Wednesday, June 30, 2010
First time in Canada a Mig 15 & F-86 Hawk One Sabre flight
Indy Transponder 30-JUN-10 1000z
Flying Car Landing In A Driveway Near You from Alternative Energy Newswire | Apparently the FFA works much faster than the EPA – the FFA has just approved the "Flying Car," also known at the Transition Roadable Aircraft. While the flying car, developed by Terrafugia (ter-ra-FOO-gee-ah), doesn't currently run on an alternative fuel such as ethanol or biodiesel, it is an "alternative" way to get yourself around town. So here is how it works….You jump into the cockpit and back your Flying Car out of the garage and head to the airport, driving on the same roads as FFVs, electric cars and hybrids. You pull up to the airport, head out to the runway, drop your wings, which are controlled from the cockpit, and take off. Sweet. No more three hour commutes in rush hour traffic…
Dreamliner Invited To AirVenture from AVweb Top News | There's a chance the Boeing 787 will make its airshow debut at this year's AirVenture Oshkosh. EAA spokesman Dick Knapinski has confirmed that Boeing has been invited to show off its latest design and is considering the idea. "The Boeing folks have an open invitation to join us, and we have had discussions about them attending," Knapinski said Tuesday. He noted that the participation of the Dreamliner and its extent will depend on the aggressive flight-test schedule Boeing has set for the aircraft. The schedule hit a minor setback last week when "workmanship issues" were discovered in the horizontal stabilizers of the five test aircraft.
EAA Tries a New Air Venture: Hot-air Balloons – WBAY | For those heading to the EAA fly-in later this summer, you may be in for a special treat. This summer's event will feature two large hot-air balloon ...
Steve Oliver and Suzanne Asbury-Oliver to Receive 2010 Bill Barber Award for Showmanship - World Airshow News has announced that Steve Oliver and Suzanne Asbury-Oliver are the 2010 recipients of the Bill Barber Award for Showmanship. The award will be presented during EAA AirVenture 2010 at EAA's Theater in the Woods on Monday, July 26. Steve and Suzanne join a list of honorees that reads like an airshow hall of fame over the past 25 years…
2010 International Council of Air Shows Hall of Fame Nominations - The original deadline for the ICAS Foundation Hall of Fame nominations was June 1st. Yep you missed it! Good news, the ICAS Foundation has given you another chance. The new deadline for nominations is July 31st. So get on it! Visit for the rules and how to nominate. Think about that hero of yours who has helped the airshow industry. Now's your chance to recognize them…
Barnstormers take Aberdeen from General Aviation News by Janice Wood | Sarah Wilson, who is part of the American Barnstormers Tour, sends these photos from the tour's latest stop at Aberdeen Regional Airport (ABR) in South Dakota. Aberdeen was the fourth stop of the seven-city tour, which is set to wind up July 5 at Chandler Field Airport (AXN) in Alexandria, Minn. At each stop, people can tour the flight line for free, meet the barnstormers, who dress in vintage clothing, and buy a ride in one of the planes…
Red Bull Stratos Team Announces Latest Test Results from Aerial Sports Feed by Bull Staff) Santa Monica, Calif. – June 29, 2010 – As Red Bull Stratos grows increasingly near to realization, the mission's aeronautics experts today announce encouraging results from the latest high-altitude test jumps and step-off procedure tests. Mission pilot Felix Baumgartner himself acknowledges…
Great Reviews for Rocket Racing League Game from Rocket Racing League Games by smitty …Bronze Award Winner. "Hopefully word will spread about what a decent and original racer RRL is, and the social element – like the real event – will finally get off the ground. Even if it doesn't, though, Rocket Racing League is a fine alternative to the reams of arcade and kart racers on the App Store."…
DVD Review: 'Obsession' - Inside Sport Class Racing At Reno by Martt | The 'Obsession' DVD is not for sale, but interested individuals or groups can find out how to get a copy by sending an email to …
US Air Force & US Navy Drones from FenceCheck Forums
Historic World War II bomber to visit Purdue airport - Carroll County Comet | The B-17 was the heavy bomber vital to winning World War II. From 1935 to 1945, 12731 were built and 4754 were destroyed in combat. ...
Tour goes on a 'Sentimental Journey' - Kenosha | Cole Sharp, 8, of Kenosha, exited the close confines of the B-17 "Sentimental Journey" Monday and described the experience in three words: "It ...
CarolAnn Garratt at International Women's Air and Space Musuem from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale - I attended CarolAnn Garrat's talk tonight at the Women's International Air and Space Museum, located at the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. CarolAnn's mother died of ALS (Lou Gehrig disease) in April 2002. A pilot for many years, this event spurred her to attempt to raise money for ALS research by using her love of aviation as a springboard. In 2003 she flew around the world, a 7 month trip, raising awareness of ALS along the way. (She paid for the trip herself, all funds donated went to ALS)…
What's The Next Big Idea, Burt Rutan? - Palm Springs Life | Burt Rutan made international headlines in 2004 with his design of SpaceShipOne, the first privately built spacecraft to reach space, followed with the ...
