time by Dan Linn | In this day and age of reuse and recycle it is always fun to see something repurposed, especially when it pertains to our own personal interests. My mom is an avid quilter. I grew up staying warm in the winter months under her handiwork, and over the years our family has shared her interest in quilting. As a matter of fact, we even owned a small quilt shop years ago. It was a lot of fun learning how to run a small business, and have the opportunity to meet new people who shared the love of quilting…
Flight tests of a Mono Tiltrotor (MTR) - Flight Test Video#1 - Video clips from Mono tiltrotor functional flight demonstrations…
Today In Aviation History – November 23 « Calgary Recreational and ... by bikeal | Today In Aviation History – November 23. 23 11 2010. The sole Vought V-173 in test flight. In 1942... Dubbed "Flying Flapjack," the most radical conventionally-engined aircraft ever built makes its 1st flight when Chance Vought test ...
Space Tourism - a final frontier worth exploring? - Business Green | That's a significant discrepancy, given Ross's estimate that conventional large-scale rocketry, as used by the Space Shuttle and European Ariane programs, ...
Episode 124 – Body Scanners & Cougars, Oh My! from Airplane Geeks Podcast by (Airplane Geeks) Guest Kelly Skyles is the National Safety and Security Coordinator for the Association of Professional Flight Attendants which represents about 17,000 American Airlines Flight Attendants. We talk about the past week's aviation news, especially all the recent airport security problems, and David has his This Week in Aviation history segment. Steve and Grant from the Plane Crazy Down Under podcast sent their Australia Desk report and Pieter Johnson brings us his latest Across the Pond segment. Plus, Harriet drops by to say hello! The week's aviation news…
Tactics Over Technology: The Thach Weave from Aviation Trivia of the Day by JP Santiago | One little known aspect of the June 1942 Battle of Midway was that it wasn't just the turning point in the Pacific War that started to roll back the Japanese Empire, but it also was a turning point in fighter tactics that changed the way air combat was conducted. At the start of the Second World War, US Navy fighter squadrons had eighteen aircraft that were divided into six sections of three planes each- each section was composed of a flight leader and two wingmen. However, well before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Navy fighter squadrons VF-2 and VF-5 experimented with two-plane sections with a flight leader and a single wingman…
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