Thursday, December 31, 2009

JATO to Jet Blast 01-JAN-10 0000z

While we JATO 2009 into the archives, we look forward to the Aerotainmant Blast that 2010 promises to be!

(Click image for larger)
We would also like to thank you for your continued support over the years, it is appreciated and we trust that everyone has a safe, successful, and prosperous 2010.


The Indy Transponder Crew - Roger and Mike

USAF Museum News and Notes: January 2010


News & Notes January 2010
NMUSAF Aerial View
New deputy director announced 
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) John L. Hudson named to position
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) John L. HudsonAir Force officials announced Dec. 10 that Lt. Gen. (Ret.) John L. Hudson will become the new deputy director of the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Hudson is the first to fill this newly established position. The creation of a deputy director role reflects the continuing growth of the museum and its inestimable value to the Air Force. Attendance at the museum is at an all-time high, drawing about 1.3 million visitors annually. Click here for more information.
Learn about robotics 
Next Family Day is Jan. 16
Mars RoverCommemorate the sixth anniversary of the Mars Rovers by learning about the exciting field of robotics during Family Day from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16. Designed for children and adults of all ages, Family Day offers several hands-on opportunities for all to enjoy. Click here for more information.
Former Raven FAC to speak 
Special appearance by Craig W. Duehring
Craig W. DuehringThe Honorable Craig W. Duehring will present "Nevermore - The Story of the Raven FAC's and the Secret War in Laos" at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 27, as part of the museum's Wings & Things Guest Lecture Series. During his presentation, Duehring will tell the true story of the forward air controllers who fought the war in Laos. While their role only lasted from 1966 to 1973 and fewer than 190 pilots were ever involved, their impact on the war was far greater than their numbers would suggest. Click her for more information.
Beat the winter blues 
Visit the museum for Cabin Fever Night
Museum TourThe museum will be open for special hours from 6-10 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 5. Guests can purchase a home-style dinner in the café, listen to family-friendly stories about aviation history, stay for a movie in our IMAX Theatre (with reduced rates) and enjoy complimentary desserts and hot beverages to keep you warm as you head back home. The gift shop also will be open. Watch the museum's Web site for additional information in the coming weeks.
Interested in volunteering? 
Become a volunteer at the museum
Museum VolunteerJoin more than 475 volunteers at the world's largest and oldest military aviation museum. Volunteers are needed for a variety of service and technical duties. You can belong to the volunteer program that pioneered volunteerism throughout the USAF and become acquainted with aviation enthusiasts from around the world. Click here to learn more about volunteering at the museum.
Featured exhibit of the month
Ace in the Hole: Minuteman Strategic Missiles
Minuteman II Missile Procedures TrainerSince 1962, the Minuteman missile system has played an important role in American strategic defense. Highly trained and disciplined U.S. Air Force crews in isolated, heavily protected missile control complexes maintain, secure and operate the system. This missile trainer and the model on display in the Missile and Space Gallery represent Minuteman II systems operational from 1966 through 1991. Click here for more information about this exhibit.
This month in USAF history 
Jan. 20, 1951
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15The first encounter between USAF F-84s and Communist Chinese MiG-15s occurred during the Korean War. The museum has both of these types of aircraft in its collection. The MiG-15 is on display in the Modern Flight Gallery, and the F-84E is currently undergoing restoration. The Korean War exhibit area is being renovated for the Korean War 60th anniversary commemoration later this year. (Information provided by Air Force Historical Studies Office)
In this issue
New Deputy Director
Family Day
Guest Lecture
Cabin Fever Night
Featured Exhibit
USAF History
On the Radar
IMAX® Schedule
Plan Your Visit

On the radar

Jan. 1 · New Year's Day, MUSEUM CLOSED
Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 · Behind the Scenes tours
Jan. 16 · Family Day
Jan. 18 · Martin Luther King Jr. Day, MUSEUM OPEN
Jan. 27 · Wings & Things Guest Lecture

IMAX® schedule

Space Station · 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily
Fighter Pilot · 12 noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. daily
The Magic of Flight · 1 p.m. daily, 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 
10 a.m. shows can be arranged for groups of 50 or more.

For ticket prices and to confirm show times, visit



Plan Your Visit 

Museum Hours
Open daily
9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year's Day

FREE admission!