Museum of Flight breaks ground on space shuttle gallery from Aerospace News by (Aubrey Cohen) The Seattle Museum of Flight on Tuesday broke ground on a new gallery that will house a retired space shuttle orbiter, should the museum win one…
Veterans' stories may be filmed, filed in Library of Congress - Ventura County Star | The filming will take place at the Commemorative Air Force World War II Air History Museum, 455 Aviation Drive, Camarillo. Poutre asked interested veterans ...
Hurricane Heralds Air Tattoo - RAF - News by Date - THE ONLY airworthy Battle of Britain Hurricane still in existence flew in to RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire today for the media launch of this year's Royal International Air Tattoo. Hurricane R4118, together with its Battle of Britain ...
A little Airshow action in Iowa... - The Photo Forum - Photography ... by USM IS | Quad City Airshow........FA-18 hornet F-15C Strike was HARSE to say the least. Super Chipmunk Strike Eagle, turn and burn....
from FenceCheck Forums - Finally getting around to more. These are from Friday. Kent Pietsch:
Episode 103 – Live ATC from Airplane Geeks Podcast by (Airplane Geeks) Guest Dave Pascoe from explains how he provides real-time Air Traffic Control feeds directly to your browser, mp3 player, and mobile device. LiveATC will be streaming ATC communications live from EAA Airventure at Oshkosh (in a joint partnership with EAA) – including both Tower frequencies and some other goodies. Look for Dave during the first few days of the show…
Steve Oliver and Suzanne Asbury-Oliver to Receive 2010 Bill Barber Award for Showmanship
Wings of Dreams Fly-In Breakfast
(Drive-in and ride-in guests are welcome!)
Breakfast buffet by Cowboyz Catering of Gainesville to benefit the Wings of Dreams Aviation Museum. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, grits, biscuits, fruit and drinks.
Serving from 8 to 11 a.m.
$7 per person - $4 for kids - Free breakfast for WWII veterans
"It's All About Freedom" presented by Col. Phil Newman, WWII B-17 Pilot and member of the Decrepit Birdmen. Download flyer at
(Attention Pilots: Great fuel prices at Keystone Airport)
Upcoming Wings of Dreams Fly-In Breakfast schedule:
Saturday, August 7 – History of Aerobatics – Presentation and Demonstration
Saturday, September 4 - WWI U.S. Army Balloon Corps - Display and Presentation
Saturday, October 2 - Battle of Britain – Presentation
Mark your calendars!
Wings of Dreams Big Bang Hangar Dinner/Dance
Saturday, October 23 - “Spook Night” – Come dressed as your favorite spy!
-Pay tribute to the men and women of the clandestine services
-Commemorate the intelligence coups of World War II
Featuring the Clay County Community Swing Band Ensemble
Dinner Buffet – Music – Dancing – Cash Bar – Door Prizes – Silent Auction – Best Costume Award
Tickets go on sale September 1!
$40 per person – Advance ticket sales (if purchased by October 8th)
$45 per person after October 8th
Free admission for World War II veterans
2010 International Council of Air Shows Hall of Fame Nominations
The ICAS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization manned by volunteers, some of whom pay their own expenses to the annual ICAS convention just to help raise money for worthy causes. Those causes include helping the members of the airshow community who may need unexpected financial assistance due to an illness, accident, or other event. The Foundation also manages scholarships for young (and not-so-young) persons who are attempting to further their education in things aeronautical or aerobatical.
The Foundation also manages its Hall of Fame. (If you’ve been to an ICAS convention, you’ve seen the Foundation induct airshow personalities into the Hall of Fame. Typically, up to three persons (or groups) are inducted, all based on nominations from members of the airshow community. You do not need to be an ICAS member to make a nomination. This year, the foundation has extended the nomination process to July 31. Which means, there is still time for you to consider nominating a person whom you deem worth of joining the ranks of previous winners, which includes:
2009: Charlie Culp, Tom Poberezny, Bobby Younkin
2008: Bessie Coleman, Paul Bowen, Bobby Bishop
2007: Danny Clisham, Jimmy Driskell, Jimmy Franklin, Sean D. Tucker
2006: Paul Mantz, Marion Cole, Eddie “The Grip” Green, Patty Wagstaff
2005: Bill Sweet, Bob Herendeen, Wayne Handley
2004: Lincoln Beachey, Harold Krier, Jim Holland, Bill Bordeleau, Johnny Kazian
2003: Jim Mynning, Betty Skelton Frankman
2002: Swede Ralston, Curtis Pitts, The Original Thunderbirds Team
2001: Clifford Henderson, Captain Roy M. “Butch” Voris, The Flying Aces Air Circus
2000: The French Connection (Daniel Heligoin and Montaine Mallet), The Beardsleys (Big B and Burner)
1999: Colonel Owen Bartley “OB” Philp
1998: Leo Loudenslager
1997: Bill Barber, Charlie Hillard, Paul Poberezny
1996: Duane Cole, Art Scholl, Beverly “Bevo” Howard
1995: Robert A. “Bob” Hoover
Quite an impressive list, isn’t it? If you would like to make a nomination, just surf to You’ll find complete details on how to make a nomination on line.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Indy Transponder 29-JUN-10 2345z
70000 attended weekend air shows - St. Cloud Times
The show featured the US Navy Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron, the F-22 Raptor and other aerobatics. Chapman said volunteers will finish taking ...
