16 Harriers fly in formation for farewell from Flight Image of the Day
Earlier this week the RAF rehearsed a farewell for the UK's BAE Systems Harrier GR9/9A ground-attack aircraft.
Today's farewell is to involve a 16-aircraft formation which will perform flypasts at the RAF's facilities at Wyton, Cranwell, Waddington, Scampton and Coningsby and also over Stamford, Lincoln and Oakham before returning to land at Cottesmore. The aircraft should take off from around 13:15 local time and land around 90min later, the Ministry of Defence says. ...
End Of Days from Classic Aviation Worldwide
The 15th December 2010 will go down as a sad day in the history of the RAF. The Harrier jump jet was retired from service. This legendary aircraft must certainly now be considered a classic jet and we hope a historic operator will take it upon themselves to operate one on the civil register. ...
Blue Angels to perform at summer air show - RocNow
Next year also marks the Centennial of Naval Aviation, which will play a large role in the Blue Angels' performance. “The ESL International Air show is one ...
Blue Angels Advance Team to arrive today - Times Record
Base redevelopment officials on Tuesday signed off on a concessions deal for the event, discussed plans to add an evening concert series to the air show, ...
Great Tennessee air show 2011 - The Tennessean
The USAF Thunderbirds are watched by military personnel at Little Rock Air Force Base in October when they performed in Jacksonville, Ark. The F-16 ...
Air show dates set - The Herald-Mail
The lineup of aerial acts has yet to be finalized, but the dates for the 2011 Thunder Over the Blue Ridge air show and open house are ...
Airport in the black for Fiscal 2010 - Stafford County Sun
Manager Ed Wallis is looking for sponsors for an air show Oct. 15 of next year. The authority's plan is to raise enough capital to make the show free to the ...
2010 NAS Oceana Airshow - Otto the Helicopter - YouTube
Otto the Helicopter Nighttime Performance 2010 NAS Oceana Airshow Naval Air Station Oceana Virginia Beach, Virginia Friday September 17, 2010 IN THIS VIDEO, Roger Buis flies Otto the Helicopter in the signature Otto nighttime airshow performance. As you watch the video you can tell how much the c...
Time to bin the Red Arrows from PPRuNe Forums
Think with the demise of the Harrier Force and the biting cuts in Defence spending, its about time we got rid of the last great ego trip for fast jet aircrew and bin the Reds once and for all, after all we are going to have a lack of frontline units soon to draw crews from and im sure the wearing of a scarlet suit whilst all your mates are in Desert DPs is going to be a sign of im alright Jack to others, there is no place in a reduced RAF for a flying circus whilst COs of frontliners beg cap in hand for extra fuel to carry out training sorties...........nice whilst it lasted but.........time to go im afraid
(plus the jets now need 25hrs maintainance for every hour in the air)
Earheart found? from Classic Aviation Worldwide
Legendary aviator Amelia Earhart went missing en route to Howard Island on July 2nd 1937. In 2010 it has been reported that a bone fragment, believed to be from a human finger, has been found on a Pacific Island. A group of researches are extremely hopeful the fragment belonged to Earhart; having been found in an abandoned campsite along with many women's 1930's artefacts. A University are attempting to extract human DNA from the piece, will get any finding verified, and then begin the process of matching the sample to that of Amelia. ...
Centennial of Women in Aviation with Jackie - Episode 27 from Mile High Flyers Podcast
On Sunday, December 5th 2010 - in conjunction with the Centennial of Women in Aviation organization, and because of the Fly It Forward campaign started by the amazingly talented Karlene Petitt of the Flight to Success blog, Nate & Zyola were honored to introduce Jackie from KOSI Radio in Denver to General Aviation. ...

