This air show had it all - McCook Daily Gazette, NE
...I find it a bit poignant that the Air Force crewmembers of today are still flying many of the same airframes that were getting a little long in tooth when I retired 29 years ago. Sure, the old airplanes have been upgraded and modernized, a bit, but automobiles build in the 1950s time frame are considered classics and not expected to soldier on day to day like we expect the KC-135 (built from 1957-1964), the B-52-H (built in 1964) and yes even the Navy's P-3 submarine hunter aircraft (same era) that I walked around and touched this weekend. ...
THE GREAT STATE OF MAINE AIRSHOW - SEPTEMBER 6-7 2008 - Travel Advise Pages via Google
Join the other 250,000 spectators expected at the Naval Air Station, Brunswick, Maine, for a weekend of non-stop action and entertainment for the whole family.
This year the US Navy "Blue Angels" Flight Demonstration Team will electrify the crowd with their precision flying in the F/A 18 Hornet. Their display demonstrates skills possessed by all naval aviators. It includes the four-plane Diamond Formation, in concert with high performance manoeuvres by two solo pilots. The renowned six jet delta formation, locked as one unit, illustrates the ultimate in formation flying.
There will be a pancake breakfast that morning, with the airshow starting at 10 am This year you will see 1 of 3 remaining Mitsubishi "Zero" Warbirds still ...
B-17 visits airport for Corn Fest - Dekalb Daily Chronicle, IL
The 87-year-old from Carbondale was a waist gunner on 30 missions onboard a B-17 bomber during World War II, and was able to relive the majesty of the large ...
Local veteran takes flight in B-17 - Danbury News Times, CT
By Melvin Mason World War II veteran Remo Tiso, 84, of Southbury, stands by a B-17 plane at Oxford Airport on Monday. OXFORD -- Remo Tiso may have been ...
Historic B-17 aircraft graces airport - Connecticut Post, CT
By MELVIN MASON The Experimental Aircraft Association's B17 taxis to the flight line at Oxford Airport where it will be available for tours and flights ...
Our View: History alive during B-17 visit to Mt. Vernon - Mt. Vernon Register-News, IL
A significant piece of history buzzed around the King City over the weekend. The B-17 bomber known as Sentimental Journey spent time at Mt. Vernon-Outland Airport allowing residents the opportunity to view a World War II warbird while also offering flights to residents from ...
World War II veteran takes one more turn at the controls of a B-24 ... - Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA
A 30-minute flight on the B-24 or the B-17 costs $425. A 30-minute flight on the P-51 costs $2200 and an hour-long flight costs $3200. ...
Machines of protection - Chicago Tribune, United States
...I'm a six-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps who provided avionics support on the F/A-18 fleet (including the Blue Angels) right here in the U.S. Therefore it gives me great pride to be able to share a glimpse of these beautiful machines of protection (and of my past) with my wife and children who ,,,
Red arrows to perform over London - Worthing Today, UK
The Red Arrows will perform a fly-past over London on Sunday to mark the handover of the Olympic flag to the city. The RAF aerobatics display team, ...
Return of the mighty three - Bournemouth Daily Echo, UK
With so many display teams taking part, including a record three appearances by the Red Arrows, planning ahead is the only way to keep abreast of the action ...
AIRBOURNE - Time to face the music - Eastbourne Today, UK
So were the Red Arrows and the Typhoon (Eurofighter). All brilliant. So was the weather – rain was predicted all week, but it started 10 minutes after the ...
Battle of Britain commemorated at Kenley flypast - Croydon Advertiser, UK
Around 700 people clustered by the airfield's war memorial and along its west side, to watch the flypast on Sunday afternoon. The 450 Squadron Air Training ...
Imperial War Musuem Duxford 18th August 2008 from Military Photos by DazJW
I was at IWM Duxford yesterday and took 300 photos exactly.
After I weeded most of the duplicates (the lighting in alot of the museum is a nightmare so I had quite a few dark versions then light versions of things) it came down to 267 photos which I've uploaded here.
They're mostly in the order Hanger 1, 2, etcetera then the American Air Museum and the Land Warfare Hall ...
16:15 Flying one of the heaviest planes, Nigel Lamb put in his best performance of the season in his home country when the Red Bull Air Race visited London. Can he repeat it in Budapest? With a time of 1:06.99 he comes third.