Setup begins for air show-balloon event - Battle Creek Enquirer
The annual rite of summer that is the Field of Flight Balloon Festival and Air Show begins Thursday, but there's plenty of preparation under way on the ...
The Commemorative Air Force Tour to arrive in Cedar City - St. George Daily Spectrum
... known as the “Ghost Squadron,” recreate, remind and reinforce the lessons learned from the defining moments in American military aviation history.”
CAF B-29 test flights postponed from General Aviation News
All test flights scheduled for the Commemorative Air Force’s B-29 Superfortress FIFI, on June 29 and 30, have been postponed until further notice. Due to a scheduling conflict, the FAA will not be able to issue a new Airworthiness Certificate for the B-29 Superfortress FIFI until next week at the earliest, CAF officials said, noting the certificate is required for FIFI to begin test flights. ...
Visit from B-17 brings WWII history to life - Muskego Now
Watching Aluminum Overcast, a B-17 bomber, fly overhead at the Wings Over Waukesha event brought New Berlin resident Howard Traeder back to ...
Rare WWII aircraft touch down at GEG - KXLY Spokane
The tour allows visitors to climb into the aircraft and sit at the controls of three historic warbirds: The Vintage Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, ...
Just ask Eric Baldwin of Denver, who was offering rides in his open-cockpit Stearman biplane at Saturday`s fly-in at the Fort Morgan airport. ...
They answered the call - Hot Springs Village Voice
Tens of thousands of airmen, B-17 Flying Fortresses, B-24 Liberators, and fighter aircraft made the journey to England to create an air armada the likes of ...
2010 South Shore Air Show from Airplanes Channel
The South Shore Air Show will be held for the eleventh time this year, and enthusiasm and interest is already building up. Tickets for the preview parties to this phenomenal show have already gone on sale, and this year ...
Preview: Windermere Air Show - Westmorland Gazette
A FEAST of aerial acrobatics and neck-craning displays will draw thousands of people to the tenth Windermere Air Show on July 24 and 25. ...
EAA's AirVenture to Include 2 Hot Air Balloon Launches - WTAQ
The EAA's annual AirVenture show in Oshkosh is about a month away – and this year, it will include two big launches of hot air balloons. ...
Dells Raceway Park: A penny makes the difference - WISBusiness
Excitement was at its peak Saturday night at Dells Raceway Park. Starting off the evening's activities was a flyover by the Scream'n Rebel Airshow Team. This team has honored Veterans by attending events and airshows throughout the Midwest for over 10 years. The four vintage planes were used in training during WWII and are individually owned, maintained, and flown by their dedicated pilots. ...
92-year-old pilot is oldest air show racer - WTOP
At age 92, Ruby Sheldon was the oldest pilot in the three-day 34th Annual Air Race Classic that touched down in Frederick last week. ...
The pivotal leg by warriorwomen2010
Hot Springs to Cameron was our make it or break it leg. We knew that if we could make this leg…with enough time to get to Carbondale, IL….we would have a shot. Problem was: we had WEATHER! A line of ...
Checking in with… Heather Taylor from AOPA Pilot Blog: Reporting Points
When last I talked to Heather Taylor, the director of the documentary “Breaking Through the Clouds,” it was still 2009, the doc was still named “Ragwing Derby,” and Taylor was working hard to finish it up for a hoped-for screening at EAA AirVenture. Flash-forward to June 26, 2010: The documentary is finished, retitled “Breaking Through the Clouds,” and was screened to a very appreciative audience at Hood College, Taylor’s alma mater (and mine).
It was a fantastic experience on many levels. For 12 years, Taylor has been researching and weaving together ...
Making Arctic history from
A CC-177 Globemaster III made Arctic history on June 22, 2010, when it arrived in Resolute Bay, Nunavut, during a northern resupply mission to Thule, Greenland, and Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert.
The stop in Resolute Bay provided reconnaissance of the airfield in preparation for future strategic airlift support to Operation Nanook, resupply to CFS Alert and other CF activities in the north. ...
The right stuff image - The best of aviation and spacecraft (photos) - CNET News
If you're a geek and you're in the nation's capital, one of the must-sees is definitely the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Located just west of the U.S. Capitol, the museum is an absolute treasure trove of aviation and space artifacts.
CNET reporter Daniel Terdiman came through this week as part of Road Trip 2010 and made sure to spend some time looking at some of the most famous airplanes in history. ...
The National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival from AirSpace
National Air and Space Museum staff contribute to many larger Smithsonian efforts during any given year. For example, this year the Smithsonian Folklife Festival staff came calling. The 2010 Festival running June 24-28 and July 1-5, features the “culture” of the Smithsonian. “Smithsonian Inside Out” allows visitors to interact with Smithsonian experts and get a glimpse behind-the-Castle-doors, so to speak. ...
Learn about rockets and space during Family Day
from National Museum of the USAF Top Stories | Commemorate the anniversaries of the Apollo 11 and Apollo 15 moon landings while learning about rocketry and space flight during Family Day at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force on July 17.
"Storytime" begins at 11:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. in the Early Years Gallery. Preschool and primary-grade children are invited to sit under the wings of airplanes and listen to stories about rockets and space. Participants will be able to build their own paper rocket decorations. ...
