Robins Air Show Called 'Record Breaking Success'
- 13WMAZ | Base spokeswoman Chrissy Miner estimates between 150000 and
170000 people descended on the International City to see the Blue Angels
and other acts in flight. In a statement Robins Installation Commander,
Col. Mitchel Butikofer, called the air show a ...
The thrill is back: Air show wows the crowds, despite gray skies and drizzles
- Sun-Sentinel | Brian Clark, 45, of West Palm Beach, said as he
watched world aerobatic champ Rob Holland put his plane through a series
of stalls, loops and gut-churning dives. "He's just twisting and
flipping around. Definitely a good pilot...
Thousands attend Lauderdale Air Show
- 7Online WSVN-TV | B-1 bombers and F-5 formations caught the eyes of
475000 people in the crowd watching the Lauderdale Air Show. "All the
planes going like, 'Woo!' Across the sky, you could barely see them,"
said Colton Tanner, who attended the Air Show...
Sound of Speed Airshow promises lots of thrills
- News-Press Now | This year's international edition of the Sound of
Speed Airshow, set Saturday and Sunday at Rosecrans Memorial Airport,
will include planes from World War I right up to today's newest stealth
fighter. There will be huge walls of flame, acres of free ...
Casey Curry parachutes with the Golden Knights
- | Sargeant First Class Aaron Figel is part of the US Army's
elite parachute team, the Golden Knights. "It's the best job in the
world," Fiegel said. "Never gets old. It's one of the things I've found
in my life that I could do it every single day, ...
Frecce Tricolori live in action in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Translated | ...Rivolto, home of the Frecce Tricolore is about 20 km
from Udine, a provincial capital of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia. From
March to September you can visit the base and with their own eyes the
Aermacchi MB339 to see that the stunts are performed....
The "news". With 5 ½ months in advance
- Savona news | We are talking about the inevitable Tricolor Arrows to
arouse much enthusiasm with entire seasons in advance, giving further
reason for existence of the whole superstructure of the airport of
Albenga Clemente Panero, equipped as NASA, but ...
Woman dies in tragic take-off
- iol news | Aviators and spectators attending an aircraft convention
watched in horror as a light aircraft crashed and caught alight minutes
after taking off from Margate Airport on Sunday. The pilot and his woman
passenger, who are believed to be from Cato Ridge, had taken off in a
Rally two-seater plane just before 11am when they had difficulties and
Ohio Air News # 182 - Charles Johnson | Wrapping up the "Grimes Gathering of B-25's" & Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Reunion.
Daniel Bubb, Ph.D. joins Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame Staff - NVAHOF | The Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame is pleased to announce that Daniel Bubb, Ph.D. has agreed to serve on the NVAHOF staff as Director of Education Programs for NVAHOF. He will also serve on the Hall of Fame Selection Committee, which is...
Rodney's Aviation Ramblings
- ANZAC WW1 Airshow at Masterton : Fokker D.VII and ...
- ANZAC WW1 Airshow at Masterton : Sopwith Camel
- ANZAC WW1 Airshow at Masterton : Royal Aircraft Fa...
- ANZAC WW1 Airshow at Masterton : Royal Aircraft Fa...
- ANZAC WW1 Airshow at Masterton : Curtis P-40E Kitt...
- ANZAC WW1 Airshow at Masterton : Sopwith Triplane

Key West Seaplanes and The Seaplane Pilot's Association feature article in ... - PR Web | The newest seaplane of the fleet has been named "Grand Champion" seaplane at the 38th annual Sun n' Fun International Fly-In and Expo. Key West Seaplanes, the region's premiere and long-established private seaplane charter company receives another ...
Make America First In The Air (Ca. 1923) from AIRBOYD.TV
Podcast: The Turkish Air Service of WWI – League Week IV – Warbird Radio | Dieter H.M. Gröschel, M.D from the League of World War I Aviation Historians joins Matt Jolley with a look at the Turkish Air Service. Dr. Gröschel is an expert on this subject matter and will share his knowledge with us...
Dogfight Brewing Over Burmese Spitfires from AVwebFlash Current Issue | British farmer and aviation history buff David Cundall now says there are 124 new Spitfires buried in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and he knows where 60 of them are. As we reported two weeks ago, Cundall stunned the aviation world with news that he had found at least 20 crated, brand-new Spitfires wrapped in protective paper and tar to preserve them. Whether he'll be able to capitalize on his stunning discovery is in question, however, as...
The voices of the Greatest Generation continue to inspire - Jacksonville Daily News | More than 751 bombers — eight B-17 combat wings and four B-24 wings — lifted off from their bases in England on this mission. When each plane left the runway, so too did 10 American flyers. Imagine an aerial assault today with a fraction of the ...
Podcast: This Is The Year Of The B-52 from AVwebFlash Current Issue | The B-52 first flew 60 years ago in April, it was last produced 50 years ago, it dropped 15,000 tons of bombs on North Vietnam 40 years ago, and now, it is being honored for its (continuing) decades of service with a "Year of The B-52" campaign. The Commanders Action Group of the Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) began promoting the campaign in earnest this April in commemoration of the first flight of the YB-52 on April 15, 1952. Since then, AFGSC says the...
Idaho Marine saves one of his own - The Idaho Statesman | “I don't feel really I am worthy in light of the other great things that for 100 years Marine aviators have been doing,” he said. This wasn't training. This time, Maj. J. Eric Grunke knew it was real. A half-dozen enemy vehicles were on the hunt for a ...
Video: Waving at balloons and other fun with Rob from A mile of runway will take you anywhere. by Steve | My best friend Rob made another journey down from Kalamazoo this week and - as always - we planned on some fun in the Cub. We also spent a lot of time watching and photographing the twenty B-25s in town for the 70th Anniversary of the Doolittle Raid. I'll have a post with photos and videos from that incredible event up sometime soon...
Movie Monday: The Beeb's all-access tour inside Rolls-Royce from FlightBlogger - Aviation News, Commentary and Analysis by Stephen Trimble | ...It actually is a timely peek inside Rolls-Royce on the eve of a Pratt & Whitney media day, where surely a major theme of press conferences and interviews will be the newly-sealed long-term relationship between these propulsion

MD-21 mothership with D-21 drone from The Original Rocket Dungeon by Dick | The MD-21 was the designation for the modified A-12. Follow my tags for related posts. Click through for additional photos.
Richard Branson May Provide Last Chance to Hillary Clinton for Astronaut Wings in Space from Spaceports | United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's childhood aspiration of becoming an astronaut was dashed by NASA, but she may not be giving up on the dream of reaching the heavens (at least flying Virgin Galactic suborbital)...