Midwest Airlines discounts to EAA AirVenture 2010


EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wis. - (Dec. 31, 2009) - Midwest
Airlines is offering special air fare discounts for EAA members and
other aviation enthusiasts planning to attend EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
2010. The 58th annual edition of The World's Greatest Aviation
Celebration will be held July 26-August 1 at Wittman Regional Airport in

EAA AirVenture discounts are available from Midwest through the
following contacts. Be sure to refer to the proper file number when
requesting the discounts: 800-452-2022 or 8
percent off published fares; 60 days in advance is 12 percent off during
roundtrip travel 7/2-8/21 from all Midwest service markets in the U.S.
Good for all Midwest arrival cities in Wisconsin and Minneapolis, Minn.
File CMZ1723 (online users should enter the file number in the Promo

The discounted fares are available courtesy of the participating
airline and is subject to individual airline restrictions. Other
discount air fares may also be available. Contact the individual
airline or your travel agent for the best savings.

EAA will announce any additional airline discount offers as they
are finalized.

EAA AIRVENTURE OSHKOSH is The World's Greatest Aviation
Celebration and EAA's yearly membership convention. Additional EAA
AirVenture information, including advance ticket and camping purchase,
is available online at EAA members receive lowest
prices on admission rates. For more information on EAA and its
programs, call 1-800-JOIN-EAA (1-800-564-6322) or visit
Immediate news is available at

Indy Transponder 31-DEC-09 1130z

Group drops fight over plane returned to Air Force Museum - Springfield News Sun | The Commemorative Air Force could file a further appeal to the US Supreme Court within 90 days, but does not intend to do so, Stephan Brown, its president ...

Appeals Court: Historic Plane To Be Returned - News Story - WHIO Dayton from | In a published opinion, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an historic fighter airplane must be returned to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force from a private organization because the organization violated the terms of the loan agreement with the U.S. Air Force. Carter M. Stewart, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio announced the opinion today. The U.S. Air Force loaned an F-82 aircraft to the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) in 1966 with the understanding that the CAF would display the plane as part of its collection of historic aircraft. The agreement called for CAF to return the aircraft to the U.S. Air Force if it no longer wanted the plane…

Blue Angels at Neb. guard air show on 9/11/11 - The Navy's Blue Angels aerial exhibition team has agreed to join the Nebraska Air National Guard's air show in 2011 and help the Guard mark the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.On Sept. ...

Springport man is part of the record-setting Tora Bomb Squad pyrotechnics team - The Jackson Citizen Patriot - | Planes fly over air-show spectators while narration is heard and explosions go off a safe distance away. Explosions are Webb's job with the squad. ...

Brad Morehouse - A True Aviation Sportsman and Jet Air Race Pilot from | Brad Morehouse flew his L-39 into the aviation history books and he flew as if flying was all that mattered. Brad lived his life on the edge when racing and lived every minute of it to extreme. He and his team, air race "Jet Class" team aimed to be the top contender at the 2007 Reno Air Races, unfortunately as in all high risk sports complications had arisen when a jet crossed his path and he flew the jet wash at an incredible speed…

2009's Craziest Adrenaline Junkies « Wonderment Blog "Swiss wingsuit flyer Gegenschatz flies over Barcelona during the 2009 Red Bull Air Race World Championship." "A B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is frozen in time as it breaks the sound barrier during a test flight above the Californian ...

Flying heritage collection traces biplanes to rockets - Seattle Post Intelligencer | The most-recent is a model of Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne -- the Allen-sponsored craft that won the $10 million Ansari X Prize in 2004 as the first ...

Ultralight loses control on an airshow | by Darren | An empty ultralight loses control on an airshow and runs into the crowd.

Chuck Yeager Pissed Off At Local Airline - SF Weekly | "We are big fans of General Yeager's groundbreaking contributions to aviation history, and we regret getting a little too carried away in our enthusiasm," ...

America's 'Ace of Aces' - Washington Times | In 1942, during a tour of Pacific air bases, the B-17 Rickenbacker was piloting ran out of fuel, and he had to ditch. Without either food or water, ...

By: Maureen Stephan from Comments on: December 2009 Roadrunner News by Maureen Stephan …My Dad is Jerry McIlmoyle, one of the U-2 pilots during the Cuban Missile Crisis. My husband and I, along with our two daughters, were down in Florida last week to spend Christmas with him and my mom. Because I do our McIlmoyle family genealogy, I am always asking (bugging) my mom and dad to tell me stories/give me any letters or pictures they might have about our family. This time, my mom gave me the attached letter that my dad had written to her on October 29th, 1962 – 2 days after Rudy Anderson was shot down…

Warbird Obsession from Air & Space Magazine

Centenary of first Irish powered flight celebrated - Irish Times | The Irish Aero Club had been born at the RIAC premises on Dawson Street in November 1909, and just a month later, on the last day of 1909, members gathered ...