‘Final Flight’ to be released soon from General Aviation News
A new book, “Final Flight: The Mystery of a WWII Plane Crash and the Frozen Airmen in the High Sierra,” will be released in September. The book explores the true-life mystery uncovered in 2005, when two mountaineers climbing above Mendel Glacier in the High Sierra found the mummified remains of a uniformed World War II US airman frozen in the ice. ...
Solar Impulse All-Nighter July 1 from CAFE Foundation Blog
Solar Impulse is set to attempt its first night flight on Thursday, July 1, 2010.
Weather conditions are ”Favourable for attempting the first night flight on solar energy,” according to the Solar Impulse web site. ”The situation continues to look good and the likelihood of seeing the HB-SIA take off on July 1st and land back in the early morning 2nd July is increasingly probable.” ...
Next step test flights of Solar Impulse: The night flight from Passion pour l'aviation
Flying without fuel, that's a crazy, almost impossible to reject in all areas limits of current technology ... This project is called Solar Impulse.
Initially, a crazy gamble: the ambition to circumnavigate the world in a solar aircraft without fuel. In a world dependent on fossil fuel, the project Solar Impulse is a paradox, almost a provocation: it aims to take off and fly autonomously, day and night, an airplane powered only by solar energy, to make a round the world without fuel ...
Terrafugia Flying Car Gets FAA Approval - Jalopnik | Terrafugia Flying Car Gets FAA ApprovalThe FAA's granted the Terrafugia Transition roadable airplane the exemption it needs to bring us closer to our dream of flying cars.
The Terrafugia's been the best hope for a flying car since it made its maiden voyage last March. The vehicle is a two-seater plane powered by regular unleaded gas from your corner Shell station. When flown, the front propeller allows the Transition to travel at a speed of approximately 115 mph for a range of around 450 miles. ...
Future Warbird? Terrafugia CEO Carl Dietrich – Warbird Radio LIVE! – Wednesday
from | WEDNESDAY – Perhaps the best IFR airplane ever created… If it’s too bad to fly home the Transition can drive home. Terrafugia CEO Carl Dietrich joins us to dicuss their roadable airplane and much more. Could this be a future warbird? Find out tomorrow on Warbird Radio LIVE at 10am (EDT). Your calls and questions are [...]
Uncontrolled Airspace #192 "Alumagami"
Jack's in Las Vegas for his annual visit, once again overlooking the GA ramp of the big airport... A strange shaped airplane... California flight instructors under attach... and a flock of off-field-landings. All this and more on Uncontrolled Airspace #192 "Alumagami"
Antonov An-22 Antei from Planeshots
Great Minnesota Air Show from Airline Pilot Central Forums
Comina air show from Military Photos
Quad City Airshow 2010 from FenceCheck Forums
Messerschmitt Me109 - Mariusz Sz. from section Military aircrafts
My first multiengine training from Pilots of America Message Board >>>
Indy Transponder 29-JUN-10 1030z
Win a Chance to Fly with the Thunderbirds - | One of the 5 will be chosed for a ride of a lifetime, a flight with USAF Thunderbird in the F-16C Fighting Falcon on Thursday September 30th The "Hometown ...
Blue Angels charm spectators at air show - SCSU University Chronicle | Like many others in attendance, Johnson and Sommerville said they traveled up from the cities specifically to see the F-22 and the Blue Angels. ...
Before the balloons - Battle Creek Enquirer | The 2010 Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival will feature 47 balloons, acrobatic planes, a US Air Force F-22 in the air, and the usual carnival ...
Highlights from the Great Minnesota Air Show - Minnesota Public Radio | St. Cloud pulled off the new Great Minnesota Air Show over the weekend without a hitch. An estimated 30000 people packed into the St. Cloud Regional Airport ...
United States - Minnesota - Great Minnesota Airshow 2010 - St Cloud - 06/26/10 from FenceCheck Forums - Thanks JT! You should have made the trek up to St. Cloud... the lighting was incredible Sunday when the sun was out and not raining:
Air show, Toby Keith help make Summer Celebration's first weekend a success – WZZM ... Keith with around 15000 people here," Austin says. The festival will hold another air show in 2011, with the US Navy's Blue Angels scheduled to perform.
Crews set up for Rhythm and Booms - | This year's event will feature the US Army Golden Knights, a precision parachute team that will perform two jumps on Saturday. "The second jump with the ...
Quonset Point Rhode Island 2010 Airshow from Military Photos by witchdoctor
18-year-old pilot represents ISU in national air race event - Terre Haute Tribune Star | TERRE HAUTE — As the youngest pilot of 51 competitors, Kay Brown helped ISU rank eighth in the Air Race Classic. Two Indiana State University women who ...
United States - Minnesota - Great Minnesota Airshow 2010 - St Cloud - 06/26/10 from FenceCheck Forums:
Flying History Stops in Rockford – WIFR | "The B-17 was the bomber that won the war in Germany during World War II and there's only 12 flying in the World out of almost 13000 built. ...
