George W. Bush visits museum 43rd President pays tribute to veterans | President George W. Bush recently visited the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force on Nov. 11 (Veterans Day). It marked Bush's third visit to the museum - he had previously visited in 2003 and again in 2008 while serving as president. The purpose of his visit was two-fold. "First and foremost, I wanted to be here on Veterans Day to honor fallen heroes and to tell our men and women in the armed forces how grateful I am for their service and their sacrifices," Bush said. Audience laughter followed his next comment. "I'm not here to sell my book. But if I sell a few copies, well ... that's OK, too." During his 27-minute address, Bush tied his Veterans Day remarks to parts of his recently released memoir "Decision Points," which hit stores Nov. 9. Following his remarks, officials escorted him to a private room in the museum where he spent about 45 minutes with the eight Wounded Warriors and the parents of two men killed in action. Click here for additional information on President Bush's visit.
Museum director to retire this month Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Charles D. Metcalf to retire Dec. 31 | The Air Force recently announced the retirement of Air Force Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Charles D. Metcalf as Director of the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force effective Dec. 31, 2010. Gen. Metcalf, a member of the Senior Executive Service, will retire after 14 years as the Museum's Director. During his tenure as Director, Gen. Metcalf increased museum attendance from 800,000 to nearly 1.4 million visitors, expanded museum facilities to include a 200,000-square-foot Cold War Gallery and a 60,000-square-foot Missile Gallery, and achieved the highest national recognition for a museum - the American Association of Museums accreditation in 1998 and reaccreditation in 2008. The Air Force also announced that Senior Executive Service Member and current Deputy Director, retired Lt. Gen. John "Jack" L. Hudson, will replace Gen. Metcalf as Museum Director. Click here for additional details.
Museum launches Virtual Tour Tour provides users with 24-hour access to museum |
The museum recently launched a new interactive 360-degree virtual tour, where users can explore the museum at their leisure, help plan future visits and share their experiences with friends and family. The tour will be rolled out in phases over the coming months. The first phase is complete and includes interactive capabilities for the Air Park, Memorial Park, Presidential and Research & Development Galleries, along with 360-degree views of the Early Years Gallery. It is estimated that each gallery will take around two months to complete. Click here to launch the tour. |
Free educational family fun Learn about the Wright Brothers during Family Day | 
Commemorate the anniversary of the world's first heavier than air flight by learning about the Wright Brothers and their incredible invention, during Family Day on Saturday, Dec. 11. Museum visitors can try-out the Wright B Flyer simulator, experience several Wright Brothers hands-on wind tunnel demonstrations or see indoor radio-controlled demonstrations from 10 a.m. - 3p.m. Story-time begins at 11:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. in the Early Years Gallery with stories about the Wright Brothers and participants will build paper planes. This month's Aerospace Adventure invites participants to make paper aviation-oriented holiday ornaments from 1:30 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Modern Flight Gallery. Admission and parking are free. Click here for more information including the 2011 Family Day schedule. |
| The U.S. Air Force developed the Sikorsky HH-3E helicopter, nicknamed the "Jolly Green Giant," to perform combat search and rescue missions to recover downed Airmen during the Southeast Asia War. A highly modified version of Sikorsky's CH-3 transport helicopter, the HH-3E carried both armor plating and armament to protect it from hostile forces during rescues of aircrews in a combat area. The museum's HH-3 is currently in the final stages of a detailed restoration process, and has a distinguished combat history. The helicopter, tail number 67-14709 served in combat for 32 months with the 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron at DaNang Air Base, South Vietnam. During this time crewman assigned to it were awarded one Air Force Cross and fourteen Silver Stars for heroism. After the war, while assigned to 33rd Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, its crew were credited with the night time saving of 28 Taiwanese sailors from a sinking ship in the Yellow Sea in 1979 and were awarded the prestigious MacKay Trophy. Scheduled to open to the public on Dec. 15, the helicopter will be one of the featured new exhibits in the museum's revitalized and expanded Southeast Asia War Gallery. Click here to learn more about the HH-3.
| This month in USAF history Dec. 26, 1956 | The Convair F-106 Delta Dart's first flight occurred at Edwards Air Force Base. The F-106 was an all-weather interceptor that was developed from the Convair F-102 Delta Dagger. Originally designated F-102B, it was redesignated F-106 because it had extensive structural changes and a more powerful engine. The F-106 used a Hughes MA-1 electronic guidance and fire control system. After takeoff, the MA-1 could be given control of the aircraft to fly it to the proper altitude and attack position. Then it can fire the Genie and Falcon missiles, break off the attack run and return the aircraft to the vicinity of its base. The pilot would then take control again for the landing. The museum's F-106A is on display in the Cold War Gallery. Click here to learn more about the museum's Delta Dart.
| On the Radar | Dec. 3, 10, 17 · Behind the Scenes Tours Dec. 9, 10 · Holdiay Concerts (tickets required) Dec. 25 · Christmas Day (Museum closed)
Jan. 1 · New Year's Day (Museum closed) |
IMAX® schedule | Legends of Flight · 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily Hubble · Noon and 3 p.m. daily with an additional show at 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag · 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. daily |
Plan Your Visit | Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year's Day
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