Four Museums to Visit in Halifax | Travel Destination Blog by Alex Bhaswara | This museum shows off Canada's rich aviation heritage and takes up over 14000 square feet of space. Many of the aircraft that the museum owns are completely restored and on display while others continue to have work done on them. ...

Top aviation stories of 2009 - Photos - from | A veteran pilot glided a US Airways jetliner with two dead engines onto the river's frigid surface so smoothly that all of the 150 passengers and five crewmembers escaped serious injury. Some didn't even get their feet wet.

Illinois Pilot helps kids soar by TheKathrynReport | Pilot Ed Godfrey with a Cessna 172S, one of three planes used at DuPage County Airport for the Young Eagles program. Edward Godfrey of Elmhurst has wanted to be a pilot since he was 10 years old, and after decades of work and some ...

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Indy Transponder 30-DEC-09 2300z

Blue Angels set to land Sunday at Naval Air Facility El Centro - Imperial Valley Press
The Blue and Gold F/A-18 Hornets will be landing at Naval Air Facility El Centro as the Blue Angels prepare for their 2010 ...

Warriors & Warbirds Airshow At Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport - Monroe Scoop
The Warriors & Warbirds Airshow is coming to Monroe. This promises to be an incredible family fun event that you will remember for a lifetime. Caroline Adams visits the Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport and gets the "inside scoop" on ...

L-39 Driver Tim Brutsche from Airspeed
Many of us go to airshows and love the prop-driven warbirds and the military jet team performances. But there's a space in there that's inhabited by a special breed of airplane and pilot. That's the civilian-owned and operated jet warbird.
One such jet warbird is the L-39 Albatross. It's a high-performance jet trainer developed in Czechoslovakia during the 1960s to replace the L-29. It was the first of the second-generation jet trainers, and the first turbofan-powered trainer produced.
And the pilot of one such jet warbird is...

Shirley wing walker Tom Lackey earns second world record -
The grandad, from Shirley, has been honoured for being the oldest person to wing walk across the English Channel. The adventurous octogenarian was ...

Lightning Strikes Twice at the Palm Springs Air Museum - Aviation Service Directory
On Friday night, January 29, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Bob Cardin presents his power point on the recovery and restoration of Glacier Girl, the world's most original Lightning P-38 at the Palm Springs Air Museum, located at 745 N. Gene Autry ...

Special Guest at The Canada aviation Museum from News
The Canada aviation Museum invites you to a public presentation on Canada's last Victoria Cross recipient, Lieutenant Robert Hampton Gray. The presentation, by Don MacNeil, will be given on Wednesday, December 30, at 1:00 p.m. at...

The United States Air Force Museum Is A Must See Visit - Travel and Leisure
From every era in aviation history, starting with the first bi-planes, there are all classifications of airplanes displayed. To tell its stimulating story, the museum uses chronological and subjective layouts to depict years of aviation ...

Museum seeks WB-50 information from National Museum of the USAF Top Stories
The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force is seeking information related to its Boeing WB-50 aircraft.
In the 1950s, modified B-50Ds, like the one on display at the museum, were equipped for long-range weather reconnaissance missions with high-altitude atmospheric samplers, Doppler radar, weather radar and a bomb-bay fuel tank for extended range.
The museum is specifically interested in learning about a special feature on some WB-50 aircraft: the Foil E-1 (see illustration). Nicknamed the "Dog House," these collection foils were used during missions to sample the air for radioactive particles indicating that the Soviet Union had detonated a nuclear weapon. ...

Web Site Updates and New Stearman Page from Another Time
Hope all you vintage aircraft enthusiasts have had a Happy Holiday season. We have had several snow days here in Texas this last week so I have been busy updating my web site and building a new "survivors" page. Now listed on Another Time is a listing of surviving civilian model Stearmans. Take a look and send in updates and pictures to us. Civilian Stearmans

Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award from All Things Aviation
The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award recognizes pilots who have demonstrated professionalism, skill and aviation expertise by maintaining safe operations for 50 or more years. Recipients are awarded a certificate and a lapel pin and are recognized in the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award – Roll of Honor. Recently an 80 year old pilot by the [...]

Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 402 honored both the Civil Air Patrol and the achievements of a local female afromtor at their annual ...

Classic Aero-TV: Behind the Journey – Bob Baker's P-51 Restorations from Aero-News Network
P-51 Mustang Owner Bob Baker Describes His Journey to the Pattillo Brothers Rarely do a group of Warbird restoration enthusiasts get a chance to honor the brave sacrifice of the veteran pilots for which their planes represent; yet, that is precisely the extraordinary opportunity that became a reality for Bob Baker and his hard-working crew when they brought two legendary WWII pilots, the Pattillo brothers, to EAA AirVenture 2009.