Flight on B-17 gives appreciation of WWII heroes - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review | During an hour-long flight Monday inside the B-17 bomber Liberty Belle, the 10-year-old boy from Columbus, Ohio, grasped the cold steel of a machine gun, ...
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Flight from AVwebFlash Current Issue | What's the best birthday gift for a 102-year-old? Whatever she wants -- and Myrtle Carroll wanted to go for a ride in one of the little airplanes she enjoys listening to from the porch of her home near the Platte Valley Airport and Vintage Aero Flying Museum in Fort Lupton, Colo. Carroll had only been flying once before in her life, and never in a small airplane. But she loves the sound of the engines buzzing nearby, and when a friend asked if she'd like a ride for her birthday, she said, "Well, yes, I would." On Sunday, Mark Holliday, the museum's chief pilot, who is also the husband of Carroll's caretaker at the assisted-living home, Marilyn Taylor, took her for a spin in the back seat of a Cessna 182. "When you're 102, if you want to fly, you should be able to fly," Taylor told the Greeley Tribune.
"Harrier and Jaguar" by Fiona Banner, which opened... from x planes which opened yesterday at Tate Britain "The suspended Sea Harrier transforms machine into captive bird, the markings tattooing its surface evoking its namesake the Harrier Hawk. A Jaguar lies belly up on the floor, its posture suggestive of a submissive animal. Stripped and polished, its surface functions as a shifting mirror, exposing the audience to its own reactions. Harrier and Jaguar remain ambiguous objects implying both captured beast and fallen trophy."…
Teams pull jetliner 12 feet to raise money - The Newark Advocate | More than 400 people took part in a charity plane pull on Sunday to help the airport celebrate its 85th anniversary. Twenty-two teams heaved on a 60-foot…
Monday, June 28, 2010
Indy Transponder 28-JUN-10 2330z
CAF B-29 Test Flights Postponed - CAF
MIDLAND, TEXAS (June 28, 2010). – All test flights scheduled for the Commemorative Air Force’s B-29 Superfortress FIFI, on June 29 and 30, have been postponed until further notice.
Due to a scheduling conflict, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will not be able to issue a new Airworthiness Certificate for the B-29 Superfortress FIFI until next week at the earliest. The certificate is required for FIFI to begin test flights.
Please stand-by for more information as it becomes available regarding the re-scheduling of the first test flights. The CAF is very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
For more information, please contact Autumn Hicks (432) 563-1000, ext.2231 or
Purdue team named top collegiate team in Air Race Classic from Purdue Technology News
Captain Lauren Steele of Lapel, Ind., and co-pilot Allison Springer of Madison, Wis., completed the race route a day ahead of schedule. With guidance from their ground crew at the Purdue airport, they flew their Piper Warrior III through eight legs of the race totaling 2,483.
There were 54 teams entered in the 34th annaul Air Race Classic, 11 of which were also collegiate teams.
UPDATE (2:32 pm): Purdue Air Race team wins collegiate field - The ExponentAir Race Classic winners announced - The Frederick News-Post Online
Two Purdue University undergrads won the collegiate division of the all-women Air Race Classic, ...
race results from Snow Eagles Air Racing Team
The results are in, and we placed 46th. It's an accomplishment to finish the race. This race was challenging to a lot of teams due to mechanical failures, pieces or mechanics not available at some of the stops. It was a great learning experience. ... more pics
Blue Angels to Perform at Pensacola Air Show - WKRG-TV
The Navy's flight demonstration team along with civilian and other military aircraft will perform aerial acrobatics over the Gulf of Mexico, ...
Blue Angels charm spectators at air show - SCSU University Chronicle
For the first time ever, The Great Minnesota Air Show graced the St. Cloud skies this weekend bringing in an estimated 30000 attendees daily to the regional ...
Planes, cars, skydivers highlight Fly-In - Wilkes Journal Patriot
The planes at the Fly-In ranged from World War II-era military aircraft to aerobatic, modern-day racing planes. Some of the oldest planes at the event were ...
Sean Tucker’s Aerobatic Corkscrew Downline from Pilotbug
Beautiful visual corkscrew flight path of Sean Tucker’s Oracle Challenger.
Airshow attracts record numbers (w/video) - South Delta Leader
The Boundary Bay Air Show welcomed up to 10,000 people through its gates June 19 for what Alpha Aviation's Linda Freer said was their biggest show to date. ...
Leap Frogs Kick Off Quad City Air Show
from U.S. Navy News Headline Stories
Approximately 100,000 air-show enthusiasts watched as the U.S. Navy parachute demonstration team, the Leap Frogs, kicked off the 24th annual Quad City Air Show in Davenport, Iowa, June 26-27.
Harrier jet to appear at Fair St. Louis Air Show - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
That's a big coup for organizers who knew the return of the air show would not be complete without the Harrier, long the crowd favorite. ...
Gary South Shore Air Show takes flight July 9 -
GARY | Gary's South Shore Air Show, now in its 11th year, will again be held July 9 through 11 at Marquette Park and Beach. The US Air Force Thunderbirds ...
A Flight With Angela - Auburn Journal
Mach 5 Aviation partnered with The California Capital Airshow, Children's Miracle Network, Safe Credit Union and other sponsors to give Angela her first ...
