Jets in flight to fancy at popular event - Wairarapa Times Age | Promo drive: Wings over Wairarapa organiser Liz Pollock with her new aeroplane-themed car at Hood Aerodrome in Masterton. Albatros, venom and vampires will ...
Safeskies seminars to feature at Avalon Airshow - Aviation Business | These seminars, free to all Air Show attendees, will start at 10:00 and finish at 11:30 on each of the two days and will not impinge on attendees' time for ...
Steve Wittman: Air Racing's Greatest Legend - Featured - In Flight USA
from | On April 5, 1904 when the powered airplane was less than four months old, Steve Wittman was born in the second floor living quarters of the Soo Line railroad depot in Byron, Wisconsin. His given name was Sylvester Joseph Wittman, but an early aviation journalist, reporting on an air race, assumed the "S" in S. J. Wittman meant Steve and published that. The name stayed with him for the rest of his life…
Help us support the Centennial of Woman Pilots from by Marty | Our friend, Karlene Petitt, is involved with an initiative to get 2010 female pilots introduced to aviation. It's been 100 years since the first woman earned her pilots license. To celebrate this anniversary, Mireille Goyer had a vision of introducing 2010 new girls and women to aviation this year. For all who signed up, only 25% [...] Original post and comments from: Help us support the Centennial of Woman Pilots
Local veteran receives service medal from freeholders - | Sully is a certified Commercial Pilot (CFII, MEII), who worked several years as part-time flight instructor at the McGuire Air Force Base Aero Club, ...
The doomed last flight of a magnificent man and his flying machine - Lakes Mail | But the Sydney-born aviator's life ended last week when, flying home alone from California to be best man at a friend's wedding, he crashed in his ...
Aero Club panel stresses unity, activism - Wichita Business Journal | The panelists spoke at the Wichita Aero Club's final luncheon of 2010 as part of the organization's 2nd Annual On-Air Summit. The speakers included Ed Bolen ...
"ET Call Burt Rutan - Collect" - Gerson Lehrman Group | Perhaps one of the most aggressive proponents of this is Burt Rutan who has partnered with Richard Branson in Virgin Galactic. I urge you to download and ...
Warbird Radio Presents – The X-35B Story
from by Matt | WARBIRD RADIO PRESENTS – Get up close and personal with the X-35B and it's unique propulsion system. For the first time ever the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum's Hazy Center is displaying the X-35B with it's science-fiction-looking lift fan and engine. During this special Warbird Radio Presents we'll hear from Mr. Dik Daso, the Curator of [...]

from The Aero Experience by Carmelo Turdo | The U.S. Air Force Boeing X-37B is set to land at Vandenberg AFB, CA sometime between December 3-6, according to a November 30 Air Force statement. The vehicle was launched April 22 aboard an Atlas V booster, and is designed to orbit up to 270 days and automatically reenter and land. Little is positively known about the spacecraft or its mission, but another test vehicle is planned for launch next year.
X-37 B Military Mini-Shuttle to Land Friday Dec. 3rd at Vandenberg Air Force Base from Spaceports by (JackKennedy) After more than seven months circling the planet, the United States Air Force's unmanned miniature space shuttle, known as the X 37B, is poised to land at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California possibly as soon as Friday. The military has released the typical notices to pilots and mariners, or NOTAMs, warning of an upcoming operation at the base. The notice advises of a military operation between 10 p.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. Friday…
X-37B to return to earth from RLV and Space Transport News | Irene Klotz reports that the X-37B will land soon: Secret military mini-shuttle returning to Earth: Air Force says robotic craft completed 9-month mission - Reuters. A miniature robotic space shuttle launched from Cape Canaveral in April has completed a nine-month classified mission for the military and will be headed for a landing as early as Friday, Air Force officials said on Tuesday.

Flying Car Company to Assist with $65M Defense Vehicle Project
from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News | -Woburn, MA -- November 30, 2010: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched a $65M program to develop a four person flyable and roadable vehicle. Terrafugia, Inc., developer of the Transition® Roadable Aircraft, or "Flying Car", is the largest subcontractor to one of two winning teams, led by AAI Corporation and comprised of other Textron companies…
Aerospace publisher giving up from RLV and Space Transport News | Aerospace history buffs will be sad to hear news from Scott Lowther that Specialty Press is shutting down: "Specialty Press" Shutting Down - The Unwanted Blog. They publish mostly aviation related books but they do have quite a number of entries in the X-Planes/Spacecraft section.

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