Introducing DVD Reviews by Flightline UK
A new feature from Flightline UK in 2010 will be regular reviews of the latest Airshow DVD releases. I should confess that I actually haven't bought an airshow video or DVD for a number of years. I suspect a lot of this is down to the emergence of Video Sharing websites and pretty "iffy" productions in the past. ...

DVD Review: Bournemouth Air Festival 2009 by Flightline UK
One of the most successful airshows of the past two years has been the Bournemouth Air Festival. In 2009, over 1.2 million spectators enjoyed the Air Festival so this should be a popular production. Hallmark have produced a very different DVD. The coverage of each display is far more extensive than we may ...

DVD Review: Abingdon Air & Country Show 2009 by Flightline UK
A good place to start would be the Abingdon Air & Country Show, one of the very first airshows of the year. The Abingdon show was one of the first for Planes TV using new camera equipment bringing some very good image quality throughout the DVD.
The DVD starts with a brief look around the show with some passing shots of the classic cars and even the daleks! The "aviation" side of the DVD is opened by the dramatic arrival of the RAF's C-17A Globemaster III. For anyone who was actually at the show, you'll remember just what a sight it was and PlanesTV capture it well. Interviews with the crew are particularly welcome.
The flying displays are all captured well with the odd interview ...

Yakovlev Yak-52 TD Ferté-Alais 2009 from
Some footage of the Yak-52 TD aerobatic display during the Ferté-Alais Airshow (France). The Yakovlev Yak-52 (Як-52) is a Soviet primary trainer...

Russia may send spacecraft to asteroid from Military Photos
Russia's space chief said Wednesday his agency will consider sending a spacecraft to a large asteroid to knock it off its path and prevent a possible collision with Earth.
Anatoly Perminov said the space agency will hold a meeting soon to assess a mission to Apophis, telling Golos Rossii radio that it would invite NASA, the European Space Agency, the Chinese space agency and others to join the project once it is finalized. ...

Pics of Pappy Boyington -
Photos Saudi air forces from Military Photos
Images of the Week: Northwest DC-3 Aerials from Delta Air Lines Blog

Clipped Wings - 181st Fighter Wing from INDYAEROCLUB.ORG
Ron Darrah spent 18 years with the 181st Fighter Wing from Terre Haute and will share the history of the unit with the Indianapolis Aero Club on January 12, 2010 at the Marten House in Indianapolis. The fighter wing was established in 1921. In 2007 the unit was ordered to "stand down". ...


Indy Transponder 30-DEC-09 1000z

First Aerobatic Racing Challenge in Northern California, August 21-22, 2010 at the Santa Rosa Air Show from Indy Transponder© | …The Aerobatic Race Challenge series, pioneered by Suderman and Cornick, debuted on the air show circuit in Southern California last show season and was an instant hit.  It is a new and innovative airplane racing format launched in 2009 featuring high-performance aerobatic aircraft competing on a vertical race course that forces pilots to balance mental strategy and precision flight.  Pilots race their aircraft side-by-side through a sequence of aerobatic maneuvers that requires each pilot to fly faster, corner harder, and pull more g-forces.  The first aircraft to complete the entire sequence wins the race…

Red bull air race going to Lisbon for 2010 ... by exclusivealgarvevillas | Weeks after it was claimed the Red Bull Air Race was in jeopardy of moving to Spain, Turismo de Lisboa has signed an initial agreement with Red Bull Air Race for the event to take place over the Tagus river in 2010. ...

Dream air show at Pease: Blue Angels, Golden Knight Parachute Team, and more - Foster's Daily Democrat | ... on to the event include state resident and national aerobatic champion Rob Holland as well as a demonstration from the World War II era B-25 "Panchito. ...

EAA Expands Search For Next President from AVwebFlash Current Issue | EAA is moving forward with its effort to find a new president, and international executive search firm Korn/Ferry has been selected to help find and screen potential candidates, the organization announced last week. EAA also invited members and anyone else with an interest in the search to suggest names. Tom Poberezny announced in March that a new president would be chosen for the group, which has had only two presidents -- Tom and his father, Paul -- in its 50-year-plus history. The next president was expected to be named at EAA AirVenture, but that deal fell apart, and Poberezny told AVweb in October the failed attempt generated debate among board members. (Click here to listen to the full podcast interview with AVweb's Russ Niles.) Poberezny also said the board is more concerned with getting the right person than with meeting a deadline. Korn/Ferry's job posting features a long list of responsibilities, including providing leadership and direction to the staff, developing annual and long-range plans, and eventually taking over the planning for AirVenture.