Prima dell'esibizione delle “Frecce Tricolori”, si esibiranno infatti tanti altri velivoli nel cielo antistante il lungomare Andrea Doria e Ligabue. ...
Red Arrows draw festival to a close - Whitehaven News
THE Red Arrows provided a fitting climax to a successful Whitehaven Festival. Pictures by John Story and Mike McKenzie The display at 5.30pm was watched by ...
Tribute to our heroes - Whitehaven News
I was amused to hear the festival commentator say just before 5.30pm that "hopefully the Red Arrows will be along in a few minutes". Er, no. ...
Windermere Air Show expected to draw crowds
The Westmorland Gazette
A FEAST of aerial acrobatics and neck craning displays will draw thousands to the tenth Windermere Air Show later this month.
The line-up of attractions ready to draw gasps of wonder from the crowds that will line the shores of England’s largest lake includes the RAF Falcons. ... More information about the Windermere Air Show on July 24 and 25 can be found at
Video: Blades Aerobatics Display by Kathryn
BritishForcesNews - They go up against staggering G-forces and definitely like nothing better than blue sky thinking. They are the Blades Aerobatic Team - the only full-time civilian formation display team in the UK. It was formed by two former RAF Wing Commanders and Julian Evans has been to see them in action for Forces News.
State's aerospace companies prep for British Air Show - Journal Inquirer
... are working with Connecticut's smaller aerospace companies on an exhibit for the 2010 Farnborough Air Show in England, CCAT spokesman Wayne Sumple says. ...
Commemorative Air Force to be in force at Oshkosh
from General Aviation News
Commemorative Air Force units from throughout the U.S. are lending their support to the EAA AirVenture 2010 “Salute to Veterans” with more than a dozen legendary aircraft that will be part of the air shows and ground displays in the warbird area. The 58th annual AirVenture will be held July 26-Aug. 1 at Wittman Regional Airport (OSH) in Oshkosh.
Among the airplanes that are confirmed are two airplanes whose 75th anniversaries will be recognized ...
Historic B-17G flies into Rockford - WREX-TV
The restored bomber is in town to promote Rockford AirFest, which is coming up at the end of July. It will not be at the air show, so this is your only ...
GUEST BLOG: Flying Across America Offers An Update
from Business Aviation Now
One year ago, we decided to fly a Cessna 150 all the way from Florida to California and back to promote general aviation and the positive values it carries: solidarity and friendship, self-development, service to the community and fun and enjoyment. We spent that year blogging, looking for sponsors and supporters, preparing the route.
One week ago, we met for the first time and since then we're making this vision come true. We're at the 1940 Air Terminal Museum in Houston after stops in Daytona Beach, Destin, and Baton Rouge. These three first stops have been very different, each of them representing different parts of General Aviation. ...
Western Museum of Flight - Lecture Series, July 17th, 2010 from FenceCheck Forums
B-29 Caricature Drawing From Back In The Day: Watcha Think? by Martt
The post from a few days ago about the B-29 FIFI's first flight in 4 years, which is scheduled for tomorrow, got me remembering this drawing that I did back in 1988. Back about that time, I started a little t-shirt company making caricatures of iconic aircraft like the Piper Cub, the DC-3, and the P-51. I didn't have hardly any money at the time (Ha! Very little seems to change in my life!) so I only ran ads in Trade-A-Plane for the shirts since it was a cheap place to get some good exposure. Well, I had some success, but nothing like I had hoped for. But I did have a guy request that I do a B-29. ...
Local pilot featured in museum's 100 Ohio Women in Air, Space exhibit -
Wooster Daily Record
"We wanted to highlight the contribution of women in aviation ... not just pick 100 pilots, but also women with interesting stories for the public to enjoy ...
70 years on from the Battle of Britain a look inside the plane that won the skies.. and its modern counterpart - The Mirror
Seventy years separate them ... but while the technology has improved, the courage and skill of our RAF pilots remain unmatched. The Battle of Britain began 70 years ago on July 10, and in Winston Churchill's words, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few... " To mark the anniversary, DENNIS ELLAM takes a look inside the cockpits of a WW2 Supermarine Spitfire and a modern Eurofighter Typhoon - and talks to their pilots.
Video: Hook Down, Wheels Down from Leaving Terra Firma
Something that has always intrigued me is the aircraft carrier. This idea that there are floating airports, potentially out in the middle of nowhere, just really gets me going. What’s even more crazy, is that the aviators manage to find these small boats and land on them. ...
Gipsy Moth celebrates 80 years aloft from The Kathryn Report
Exactly 80 years after its maiden flight this majestic DH 60 Gipsy Moth is still going strong.
It is the oldest aircraft in England with full Certificate of Airworthiness and must incite the envy of all aircraft enthusiasts.
It is still powered by its original engine is being looked after and maintained at a hangar near the north Norfolk village of Langham by Henry Labouchere, 61, from nearby Field Dalling. ...
U.S. Air Force Considers B-1 Bomber Fleet's Retirement - TIME
A B-1 just appeared at a Berlin air show, and began flight tests of a new targeting system earlier this month in California. ...
Tate unveils fighter jet artwork - BBC
Two fighter jets that have seen active service have been turned into art in a new commission for Tate Britain.
