Air Show exhibit educates public about Tuskegee Airmen - San Antonio Express | Unaware, the white pilots often asked for the fighters — a routine reflected in the name “By ReQuest” painted below the cockpit of a restored Mustang on display at the Randolph Air Force Base Air Show Saturday and Sunday. The Commemorative Air Force ...
Viper pilot at home for Randolph 2011 Air Show from Warplanes Online Community | San Antonio, TX — For some pilots, it runs in the family. Maj. Ryan “Rider” Corrigan can draw influence from his uncle and dad, both F-16 pilots. Corrigan will showcase his skills during the F-16 “Viper East Demo” at the Randolph 2011 Air Show this coming Saturday and Sunday. “I knew I wanted to be a pilot after I saw my first air show,” Corrigan said. “My uncle was a Thunderbird F-16 pilot.” His older brother and cousin are also in the family business...
Golden Knights head to the US National Skydiving Championships 2011 from US Army Golden Knights by Laura Dickmeyer | The Golden Knights Competition team is gearing up for the U.S. National Skydiving Championships. Nationals will be held at Skydive Arizona in Eloy, AZ. The Golden Knights will compete in 4-way, 8-way, 16-way and 10-way formation skydiving. GK8 will be returning once again to defend their Gold medal from 2010 while the Golden Knights Female [...]

Rise time record made by Sukhoi Su-27 completed 25 years and remains unbeatable - Translated | According to the website yesterday, 27 days, was the 25th anniversary of the record rise time at cruise, hit with a fighter aircraft Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker. The test pilot of Sukhoi Company, Viktor Pugachev, set the world record of rising to an altitude of 3000 meters in 25.4 seconds on October 27, 1986. This record still belongs to the Su-27, according to reports from Sukhoi...
Western Cape Aerobatic Regionals from Airstrike Aviation Photography | The Western Cape Aerobatic Regionals were held at Saldanha Bay Airfield (FASD) from 28-29 October. This was first light for my new Canon 1D Mk1V and I have to say I’m overly impressed with it.
Cash woes ground Windsor Air Show - Windsor Star | A Snowbird takes off at the Windsor International Air Show at the Windsor International Airport, Saturday, Sept. 10, 2011. WINDSOR, Ont. -- Windsor's annual air show is dead - and a lack of city funding ...
"Flying Tigers" exhibit dedicated at Pacific Aviation Museum - KHON2 | A Curtiss P-40 Warhawk flying tiger is now the centerpiece of the new "flying tigers" exhibit. It's one of the most popular American fighter planes of the second World War and was brought to the museum in July of last year...
ANN ARBOR: Pilot will give presentation on Willow Run World War II bomber plant - Heritage Newspapers | In a tribute to Veterans Day, Randy Hotton, director of Flight Operations at the Yankee Air Museum in Belleville, will give a presentation, "How Detroit Saved the World: World War II and the Willow Run Story," 7 pm ...
20 th ANNIVERSARY OF THE AV-8B Harrier II + GROUP OF ITALIAN NAVY carrier air - Translated | The GRUPAER (Air Group) was founded in February 1991 and began operations at the air base the U.S. Marine Corps at Cherry Point, NC (USA). In June of that year received the first two two-seat TAV-8B aircraft I-01 and I-02 and the first landing on the aircraft carrier Garibaldi ship, moored at the naval base of Norfolk (USA), August 23, 1991 is now 20 years ago...
The B25 Bomber and the Empire State Building from Fear of Landing by Sylvia | On the 28th of July in 1945 a B25 crashed into the Empire State Building. The photographs look like something out of an old King Kong movie, with flames licking up the building. But the fire was extinguished within 40 minutes, still the only fire at such a height that was ever successfully controlled...
Happy 125th birthday, Statue of Liberty! from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin
Taking Flight with Lady Liberty by The National Air and Space Museum | What comes to mind when you think of the Statue of Liberty? America, freedom, democracy. Her image is immediately recognized around the world as an ambassador for the United States and icon of the American dream. She has been the focal point of many a celebration over the years and in several cases, the gracious hostess (and waypoint) for aerial races and demonstrations. In celebration of her 125th anniversary, we gathered a few images, objects, and posters that feature inspiring views of Lady Liberty in the context of flight...
ckck: Aircraft flying over The Statue of Liberty, New York... from Planeshots
Congressman Wolf Writes Young Rocketeer of Support for Commercial Crew Launches from Spaceports | Brittany Barnes of Norton, Va. communicated with Congressman Frank Wolf on the importance of human spaceflight after visit to Wallops Island launch pads. Congressman Frank Wolf has signaled his support for the utilization of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on Wallops Island, Virginia for commercial cargo and human crew flights to orbit to a Southwestern Virginia young woman becoming an aerospace engineer...