Spitfire is back in the UK after an overhaul from The Kathryn Report | A historic Spitfire fighter aircraft has returned to Lincolnshire after an overhaul. The plane, P7350, is the oldest airworthy Spitfire in the world and is part of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at RAF Coningsby. It is also the only Spitfire still flying today which actually took part in the Battle of Britain. P7350 has been worked on by the Aircraft Restoration Company at Duxford for the past 12 months…

Walnut Creek man awarded French medal - Contra Costa Times | Rossmoor resident William Kalan, 91, has his new Legion of Honor medal from France admired by friend and B-17 Flying Fortress pilot ...

Aviation - the early years from Rodney's Aviation Ramblings by Rodney | I was going through my books the other day and discovered an older book that chronicles the very early years of aviation from balloons prior to the Wright brothers, through to the inter-war period. The book consists of over 450 pictures from the Hulton Getty Picture Collection [from what I can tell, part of the well-known Getty Images] and is narrated in English, French and German. The book was first published in 1997, and was put together by Peter Almond…

Evening Flight from Av8rdan's World of Flying by Dan Pimentel | We watch as the sun gradually creeps downwards, while the wind settles to a more manageable level. As the sun reaches a handspan or two's width from the horizon, Jim rises from his chair and begins the preflight. Fuel is squirted into testing cylinders, control surfaces are tweaked, oil is checked…

Aviation Adventures is now Available in MS Word Format! from The Aero Experience by PhantomAces | The eBook Aviation Adventures, an activity book for young aviators, is now available in MS Word format.  Please order yours today for your donation of $2.00 via the PayPal button at the top of the first page.  Be sure to give your email address to receive the file.  I will have .pdf version in the near future.  Thanks for your support of this educational adventure, and PLEASE also give generously toward the maintenance of this site!

Charitable pilots form network to transport pets from The Kathryn Report | OKLAHOMA CITY - Sam Taylor wanted to get back into flying, but the former Navy pilot of 20 years soon realized that flying his small aircraft for a few hundred miles and returning home wasn't enough. Enter Pilots N Paws, a nationwide network of volunteers who transport rescued animals to new homes. Using the Web site, people who rescue, shelter or foster animals can connect with pilots or plane owners willing to assist with transportation…

On This Day in Aviation History: December 30th | ... by Phil Derner Jr. | TAROM Flight 3107 goes off the runway at Otopeni, Romania in 2007, Basque separatists bomb a parking garage at Madrid Airport in Spain in 2006 and the Wright Brother finally cash-in on their flying in 1905 in a failed deal with the ...

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First Aerobatic Racing Challenge in Northern California, August 21-22, 2010 at the Santa Rosa Air Show

The "Wings Over Wine Country" Air Show, August 21-22, 2010, in Santa Rosa, California, will host the first ever Aerobatic Racing Challenge Performance in Northern California.

Bill Cornick and Spencer Suderman will fly against each other in the Aerobatic Racing Challenge, side by side, each required to complete a prescribed set of aerobatics precisely as outlined.  The pilot who finishes first is the winner.

The Aerobatic Race Challenge series, pioneered by Suderman and Cornick, debuted on the air show circuit in Southern California last show season and was an instant hit.  It is a new and innovative airplane racing format launched in 2009 featuring high-performance aerobatic aircraft competing on a vertical race course that forces pilots to balance mental strategy and precision flight.  Pilots race their aircraft side-by-side through a sequence of aerobatic maneuvers that requires each pilot to fly faster, corner harder, and pull more g-forces.  The first aircraft to complete the entire sequence wins the race. 

A pilot’s keen instinct and raw flying skill are challenged with intricate maneuvers such as the Avalanche, Humpty-Bump, Hammerhead and the violent Tailslide, a spectacle sure to keep the crowd on the edge of their seats!  Pilots make split second decisions to leverage their own aircraft’s advantages while seeking to exploit the weaknesses of their opponents, typically resulting in a close “come–from-behind” finish.

The 2010 "Wings Over Wine Country" Air Show announcer, Danny Clisham, will be joined on the announcer's stand for the aerobatic challenge race by Jon "Huggy" Huggins, famed U-2/T-38 pilot, who has announced previous aerobatic challenge races between Cornick and Suderman.

Mark August 21-22, 2010, "Wings Over Wine Country" Air Show in Santa Rosa, CA, on your calendar now, and see the first Aerobatic Racing Challenge ever performed in Northern California.

