Fantasy of Flight New Year's Resolution
A Healthful 2011 Every staff member at Fantasy of Flight received a year-end "Health Bonus" as a farewell to 2010 and a commitment to wellness and prosperity in the year ahead. All of us challenge you--our extended family of Fantasy of Flight fans--to join us in adopting "a healthier lifestyle going into the New Year," as the boss blazes the trail by dropping 30-plus pounds and 12% body fat. Not to mention lowering blood pressure and increasing vitality. 
Kermit Weeks demonstrates StayHealthy kiosk in Fantasy of Flight breakroom. |
However, we do have a secret weapon sitting in our break room, a StayHealthy kiosk that assesses our health levels and tracks our progress toward personal health goals. And it works! Soon the kiosk will move out to the lobby for everyone to use. And if a little inspiration is all you need, check out Kermit's story on his blog! |
Return of
nightFlight Phase 2 
Devoted followers of the paranormal: if you couldn't attend the sold-out investigations last October, grab your EMF detector and get ready for the winter season of nightFlight. And if you did attend, you may just want to return! Phase 2 of our popular paranormal investigations continues as we dig deeper into the mysterious female spirit "M" in the Officers Club; the new approach in the Carrier Deck with the cluster of Naval carrier-based aircraft; the expansion of the investigation into new areas, especially the Restoration Shop; and the EVP experience within the PBY Catalina. Reservations are now open for the Jan. 29, Feb. 26, and March 5 nightFlight investigations. Click here to register or to learn more! |
What's New on the Website: Kermit's Article about Seaplanes
The recent 2010 International Seaplane Fly In program featured a fun reflection on water-based airplanes penned by Fantasy of Flight founder and owner Kermit Weeks. In the article, he tells terrific stories about seaplane adventure while highlighting excellent examples of amphibious aircraft and flying boats within the collection, including the mammoth Short Sunderland, the adventurous Sikorsky S-39, and the glorious Grumman Duck. To read the article in its entirety, click here.
Student Essay Contest
Deadline Approaches: January 15 In celebration of Black History Month and in salute to the legendary heroism of the Tuskegee Airmen, Fantasy of Flight is offering grade 4-12 students an opportunity to reflect on important values and win cash prizes. The story of these courageous American heroes represents the core values of Leadership, Excellence, Advocacy, and Determination--which provide an outstanding platform for learning. Click here to learn more about the essay contest and to download an entry form. The winning students will be celebrated at the Legends & Legacies symposium program "They Dared to Fly" in February. |
Toys for Tots Drive a Merry Success
 Many thanks for all the great support of Fantasy of Flight friends who helped bring smiles to a bunch of youngsters during the holidays. Clearly, visitiors were motivated by more than the discount to lend a hand. In addition to six bicycles (!!!), plenty of dollies, cars, and other cool toys brightened the holidays for some needy kids. |
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