Welcome to Airshow Traveler Magazine's Newsletter, Air Show Weekly, where we take a look at upcoming airshows and showcase current aviation topics. All air show information listed is accurate as we know it. Still, it is best to check with the individual air show to see if there are any changes. Even then, scheduled aircraft may not appear due to bad weather en route, or because of mechanical breakdown. | Battle Creek Air Show, July 4-5 | Location: WK Kellogg Airport, MI Children Under 4 Feet Tall: Free Website: http://www.bcballoons.com/airshow.asp The official title for this show is the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival. With a title that long, we'd need two newsletters. The festival runs from July 1-5, but the air show is on the weekend, including a night show. There are just too many activities associated with this event, so please check their website listed above. Aerial performances are highlighted by the Thunderbirds. More jet performances by the F/A-18F Super Hornet, F-15E Strike Eagle, and the Shockwave Jet Truck. And the best Stearman pilot in the land, John Mohr, will be on hand with top notch aerobatics and a one wheel landing. Well, the other wheel does touch the runway eventually. Dan Buchanan and Manfred Radius will perform both during the day and at the night show, so stick around after dark. The Shockwave Jet Truck is expected to perform at the show. Photo below taken at the 2007 Dayton Air Show.  Performers | Thunderbirds | F-15E Strike Eagle Demo | Aerostars Yak Demo | Aeroshell Aerobatic Team | Manfred Radius and his Glider | A6M Zero | Hoppers L-39 Aerobatic Team | Otto the Helicopter | Shockwave Jet Truck | John Mohr and his Stearman | Dan Buchanan and his Hang Glider | F/A-18F Super Hornet Demo | | Binghamton Air Show, July 4-5 | Location: Greater Binghamton Air Show, NY Admission, Under age 6: Free Gates Open: 9AM Website: http://binghamton.schultzairshows.com/ The performer list at Binghamton reads like a who's who of Airshow Traveler magazine. Five of the performers have graced our cover, namely the Blue Angels, Golden Knights, Carol Pilon, Vintage T-33 Shooting Star, and the F-16 Fighting Falcon. What more of a reason do you need to attend this show? Top flight performers, a plethera of static displays, reasonable entrance fee. Get off the couch and go, why don't cha'. Fowler 'Big Dog' Cary's T-33 Shooting Star (58-0665, NX556RH) in Thunderbird markings is expected at Binghamton. Photo below taken by Howard German at the 2008 McGuire AFB show. As you know from previous newsletters, we love this aircraft, its pilot Jerry 'Jive' Kerby, and the narrator LM 'Lunar' Sawyer. Lunar and Jive are never too busy for us and that puts them in a special place. What I recently discovered was that Jerry is an instructor pilot for the Collings Foundation's F-4 Phantom. Shame on you, Jerry, for not letting us know :)  Performers | Static | Blue Angels | B-25J Mitchell | US Army Golden Knights | C-54E Skymaster | Rob Holland and his MX-2 | A-10A Thunderbolt II | Third Strike Wingwalker Carol Pilon | F-16CJ Fighting Falcon | Firebirds Extreme Aerobatics | KC-135R Stratotanker | AV-8B Harrier Demo | L-17 Navion | Matt Chapman and his Cap 580 | L-39 Albatross | Vintage Thunderbird T-33 | L-5 Sentinel | F-16 Fighting Falcon | L-6 Interstate Cadet | | UH-1N Iroquois | | CF-18 Hornet | | Waco | | SNJ-5 | | C-45G Expeditor | | C-47D Skytrain | | B-17G Flying Fortress | | C-5B Galaxy | | AV-8B Harrier | | E-2C Hawkeye | | MH-60S Seahawk | | T-34C Mentor | | T-45C Goshawk | | HH-65C Dauphin | | T-6G Texan | | T-6A Texan II | | T-1A Jayhawk | | PT-17 Stearman | | Kokomo Wings and Wheels, July 4 | Location: Kokomo Airport, IN Admission to Air Show: Free Pancake Breakfast, Adults: $5 in advance, $7 at gate Pancake Breakfast, Ages 3-17: $3 in advance, $5 at gate I'm a marching band nut, so I love promoting an air show that benefits one, namely the Western High School Marching Band. My oldest daughter and son were in one of the best marching bands in the country, the North Penn High School Marching Knights of Lansdale, PA. Hey, they're my kids, I had to get a plug in :) This event starts out with a pancake breakfast from 7-noon. Prices are posted above. The air show runs from 1-3PM and is free. Donations are gladly accepted for the marching band. We don't know a lot about the air show schedule, but we are told by Dave Jackson that they expect two Mustangs and two Texans, as well as a Corsair. Aerobatics are expected by Mike Wild