And for more information Aerobatic Racing Challenge Series, go to

Indy Transponder 30-DEC-09 0230z

National Hall of Fame Class of 2010 from General Aviation News
The National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF)'s Class of 2010 has been unveiled. Those who will be inducted are Captain Alan Bean, astronaut and lunar module pilot on Apollo 12, man's second lunar landing; Warren Grimes, father of aircraft lighting and inventor of aircraft navigation instruments; Clay Lacy, a 50,000-hour pilot, business aviation icon and videographer for many Hollywood pictures including Top Gun and The Right Stuff; and Noel Wien, Arctic flight expert who founded Wien Alaska Airlines, one of the oldest airlines in the U.S., and who has been listed as one of the 10 greatest pilots of all time. ...

MCAS Cherry Point Airshow Announces 2010 Dates - Crystal Coast
North Carolina's largest airshow, the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Air Show, has recently announced that it will host the area's premier spectator event May 21 - 23. The east coast's largest Marine Corps air station will again ...

Civilian Performers Announced - 2010 Alliance Air Show from Fort Worth Alliance Air Show Blog
The Fort Worth Alliance Air Show is proud to welcome the following civilian performers to the 2010 show:
Randy Ball and the MiG-17F, Jan Collmer's EXTRA 300L, Michael Goulian, The Horsemen P-51 Flight Team, Indy Boys' Port-o-Jet Outhouse, Indy Boys' School Time Jet-Powered School Bus, Greg Poe and the FAGEN MX-2, Sean Tucker, and everyone's favorite skytalker - Danny Clisham.
Headliners for the show are the US Navy Blue Angels and the US Army Golden Knights. Military teams will be announced in Spring 2010.
Save the Date! October 30 & 31, 2010

Biplane Fly-In slated for Ranger Airfield from General Aviation News
The International Biplane Association will hold its 2010 Fly-In at historic Ranger Airfield (F23) in Ranger, Texas.

Everglades Antique Air Aficionados Fly-In in January from Diamond Pilots
The first commercial airline carried passengers from St Pete to Tampa in 1914, only 11 years after the Wright Brothers first flew. And, in 1923, the Ta-Miami Air Line started operations between Tampa and Miami, in the same year that construction of the road was begun across the Glades. Air history goes on. In 1930s Opa-Locka was opened as a Naval air base; Eastern and Pan Am were founded. Newspapers were flown to Sanibel by seaplane in the 1939 "Dawn Patrol." World War II training bases sprang up in Southwest Florida's clement climate at Fort Myers, Buckingham, Clewiston, and Naples. Bring back the old warriors and dare-devils. (Read More . . . . .)

No Snowbirds show here in 2010 a shame - Moose Jaw Times-Herald
The Snowbirds aerobatic team, the Canadian icon of national excellence, is Moose Jaw's pride and joy. Wherever the Snowbirds' Tutors travel to perform, ...

Air Show Autograph Card – new for 2010 from Mike Goulian Airshows by Karin on 12/29/09
New for 2010 is our new Goulian Aerosports air show autograph card. A beautiful folded 7″ x 5″ card that Michael can personalize for you! The inside of the card includes a list of Michael's milestones and details about his ASB Extra 330SC aircraft. There is no cost for the card – we just need to cover our shipping and handling costs. ...

AirVenture 2010 News from EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
Top stories for 2009 - Camden Chronicle
The B-17 bomber landed at the Benton County Airport to allow local citizens a rare look at the historic plane. Darrel Berry owns two A-11s, which were the ...

"Nevermore - The Story of the Raven FAC's and the Secret War in Laos" from
Jan. 27, 2010 - 7:30 p.m.
The Honorable Craig W. Duehring was born and raised in Mankato, Minn., and entered the Air Force in December 1967. He was commissioned through Officer Training School and completed Undergraduate Pilot Training at Craig AFB, Ala., in early 1969.
His first assignment was in the O-1 Bird Dog as a forward air controller for the 25th ARVN Division at Duc Hoa, Vietnam. In April 1970 he transferred to the classified "Raven" program in Laos and flew out of the "world's busiest airport" -- the CIA-backed Hmong guerilla headquarters at Long Tieng (Lima Site 20A) in both the O-1 and the AT-28. When he left Laos in March 1971, he was the longest serving Raven at Long Tieng in the history of the program.

Homemade flying machine - Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"In all my life in airplanes, I've not met any comparable to Willie," notes Bob Dixon, who teaches aviation history at Honolulu Community College. ...

Visit the Spruce Goose - You Fly, Girl
[video] ... or Howard Hughes' folly...

Can't afford to fly the real thing? Take up flying models - You Fly, Girl
Here's a video from the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
These days, they fly electric models, so they are quite and clean.

World Record Set for (Paper) Plane Flight from Alternative Energy Newswire
It's a world flight record even though it only lasted 26.1 seconds. Not your usual record, because it's origami, ...