Fiona Banner's work sees a Sea Harrier suspended vertically from floor to ceiling like a trussed bird.
In an adjoining gallery, a stripped and polished Jaguar jet plane lies belly-up on the floor. ...
Morristown Airport awards scholarships to 16 students - Daily Record
HANOVER -- Sixteen area college-bound high school graduates are the recipients of an annual scholarship awarded by DM Airports, Ltd., operators of Morristown Municipal Airport.
In its 10th year, the airport management-sponsored program awards each student a one-time $1,250 scholarship that may be used for tuition, books or other eligible fees associated with college attendance. To date, DM has awarded $176,000 in scholarships under this program. ...
Virginia Spaceport Readies for Launch to ISS from Spaceports
Laurie Naismith, Director Government Relations & Public Affairs for the Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority [VCSFA] notes that new liquid oxygen tank slowly made it's way on 56 wheels to the Wallops Island, Va. launch facility to support the Taurus 2 launch to the International Space Station next year. The VCSFA board governs the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport and seeks commercial space launch investment by commercial space launch firms. ...
Are We Going Back to the Moon? - Discovery News
"I see humans absolutely returning to the moon eventually," says William Pomerantz, senior director of the Google X Prize foundation. ...
Korean War, 60 years ago from Military Photos

Great Minnesota Airshow 2010 - St Cloud - 06/26/10 from FenceCheck Forums
PICTURES - BIGGIN HILL: Thousands brave the heat for air show - News Shopper
Image of the Week: Breitling Wingwalkers on Stearman Biplanes
from Flight Image of the Day

OnBoard Images and the Pentagon Channel win Emmy
Indy Transponder 28-JUN-10 1030z
Fair St. Louis Airshow Will Feature Nationally Renowned Performers from The Aero Experience by Carmelo Turdo | Renowned air show performers will appear over the Mississippi River near the Gateway Arch for Fair St. Louis, July 3-4, 2010. MUST SEE air show in St. Louis, absent since 2005. Come to St. Louis Downtown Airport open house this weekend to meet the pilots! Announced aerial acts include:
Art Nalls in his civilian Sea Harrier
Lockheed C-130 and Army Golden Knights
MO Wing CAF B-25 "Show Me" and TBM-3E Avenger
Aeroshell Team - 4 Texans
Gene Saucy - Showcat
John Mohr - Stearman
Jim Maroney - Super Chipmunk
Kirby Chambliss - Edge 540
Red Eagles - Talon Eagle and Red Eagle
Matt Younkin and Twin Beech
Great Minnesota Air Show ends on high note - St. Cloud Times | The second day of the Great Minnesota Air Show attracted thousands to watch the US Navy Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron, the F-22 Raptor and other ...
"Quonset Air Show 2010 Soundtrack" 06-27-10 :: Original Custom ... by Scott Quillin | Tonight's song is a collection of three soundtracks recorded for the Quonset Air Show 2010 video that I put together over the weekend. I'll upload it tomorrow (Monday). Enjoy this song – it's a rocker! Thanks for listening - ...
Airfest 2010 at the Alberta Aviation Museum - | It's a celebration of our aviation history, because Edmonton has one of the biggest in the world. It's about aviation today, what we do today, our museum, ...
Air show attendance dives - Baraboo News Republic | The Scream'n Rebel Formation Demo Team performs at this year's Baraboo Dells Air Show. ...
Tune In Radio Show "Aviation Scholarships Not Just For Kids" - AvStop Aviation News ... Patty Wagstaff, National Aerobatic Champion and air show performer; and Connie Bowlin, Warbird pilot and owner and retired Delta Air Lines pilot; ...
Air Race Classic 2010 Video from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News | TUSCALOOSA AL- Last week Tuscaloosa was the second stop of eight including the destination of Frederick MD on the 2,400 mile, 34th Annual Air Race Classic. The all women air racers honored their rich history by taking to the skies at Fort Myers FL in celebration of the 100th year of women pilots and 81 years of women air racing…
Local pilots' spirits soaring after race - Frederick News Post | Pilot Lin Caywood describes participating in the 34th annual Air Race Classic this week as intense, but a lot of fun. ...
AeroExpo - a few quick thoughts from Unicom by Ian Seager | It was hot, numbers were down and the percentage of 'registration enthusiasts' was up. Sunday was inevitably very quiet. The event was pretty well supported by the industry, and while there wasn't stand after stand of new and exciting aviation products there were enough things to see to make a visit worthwhile.
Best of day 7: Better weather, more Texas BBQ and being on TV from Flying Across America | Before telling more about today's flight, we've to publish one picture from Houston. Lots of you want to see the smile of the 5 years old boy that took a discovery flight on N512R yesterday at the 1940 Air Terminal Museum. It was not possible to upload it yesterday because of our bad internet connection, but here it is now. Look at that smile, it says everything about how fun flying is…
Russian T50 Fighter - Next Big Future | The T50 as far as I can tell is competitive with the F22. Below are links to various comparisons of specifications of the T50 and the F22. ...
Battle of Britain: the spitfire, envy of the enemy - | In the Spitfire's glory days she was the stuff of Boy's Own legends: the iconic aeroplane that epitomised Britain's fighting spirit during the darkest times ...