UPSIDE DOWN from Red Bull Air Race News
The tables were turned on the leaders of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship in Budapest on Tuesday, with Paul Bonhomme, Hannes Arch and Kirby Chambliss among the first to fly in the Qualifying session after putting in mixed performances during final training. The coveted position of flying last in the Qualifying session will go to American pilot Michael Goulian, currently ranked ninth in the overall championship, who was fastest overall in Monday's outing.
Paul Bonhomme of Britain, current leader of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship, came first in Qualifying for the Red Bull Air Race in Budapest on Tuesday. Austria's Hannes Arch came second and local pilot Peter Besenyei came third on the course over the River Danube.
AIRPORT NEWS from Red Bull Air Race News Mike Goulian (1st) surprised many by posting the fastest time in the final training session on Monday to secure the coveted position of starting last in Tuesday's Qualifying. The result will help banish memories of his performance in London, the last stop on the Red Bull Air Race World Championship tour, where he failed to finish his run in the Point One competition on race day following a pylon hit.
BONHOMME ONBOARD LONDON from Red Bull Air Race Video Podcast
from Red Bull Air Race Video Podcast
NICK & FRANK'S TRAINING SUMMARY, BUDAPEST from Red Bull Air Race Video Podcast
RAKHMANIN OUT OF THE QUADRO from Red Bull Air Race Photos
[and other photos]
Red Bull Air Race 2008 Budapest Qualification - Photos via Wordpress
Air Race started from Budapest and naturally this year again the show is here in the capital of Hungary again. Today the qualification has been on over the Danube right in the middle of the city, among thousands of spectators. Hungarian fans are enthusiastic, they are proud of their great stunt flier world champion, Peter Besenyei, who actually invented this race. Here is my personal summary of the qualification from Budapest. You can view all my pictures here. ... As we could get used to it during the days, the air race ...
U.S. pilots claims round-the-world helicopter record from Radar Vector - Civil Aviation News
American pilots Scott Kasprowicz and Steve Sheik has set a new speed record for flying around the world in a helicopter. ...
Today is National Aviation Day! from The Girls With Wings Blog by Lynda
Did you know that there is a National Aviation Day? Yes, National Aviation Day on August 19 of every year is a United States national observation that celebrates the development of human flight. The holiday was established by a presidential proclamation in 1939, which designated the anniversary ...
High flying action at fun day - Swindon Advertiser, UK
... Parachute Display Team eventually made it through the clouds to land in a packed arena before standing to attention as the Hercules performed a flypast. ...
F4B Vietnam Combat Action off USS Midway from Airwarriors by Catmando
Here's a wide variety (listed on the left of the site page) of F-4B aircraft and aircrew personal photos and videos taken during combat operations off the USS Midway in Vietnam.
Dig around. Some are very unique, and a few, excellent. (Even if they were taken by "Brand X" squadron. :( )
Memories of battles fought long ago from Aviation & Aerospace News
Note: This true story is from a pilot who was in VMFA 314 at Chu Lai in '69...Just another day at the office! You Vietnam F4 guys will appreciate this amazing story I...
China National Aviation Museum from Pilots of America Message Board by ErikU
As you may know, I have been in Beijing for a while for the Olympics. I visited the China National Aviation Museum today...
The EEA Young Eagles Fly-In Rogers, Arkansas - Associated Content, CO
By Lynda Altman, published Aug 19, 2008 Rogers Airport, Arkansas -- On Saturday, August 18, the EEA Young Eagles held their fly-in at Rogers Municipal ...
Aeroplane club looks to Govt - The Nation Newspaper, Barbados
Members of the heavily indebted club are optimistic that Government will intervene to keep it afloat. "It looks like the present Government is going to give ...
An interesting high-wire act from Bayou Renaissance Man by Peter
Durach, Germany, saw an interesting high-wire act yesterday when a light aircraft tried to land at the airfield there.
Airport honor fitting for more Hoosier pilots - Indianapolis Star, United States Cook, an Indiana native, was an ace World War I combat aviator who claimed seven victories, including three German planes, and received one of America's ...
Defenders of Freedom - Offutt AFB from FenceCheck Forums
Lynx (all variants) from FenceCheck Forums
Sea King / H-3 / H-124 (all variants) from FenceCheck Forums
H-53 (all variants) from FenceCheck Forums
Kecskemét Airshow; mig 21, 29, Hornet, Eurofighter, C17, mi 17, 24, and a lot more
from Military Photos by Noodverbandje
Russian and Eastern Bloc built choppers from FenceCheck Forums
For the latest News @ Full Throttle and additional features visit© You may also subscribe for daily automatic E-mail delivery directly to your Inbox!