X3 in 1953 from Dick's Rocket Dungeon
Ft. Worth Alliance Airport from FenceCheck Forums
PHOTO: Sweet shot of BF-2 arriving at Pax River from The DEW Line
Fun with Photos: Boeing 747-200, What's Odd With This Picture? from Airline Reporter


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Indy Transponder 29-DEC-09 1130z

Blue Angels Return To El Centro - KXO Radio | The US Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron , The Blue Angels , will arrive at Naval Air Facility El Centro Sunday. The Blue Angels F-18 Hornets are expected ...

Navy photog to give Blue Angels program - Online Athens | By Staff Reports - A ex-Navy photographer who spent three years on tour with the Blue Angels precision flight team will present a ...

Stars of the Sky, Legends All, by Ann Cooper from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale | Many years ago, when I was thirteen or so, I wandered through libraries looking for books to read. I would look at the titles first of course, and if one interested me, I would pluck it from the shelf and look at the cover. And if I liked the look of the cover, then I'd read the back of it for the plot (for I was mainly looking for fiction) or description of what was within…

Florida Air Museum receives grant - News Chief | LAKELAND - The Florida Air Museum at Sun 'n Fun in Lakeland has received a $30000 grant that will be used to build facilities to support its growing ...

Sky's the Limit for China's DIY Aviators - Wired News | Aviation is by no means an exception, and it has its share of shanzhai builders. But there is more to it than that. China's emerging aviator class is ...

Duxford restoration hangar residents. from Gary Watson's Posts - Stick and Rudder by Gary Watson

Aero-TV: The Spruce Goose: Evergreen Museum's Crown Jewel from Aero-News Network | Educational Director, Larry Wood, Profiles the Infamous Spruce Goose In July of 1942, while the United States remained embroiled in World War II, famed industrialist Henry Kaiser proposed a fleet of flying transports to safely protect troops and supplies from German U-boats. Joining forces with Howard Hughes, Kaiser obtained an $18,000,000 government contract to construct three "Flying Boats."

Same time, same place, same level…21 from Roger-Wilco by steve | Flying to freedom - This chapter had been written well before the fall of the Berlin wall and the famous opening of the border by Hungary, allowing thousands of East Germans to flee to the West. It is a nice quirk of history that the place where this story took place is just a few miles East of the place where the mass escape happened several years later…

On This Day in Aviation History: December 29th | ... by Phil Derner Jr. | The crash of Eastern Airlines Flight 401 in the Florida Everglades in 1972, as well as the crashes of a Tarom AN-24 in 1974 and Turkish Airlines Flight 278 in 1994. In 1921, two men fly a plane over NY for over 26 hours.

Episode 79 – Aviation Photos by Skippyscage from Airplane Geeks Podcast by (Airplane Geeks) Guest Paul Filmer joins the Airplane Geeks to talk about current aviation news. Paul is Stateside Editor and Database Administrator for Global Aviation Resource, he contributes to Combat Aircraft Magazine, and you can find his personal page at Paul is an accomplished aviation photographer and you can find his work at those sites…

Christina C. Photography from FenceCheck Forums - Blues @ Tyndall 2007

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Indy Transponder 28-DEC-09 2300z

US Airforce Thunderbirds at Sun N Fun 2010 -
Sun N Fun's Wayne Boggs released the news December 7 from the ICAS Convention in Vas Vagas, the US Air Force Thunderbirds have confirmed they will return to ...

Blues Return to T Town Airshow from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News
Tuscaloosa AL- The US Navy Blue Angels must find southern hospitality and excitement at Tuscaloosa irresistible. The Blues plan to return as headliner in the city's second airshow May 8 and 9, 2010. Extraordinary efforts of the area organizers and local officials worked to convince the coveted aerial demonstration team to return an unprecedented second year. Joining the Blues are the US Army's Golden Knights and cutting edge, high-energy aerobatics of Greg Poe Airshows. A full schedule of events for the admission free show is forthcoming. ...

Blue Angels to help Nebraska Guard commemoration - Columbus Telegram
AP The Navy's Blue Angels aerial exhibition team has agreed to join the Nebraska Air National Guard's air show in 2011 and help the Guard mark an eventful ...