For warbirds fans from Bayou Renaissance Man by Peter | Via an IRC chat session today I was led to this thread on the Warbird Information Exchange. It's 54 pages long at the time of writing, and it's chock-full of wonderful photographs of historical US Navy (plus a few other) combat aircraft. I've included a couple of examples here…
World's only flyable B-29 returns to the skies from General Aviation News by Janice Wood | The world's only flyable B-29 Superfortress "FIFI" will return to the skies Tuesday, June 29, at 8 a.m. for test flights, according to officials with the Commemorative Air Force. The CAF Airpower Museum will open its doors at 7 a.m. on June 29 and June 30 for visitors who would like to get a front row seat for FIFI's pre-flight preparations and first flights. Visitors to the museum will be ushered to the main hangar for an up-close view of the crew preparing this massive bomber for her first flight in four years. Once FIFI begins to head for the runways, visitors will be escorted to a prime viewing area, to witness the B-29s first taxi and takeoff. (Schedule subject to change without notice due to inclement weather or mechanical requirements.)

Photo gallery of B-17, B-24J Liberator, TP-51C Mustang from Aerospace News by (Aubrey Cohen) In case you missed it, we posted this photo gallery Friday of a Boeing B-17, Consolidated B-24J Liberator bomber and a rare dual-control, two-seat North American TP-51C Mustang fighter flying from Everett's Paine Field to Seattle's Boeing Field for a visit to the Museum of Flight.
Yankeedog's Flying Circus: QC Air Show-Part 1 of whatever ... by yankeedog | If it's summer here, it must be airshow season. This weekend brought the 24th Annual Quad City Air Show, which has grown a lot from its inception. This year was unusual in that the show didn't feature either the Blue Angels or the ...
90-year-old Davenport airman takes sentimental journey - Quad City Times | JEFF COOK Visitors to the annual Quad-Cities Air Show tour a WW ll-era B-17 in Davenport, Iowa, on Sunday, June 27, 2010. (Jeff Cook/QUAD-CITY TIMES) M. Jim ...
Raise Your Hand If You Like This 1974 BD-5 Promo Pic by Martt | I found this BD-5 promo pic in the Vol. 1 No. 3 edition of the 'BD News' publication put out in 1974. I've got a small stack of amazing Bede promo materials left over from the early 70's when my dad had purchased a BD-5 kit. He sold the kit before it was really even started and put a deposit down on two of the 'D' model airplanes, the ones that were supposed to be a factory built and ready-to-fly. Then shortly after, he traded one of the 'D' slots for an order on a BD-5 Jet. As it would turn out, none of these airplanes would ever be delivered... but at least I've got a stack of cool promo materials to show for all the excitement : )…
Museum Monday: New England Air Museum | Stuck at the Airport by Harriet Baskas ... in this post courtesy Cliff1066 via Flickr Creative Commons. He's got dozens of other great photos from the museum on his Photostream as well. ) Add Comment ». Categories: Airplanes, Aviation history, Exhibits, Museums, aviation ...
Thunderbird wing failure - 1967 from Pilots of America Message Board by Let'sgoflying! Over Air Show Center . . Jerking The Wings Off An F-100 Super-Sabre Supersonic Fighter - Del Rio was several times a movie set for a West Texas border town. It's windy, and the weather tends toward extremes. A large U.S. Air Force Base 6 miles east of town was named after Jack T. Laughlin, a B-17 pilot and Del Rio native killed over Java within a few weeks of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor…
Idaho Canyon Flying: Serious Aviating With a Huge Fun Factor from Av8rdan's World of Flying by Dan Pimentel | We've all know people who love to take their single-engine GA plane into the Idaho backcountry to try and slip into some of the famously difficult dirt and grass strips nestled along pristine streams loaded with trout. We've seen the photos, a little patch of nothing between the trees, with a windsock as the only clue this is an actual air strip…
Randa Milliron: A Spaceport of Her Own from Spaceports by (JackKennedy) Setting up a private rocket site in the remote Tropics of Tonga sounds like a movie supervillain plan, but Randa Milliron of the Mojave, Calif.-based InterOrbital Systems (IOS) explains why it's the best way to get us to orbit and beyond in the recent Podcast interview by Podcaster Dr. Alex "Sandy" Antunes for the 365 Days of Astronomy series [click link for audio]…
Lockheed Martin's quiet green supersonic machine from Plane Talking by Ben Sandilands | The unusual tail design scoped in the LockMart study is intended to disrupt and diminish the supersonic booms generated by SST's. These shock waves were sufficiently intense directly underneath Concordes cruising at close to Mach 2 to damage some buildings and shatter windows, causing it to be banished from flying over populated areas…
Aviation Trivia of the Day by JP Santiago | As 1944 began, Soviet aeronautical experts were already filtering through information of successful flight tests of British and American jet aircraft and the impending service introduction of rocket- and jet-powered aircraft in the Luftwaffe. The Soviet GKO (State Defense Committee- a wartime organization that ran the Soviet Union during the Second World War), headed by Stalin, quickly concluded that the different efforts by engineers doing research on jet propulsion at the time needed to be consolidated under one organization, the NKAP (People's Commissariat for Aviation Industry).