Air Show Attracts Spectators To Treasure Coast - WPBF West Palm Beach
Thousands headed to the Treasure Coast to watch the annual Stuart Air Show for a thrill, and the performances in the sky did not disappoint on Saturday. ...
Video: Wolfe enjoys dizzying spin with Blue Angels from Military
Nov. 14: TODAY’s Jenna Wolfe takes to the sky in an F-18, twisting, turning and blasting her way through the skies over Miami. (Today Show)TODAY’s Jenna Wolfe takes to the sky in an F-18, twisting, turning and blasting her way through the skies over Miami. (Today Show)
Skip Stewart flies through hangars in Adalusia, AL - YouTube
Skip Stewart flying his Pitts Prometheus through a small space between two large hangars at the Andalusia, Alabama Airshow 2010.
B-29 Superfortress from FenceCheck Forums
P-40 Warhawk departure from Flying Tigers News
Departures from Circus Maximus (in bad weather) by David Cenciotti
Below, the pictures of the departures from the static display at the Circus Maximus for the Armed Forces Day, taken on Nov. 10, 2010, by Giovanni Maduli.
WASP Museum inaugeral 5K Run from You Fly, Girl
I attended the first annual Wasp Museum 5K Run, 2K walk fundraiser yesterday. I took lots of photos, unfortunately I didn't bring the cord needed to download photos to my computer, so I can't share them here yet. Also, my tip down to Texas is going to be extended longer than I had expected (I'm staying with relatives) so not sure when I'll be able to upload them. ...
November 14 from Cut and Paste Aviation
Montana governor recognizes aviation from General Aviation News
In response to recent contact from Recreational Aviation Foundation President John McKenna acknowledging November as Aviation Month, the Governor of Montana issued an official Letter of Recognition of Montana’s aviation industry and its contribution to the state. ...
Glendale Airport Builds New Aviation School; Creates Jobs from Aviation Blogs
Educational opportunity is soaring high for students interested in aviation technology as the Glendale City Council unanimously approved Western Maricopa Educational Center (West-Mec) building an aviation technology school, on 6.4 acres near the Glendale Airport. The 41,000-square-foot facility is scheduled to open in the fall 2011 and the strength of its work force is projected to include about 50 employees. ...
Flying Humvee from Wright Squawks
Text and picture from
Reported by By W.J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times October 20, 2010
With its armored doors and bulletproof windows, the burly Humvee has been a stalwart ground transport for the U.S. military.
But now the Pentagon thinks the hulking vehicle should also be able to fly. ...
Indentity of one of the Chinese female taikonaut candidates revealed from
Sources in China have confirmed the identity of one of the two female Air Force pilots currently vying to become China’s first woman in space. Captain Wang Yaping, 32, a Transport Pilot in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), and another currently unidentified colleague were selected in March, from a pool of fifteen female candidates, and joined five male jet fighter pilots to form China’s second taikonaut group. ...
How Spacevidcast got awesome HD and mobile goodness! from Spacevidcast
Spacevidcast faced a problem. We’d reached the limit of what our studio technology could do, forcing us to make choices. But, we didn’t want to make choices, we wanted it all and more.

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