...I find it a bit poignant that the Air Force crewmembers of today are still flying many of the same airframes that were getting a little long in tooth when I retired 29 years ago. Sure, the old airplanes have been upgraded and modernized, a bit, but automobiles build in the 1950s time frame are considered classics and not expected to soldier on day to day like we expect the KC-135 (built from 1957-1964), the B-52-H (built in 1964) and yes even the Navy's P-3 submarine hunter aircraft (same era) that I walked around and touched this weekend. ...
THE GREAT STATE OF MAINE AIRSHOW - SEPTEMBER 6-7 2008 - Travel Advise Pages via Google
Join the other 250,000 spectators expected at the Naval Air Station, Brunswick, Maine, for a weekend of non-stop action and entertainment for the whole family.
This year the US Navy "Blue Angels" Flight Demonstration Team will electrify the crowd with their precision flying in the F/A 18 Hornet. Their display demonstrates skills possessed by all naval aviators. It includes the four-plane Diamond Formation, in concert with high performance manoeuvres by two solo pilots. The renowned six jet delta formation, locked as one unit, illustrates the ultimate in formation flying.
There will be a pancake breakfast that morning, with the airshow starting at 10 am This year you will see 1 of 3 remaining Mitsubishi "Zero" Warbirds still ...
B-17 visits airport for Corn Fest - Dekalb Daily Chronicle, IL
The 87-year-old from Carbondale was a waist gunner on 30 missions onboard a B-17 bomber during World War II, and was able to relive the majesty of the large ...
Local veteran takes flight in B-17 - Danbury News Times, CT
By Melvin Mason World War II veteran Remo Tiso, 84, of Southbury, stands by a B-17 plane at Oxford Airport on Monday. OXFORD -- Remo Tiso may have been ...
Historic B-17 aircraft graces airport - Connecticut Post, CT
By MELVIN MASON The Experimental Aircraft Association's B17 taxis to the flight line at Oxford Airport where it will be available for tours and flights ...
Our View: History alive during B-17 visit to Mt. Vernon - Mt. Vernon Register-News, IL
A significant piece of history buzzed around the King City over the weekend. The B-17 bomber known as Sentimental Journey spent time at Mt. Vernon-Outland Airport allowing residents the opportunity to view a World War II warbird while also offering flights to residents from ...
World War II veteran takes one more turn at the controls of a B-24 ... - Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA
A 30-minute flight on the B-24 or the B-17 costs $425. A 30-minute flight on the P-51 costs $2200 and an hour-long flight costs $3200. ...
Machines of protection - Chicago Tribune, United States
...I'm a six-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps who provided avionics support on the F/A-18 fleet (including the Blue Angels) right here in the U.S. Therefore it gives me great pride to be able to share a glimpse of these beautiful machines of protection (and of my past) with my wife and children who ,,,
Red arrows to perform over London - Worthing Today, UK
The Red Arrows will perform a fly-past over London on Sunday to mark the handover of the Olympic flag to the city. The RAF aerobatics display team, ...
Return of the mighty three - Bournemouth Daily Echo, UK
With so many display teams taking part, including a record three appearances by the Red Arrows, planning ahead is the only way to keep abreast of the action ...
AIRBOURNE - Time to face the music - Eastbourne Today, UK
So were the Red Arrows and the Typhoon (Eurofighter). All brilliant. So was the weather – rain was predicted all week, but it started 10 minutes after the ...
Battle of Britain commemorated at Kenley flypast - Croydon Advertiser, UK
Around 700 people clustered by the airfield's war memorial and along its west side, to watch the flypast on Sunday afternoon. The 450 Squadron Air Training ...
Imperial War Musuem Duxford 18th August 2008 from Military Photos by DazJW
I was at IWM Duxford yesterday and took 300 photos exactly.
After I weeded most of the duplicates (the lighting in alot of the museum is a nightmare so I had quite a few dark versions then light versions of things) it came down to 267 photos which I've uploaded here.
They're mostly in the order Hanger 1, 2, etcetera then the American Air Museum and the Land Warfare Hall ...

16:15 Flying one of the heaviest planes, Nigel Lamb put in his best performance of the season in his home country when the Red Bull Air Race visited London. Can he repeat it in Budapest? With a time of 1:06.99 he comes third.