First Flight in the World of a Privately Owned MiG-29 Fulcrum by Air USA in Quincy, Illinois; December 10th, 2010 at 10:00 AM from Aviation Blogs
QUINCY REGIONAL AIRPORT- Air USA made aviation history December 10th when they successfully flew the world’s first flights of a MiG-29 Fulcrum in private hands. Don Kirlin, Naval Aviator and commercial ...
Free Festive Family Activities In The Run Up To Christmas from RAF Museum London News
In the run up the Christmas the Museum will be hosting a range of free festive activities to get you into the Seasonal Spirit. On Saturday 18th December, in conjunction with the Hendon Chapter of the Salvation Army, the Royal Air Force Museum will be hosting its first annual Christmas Carol Concert by our Lancaster Bomber. Members of the public are invited to attend and to participate in celebrating the Festive Season by singing out loud and proud a selection of favourite carols from ...
Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe — the first jet fighter from Travel for Aircraft
Pushed back onto its haunches in WW II the Luftwaffe continued to seek technological advances that could be used to counter the continuing dominance and numbers of the Allies. Not possessing the industrial might to develop nuclear weapons Germany was able to lead the world in aeronautics, especially with regard to wing and engine designs. The first operational jet powered fighter was the Luftwaffe’s Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe (Swallow). It was ...
A-26 Invader – Osprey from Let Let Let - Warplanes
Famous Osprey publishing series Combat aircraft book number 82 is dedicated to A-26 Invader units of the World war II. Designed to combine the bombing capability of the B-26 Marauder with the versatility of the ground-attack A-20 Havoc, the A-26 Invader would become the USAAF’s attack bomber par excellence. Capable of flying low-level strafing or conventional bombing missions by simply changing the nose ...
DC-3 at 75 from Aeroplane Monthly News
Douglas DC-3The legendary Douglas DC-3 celebrates its 75th birthday on 17 December 2010. First flown from Santa Monica, California in 1935 the DC-3 has played a significant role in commercial air travel, freight transport and served with distinction in a military role as the ...
Micro Jets: Is Bigger Really Better? from ASB.tv

It has often been the notion that bigger is better, well that may not always be the case. Sure you’ve seen the big enormous planes like the commercial jets or the massive transport planes often shown in movies and such. But what about some of the other planes out there, the motorcycles of the aircraft world if you will? If ...
Photo essay: Mountain Home AFB F-15s with an eagle eye from Air Force Link Top Stories

AMA Air Show Team Program Seeking New Teams - Flying Giants
Would you like to fly at show center at full scale airshows, be treated as a professional performer and be invited to performer functions? Would you like to meet the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds? How about getting to know Greg Poe, Patty Wagstaff, or Shawn Tucker?
The Team AMA, an official program of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, needs your help. This program is comprised of professional air show teams that are focused primarily on performing at full scale air shows and other large public events. Full scale events offer access to large crowds who have a high interest in aviation. ...
December 15 from Cut and Paste Aviation
From the archive, 15 December 1953: Scots claim to first flight - The Guardian
Presumably the Royal Aero Club will look into this new claim and make an official pronouncement. Old photographs of the aircraft suggest that it might have ...
Win a signed copy of Flyabout – A great aviation movie from Plastic Pilot

Flyabout is a documentary film in which Monika Petrillo relates her journey flying around Australia in a Cessna 172. This trip is an aviation adventure but also a life changing trip in many aspects. If you read the review of Flyabout I wrote in 2009 you know how much I liked this movie and how deep it touched me. ...
Hey Boeing, How About Making A 737 USB? from AirPigz
It’s pretty clear that Boeing isn’t listening to me since my heartfelt plea for a 787 to spend a little time in AeroShell Square at Oshkosh 2010 was ignored, but that won’t stop me from trying to send more good ideas their way. Like this one: the 737 USB. ‘USB’ stands for Upper Surface Blowing, that rather unique concept that Boeing proved to be quite effective back in the 70’s with their YC-14 demonstrator. If you’ve been paying attention lately, you know I have a bit of a crush on the YC-14, so when I stumbled on to some ...
December 15, 2010: Dreamliner at One from FlightBlogger - Aviation News, Commentary and Analysis
The weather in Seattle today isn't much different from that of a year ago when Mike Carriker and Randy Neville took ZA001 on its maiden flight. It's a far more somber of an anniversary than Boeing would like it to be with the test fleet grounded after the November 9 fire. ZA002 is back home in Seattle and the fleet is in ground testing, but there remain large questions hanging over this program. ...
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