Team #99 Changes in the News from Mike Goulian Airshows
Team #99 makes the news as we welcome our new Team Technician, Dennis Sawyer. Since Goulian Aerosports hired him, Red Bull Air Race says this is "arguably the most spectacular off-season move in Red Bull Air Race history". Their article discusses the switch for Dennis from Matt Hall's team to our team, the industry's reaction, and the effect a Team Technician has on a pilots performance and standings in the race. ...

seized skyraider from
The story of the seized Skyraider on

Aero-TV: Preserving Wichita History The Kansas Aviation Museum from
Director Lon Smith Describes Wichita's Living Aviation History Museum The Kansas Aviation Museum is more than just a showcase for Wichita's rich aviation history; it is history. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the museum is housed in Wichita's original municipal airport terminal. Dedicated on March 31st, 1935, the Wichita Municipal Airport served as a major mid-continent ...

WWII glider pilots pioneered airdrops from
Doug Maltby opened his scrapbook to a document yellowed with time and ran his fingers over the list of infantrymen and ammunition that filled his U.S. Army glider on June 7, 1944, when he nosed it into a field on the front lines in Normandy.
The letters pounded onto each line by a typewriter so many years ago appear almost fragile today. ...

Stinson O Restoration from Another Time
The crew at Evergreen Aviation Services has been restoring/recreating a rare Stinson Model O. I have been watching their progress on their web site over the last year and it is quite impressive! A photo gallery is here. As noted on the Antique Airplane Assoc. web site the engine has made its first run. Take a look at the video here. Hats off to the crew for their efforts to recreate a once extinct type that will return to the air for future generations to see. ...

Carmel pilot flew for fun, flag from
The first ride Babette DeMoe Edinger ever took in an airplane was alongside her father, Earl, who was a Chicago businessman and a recreational flier. They were a few thousand feet in the sky that day when the single-prop engine died. Earl DeMoe literally sailed the plane back to the airport and put it down on all three wheels. ...

Museum program chronicles the journey of the Lockheed Super-G Constellation from General Aviation News
With its curvaceous fuselage and triple tail, the Lockheed Super-G Constellation is one of the most distinctive airliners in history. The Museum of Flight in Seattle took delivery of its rare "Connie" in September 2009. The story of this aircraft will be told in a Jan. 9 program by Bob Bogash, a museum volunteer and retired Boeing engineer, who was instrumental in the plane's acquisition, restoration and transportation to the museum. The presentation will be illustrated with previously unpublished photographs. Randomly-selected members of the audience will be chosen for an exclusive tour of the aircraft on Jan. 16. The program is at 2 p.m. in the William M. Allen Theater and is free with admission to the museum. ...

Vintage wine-country refuge -
Hammondsport holds a distinct place in aviation history — this is where in 1910 Blanche Scott became the first American woman to make a solo airplane flight ...

Sonex jet runs engine for the first time from General Aviation News
The SubSonex, a jet-powered homebuilt aircraft being developed by Sonex Aircraft, LLC, completed its first engine run last week at the company's Oshkosh, Wisconsin, headquarters, according to a report at
Sonex Founder John Monnett, who said the aircraft features a new Czech-built engine ...

Foundation opens 2010 scholarship program from General Aviation News
Applications are now available online for scholarships from the Georgia Business Aviation Association (GBAA) Foundation.
For full-time students, scholarships are available to Georgia high school graduates enrolled at accredited U.S. colleges and technical schools in fields of study related to aviation, including aeronautics, maintenance, management, operations and engineering. Continuing education scholarships are available to GBAA members. Applications are being accepted through March 15.
For more information:

Local pilot helps kids soar - Suburban Life Publications
Godfrey's flights are part of the Young Eagles Program with the Experimental Aircraft Association. Children ages 8 to 17 have hopped in a Cessna 172 with ...

From the Dept. of Seriously?: The Pentagon's Flying Car Program is Called "Transformer" [Weapons] from Gizmodo
Last Thursday, DARPA announced a workshop for Transformer. That is, their flying car program.
"The objective of the Transformer (TX) program is to demonstrate a one- to four-person transportation vehicle that can drive and fly, thus enabling the warfighter to avoid water, difficult terrain, and road obstructions as well as IED and ambush threats"
Sounds like something as small as a Jeep, but as easy to shoot out ...

12 Days of Airplane Geeks Christmas from Airline Empires
Being in the festive spirit, I thought I'd share with you the twelve days of Airplane Geeks Christmas brought to you by the Airplane Geeks Podcast.

Copperstate Fly-In DVD released from General Aviation News
Sunburst Video Productions has released a DVD of the 2009 Copperstate Fly-In at Casa Grande Airport in Arizona. ...

Video: Glider aerobatics from The Kathryn Report
The mighty Buff from Airline Pilot Central Forums
Very cool photo of the Space Shuttle against the sun . . . from FlightAware
"The first woman to navigate a dirigible solo was an... from x planes
Would have made a nice Christmas present from Maggie's Farm
"Postcard reproduction of an old print showing the Graf... from x planes
