Blue Angels flying in - The Bridgeton News - | …according to organizers of the airshow, scheduled for Memorial Day weekend 2011. The aircraft will then taxi to the Boeing Corp. Hangar. ...
Pinky's Corner: Come to Atlantic City for air show, stay for the ... - Press of Atlantic City | Since its inception, many of us in the community have come up with ideas to bring people here before the air show and keep them here for several hours after ...
Shrinersfest will host Blue Angels in 2011 - 14 News, The Tri ... by Becky Graham | Mayor Weinzapfel says, "The Shriners will be hosting, managing, and coordinating a visit by the Blue Angels in June of 2011, and there will be an ongoing ten year commitment between the Shriners, the city, and GAGE to host an annual ...
ICAS 2010: This Year's Winners Are ... Music, Sex & Cookies! #ICAS10
Extra 500 Spirit coming Down Under - Australian Flying | The company, who also has a long history of producing high-end aerobatic aircraft including the EXTRA 200, has appointed Extra Aviation Australasia as the ...
Al Ain Air Show to Hit New Heights: AINonline by Charles Alcock | Al Ain Air Show to Hit New Heights. By: Charles Alcock. December 7, 2010. Some of the world's top pilots are going to battle it out at next year's Al Ain Aerobatic Show (February 2-5, 2011). The Desert Challenge, officially sanctioned ...
Malvern J. Gross Jr., accounting executive and record-setting pilot, dies at 77 - Washington Post | For four years, he served as president of the National Aviation Association, which is the country's official aviation record-keeper and represents the ...
Who was the best Marine WWII ace? - Yuma Sun | No one "wins" the Medal of Honor — this medal is earned — and Boyington flew in China with Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers (prior to the United States ...
History Detectives to visit Seattle museum's Boeing B-29 - Seattle Post Intelligencer ... is displayed during a ceremony on July 25, 2010 at Boeing's Plant 2 to mark the 75th anniversary of the B-17 Flying Fortress' first flight. ...
$15,000 Offered for the Rare B-25 Plane from Warplanes Online Community by Tynibelle | A B-25C Mitchell bomber pulled decades ago from the bottom of a South Carolina lake, then partially restored and placed for sale, has found a buyer. The newly formed South Carolina Historic Aviation Foundation will pay Celebrate Freedom Foundation $15,000 for the B-25C Mitchell plane that ditched in the lake during a 1944 training exercise…
91 Year Old Spitfire Pilot Needs Your Help from PPRuNe Forums by VIProds | I have just finished filming a 91 year old Spitfire photo reconnaissance pilot talking about his wartime experiences. Alec would have to fly over to Brest in France, which was the heaviest defended of the occupied ports on the French coast…
F-117 Stealth Trainer? from Black Horizon by Steve Douglass | A friend of mine (Dean Muskett) was out at the local airport today and shot this photo of one of Holloman's T-38 jet trainers on the ramp. What surprised me was to see the tail stripe adorned with F-117s and not the usual F-22 Raptors…
Women in Aviation honored at Kitty Hawk - BlueSky Executive Aviation News "This is an incredible honor for women pioneers throughout aviation history." said WAI President Peggy Chabrian. "And I will be on hand to represent Women ...
Interview with Tami Lewis Brown from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale | Tami Lewis Brown, author of children's picture book (and a very good one at that) Soar Elinor, recounting Elinor Smith's record-breaking flight beneath all of the bridges spanning New York's East River, a feat no one had done before, or has done since, was kind enough to give Winged Victory: Women in Aviation an interview. Check it out at: And note that if you're looking for someone to speak to school groups, scout troops, book clubs or pilot groups, Tami is more than happy to do so. She'll even do it long distance, via Skype!
Quest for Earhart's plane to land here - Arizona Daily Star | In August, Jourdan came to the Pima Air & Space Museum as part of its National Aviation Day celebration. • What: Never Forgotten Classic Fly-In, ...
How Things Work: Whole-Airplane Parachute | Flight Today | Air & Space Magazine - Source: | The Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) was one of the first programs I worked on in 1997 at Cirrus. Now it has saved at least 46 lives. Air and Space magazine has this article in their Jan 2011 issue: :
Airbus A380 Superjumbo Lines Up Two More Buyers for VIP Version - San Francisco Chronicle | Fekih, speaking on the eve of the Middle East Business Aviation air show, running Dec. 7 through 9 in Dubai, also said that Airbus has several prospective ...
X3 Gains Speed (with video) from Ares by Robert Wall | Eurocopter's X3 hybrid helo has reached its first speed target: 180 knots. The program, unveiled in September, reached the initial speed marker on November 29 at the Istres flight test center in southern France -- the goal was reached slightly ahead of target. The next target is exceeding 220 knots.
"It's almost too easy" from Personal Spaceflight by Jeff Foust | It's hard to overstate the achievement that SpaceX made on Wednesday with the successful flight of its Dragon spacecraft. Launching the spacecraft into orbit, while hardly unprecedented, is no simple feat: national space agencies in places like Brazil and South Korea have failed to accomplish this…
The End of the Line for Curtiss Aircraft from Aviation Trivia of the Day by JP Santiago | In the summer of 1945 the US Army Air Force was in the process of outlining its combat aircraft needs in the post-war world. For fighter aircraft, there were three classes of aircraft that the USAAF wanted- an all-weather offensive fighter, a point-defense interceptor, and a long-range penetration fighter…
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