UPSIDE DOWN from Red Bull Air Race News
The tables were turned on the leaders of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship in Budapest on Tuesday, with Paul Bonhomme, Hannes Arch and Kirby Chambliss among the first to fly in the Qualifying session after putting in mixed performances during final training. The coveted position of flying last in the Qualifying session will go to American pilot Michael Goulian, currently ranked ninth in the overall championship, who was fastest overall in Monday's outing.
Paul Bonhomme of Britain, current leader of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship, came first in Qualifying for the Red Bull Air Race in Budapest on Tuesday. Austria's Hannes Arch came second and local pilot Peter Besenyei came third on the course over the River Danube.
AIRPORT NEWS from Red Bull Air Race News Mike Goulian (1st) surprised many by posting the fastest time in the final training session on Monday to secure the coveted position of starting last in Tuesday's Qualifying. The result will help banish memories of his performance in London, the last stop on the Red Bull Air Race World Championship tour, where he failed to finish his run in the Point One competition on race day following a pylon hit.
BONHOMME ONBOARD LONDON from Red Bull Air Race Video Podcast
from Red Bull Air Race Video Podcast
NICK & FRANK'S TRAINING SUMMARY, BUDAPEST from Red Bull Air Race Video Podcast
RAKHMANIN OUT OF THE QUADRO from Red Bull Air Race Photos
[and other photos]
Red Bull Air Race 2008 Budapest Qualification - Photos via Wordpress
Air Race started from Budapest and naturally this year again the show is here in the capital of Hungary again. Today the qualification has been on over the Danube right in the middle of the city, among thousands of spectators. Hungarian fans are enthusiastic, they are proud of their great stunt flier world champion, Peter Besenyei, who actually invented this race. Here is my personal summary of the qualification from Budapest. You can view all my pictures here. ... As we could get used to it during the days, the air race ...
U.S. pilots claims round-the-world helicopter record from Radar Vector - Civil Aviation News
American pilots Scott Kasprowicz and Steve Sheik has set a new speed record for flying around the world in a helicopter. ...
- Duo Smashes Around-the-world Helo Speed Record from
Today is National Aviation Day! from The Girls With Wings Blog by Lynda
Did you know that there is a National Aviation Day? Yes, National Aviation Day on August 19 of every year is a United States national observation that celebrates the development of human flight. The holiday was established by a presidential proclamation in 1939, which designated the anniversary ...
High flying action at fun day - Swindon Advertiser, UK
... Parachute Display Team eventually made it through the clouds to land in a packed arena before standing to attention as the Hercules performed a flypast. ...
F4B Vietnam Combat Action off USS Midway from Airwarriors by Catmando
Here's a wide variety (listed on the left of the site page) of F-4B aircraft and aircrew personal photos and videos taken during combat operations off the USS Midway in Vietnam.
Dig around. Some are very unique, and a few, excellent. (Even if they were taken by "Brand X" squadron. :( )
Memories of battles fought long ago from Aviation & Aerospace News
Note: This true story is from a pilot who was in VMFA 314 at Chu Lai in '69...Just another day at the office! You Vietnam F4 guys will appreciate this amazing story I...
China National Aviation Museum from Pilots of America Message Board by ErikU
As you may know, I have been in Beijing for a while for the Olympics. I visited the China National Aviation Museum today...
The EEA Young Eagles Fly-In Rogers, Arkansas - Associated Content, CO
By Lynda Altman, published Aug 19, 2008 Rogers Airport, Arkansas -- On Saturday, August 18, the EEA Young Eagles held their fly-in at Rogers Municipal ...
Aeroplane club looks to Govt - The Nation Newspaper, Barbados
Members of the heavily indebted club are optimistic that Government will intervene to keep it afloat. "It looks like the present Government is going to give ...
An interesting high-wire act from Bayou Renaissance Man by Peter
Durach, Germany, saw an interesting high-wire act yesterday when a light aircraft tried to land at the airfield there.

Lynx (all variants) from FenceCheck Forums
Sea King / H-3 / H-124 (all variants) from FenceCheck Forums
H-53 (all variants) from FenceCheck Forums
Kecskemét Airshow; mig 21, 29, Hornet, Eurofighter, C17, mi 17, 24, and a lot more
from Military Photos by Noodverbandje
Russian and Eastern Bloc built choppers from FenceCheck Forums
For the latest News @ Full Throttle and additional features visit© You may also subscribe for daily automatic E-mail delivery directly to your Inbox!

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