and his Super Decathlon, and Greg Aldridge and his Super Chipmunk. A dragster and airplane race is also expected. Nathan Davis's P-51D Mustang 'Checkertail Clan' (44-74446 marked as 44-13498, NL1451D) is based at Kokomo and is due to perform at the show. You know we love checkerboard paint schemes so it's no wonder that this is one of our top ten Mustangs. The markings honor Hershel 'Herky' Green who flew with the 319th Fighter Interceptor Squadron in WWII. Herky was a combat ace with 28 victories, 18 of which were in air to air combat. | And More This Weekend..... | Dubuque Air Show & Fireworks, Dubuque, IA, July 3-5 8 Wing Anniversary Weekend Air Display, ON, Canada, July 4-5 Website: http://www.cfbtrenton.com/anniversary/ Thunder Over Cedar Creek Lake, Tyler, TX, July 4 Website: http://www.tocclairshow.com/ National Cherry Festival Air Show, Traverse City, MI, July 4-5 Website: http://www.cherryfestival.org/events/airshow/blue_airshow.php Tacoma Freedom Fair Air Show, Tacoma, WA, July 4 Website: http://www.freedomfair.com | Museum News | Note: Clicking on the Museum Name will take you to their website. July 18: Auction, Raffle, and Taste of Local Cuisine The evening opens at 6:30 p.m. with hundreds of items in a silent auction and a one-hour open bar. The live auction begins at 8:00 p.m. and a Taste of Local Cuisine starts at 7:00 p.m. featuring signature food items from 30 local area restaurants and caterers. Raffle tickets are $75 which includes Auction admission for 2 people and a chance to win a new car or truck or $20,000. Second Place is a $2000 cash prize and the Third Place winner receives $500. Several $100 cash prize drawings will also be held throughout the evening. We are going to have some great items this year," said Auction Chairman Steven Davison. "We'll have things like vacation trips, furniture, sports equipment, lawn and garden items, artwork, appliances, house wares and fur coats. The Auction is one of the major events each year which helps the Museum sustain its outstanding exhibits and education programs." A large volunteer Auction committee includes Raffle Ticket Chairmen Rick Drury and Co-Chairpersons retired Colonel Brian Grady, Shirley O'Neill, Linda Shingler and Tim Dupree. Auction tickets are available for purchase on the Museum web site at www.museumofaviation.org or by calling the Museum of Aviation Foundation at (478) 923-6600. | Special Events | The National Museum of the United States Air Force has announced their dates for their annual Dawn Patrol Rendezvous. What started out to be a bi-annual one day affair has turned into a three day annual event. This year's dates are September 25-27. As Event Coordinator David C. Thomas puts it, "...we honor the memory of our WWI troops with the same spirit and patriotism that these early aviators displayed in defense of our countries." For more information click on the link above. Navy Theme at Geneseo This Year A Navy theme this year at the 1941 Historical Aircraft Group museum is keeping with this museum's efforts to refresh itself every year. The museum is located in Geneseo, NY, and is better known as simply the Geneseo show. Or as they tout it, the Greatest Show on Turf. Not only are they expected to have four Corsairs, two Avengers, one Hellcat and one Wildcat at its July 11-12 show, but they have also booked the world's only flying Helldiver. If that doesn't tickle your warbird fancy, there is something wrong with you. For more information, click here. | Looking Ahead | Jul 11-12: Fly Iowa, Independence, IA Jul 11-12: Prairie Air Show, Peoria, IL Jul 11-12: South Shore Air Show, Gary, IN Jul 11-12: 1941 Historical Aircraft Group Air Show, Geneseo, NY Jul 11: Pensacola Beach, FL Jul 25-26: Sioux Falls, SD Jul 4-5: Battle Creek, MI Snowbirds: The Snowbirds have been indefinitely grounded so their schedule listed below may not be accurate: Jul 4-5: CFB Trenton, ON, Canada Jul 18: Peace River, AB, Canada Jul 19: Fort St. John, BC, Canada Jul 22: Airdrie, AB, Canada Jul 25: Lethbridge, AB, Canada | Thank You | Thank you for reading the latest issue of our newsletter. God Bless Us Everyone, Wayne Matusiak, Publisher Airshow Traveler Magazine | | | | Visit Our Sponsors | American Airpower Museum: Republic Airport, Farmingdale, NY. Great aircraft and warm, friendly people. Very knowledgeable staff. A great place to visit any time of year. We thank them for their support over the years. Warbirds Over Long Island: With the passing of Bob Baranaskas, the future of this top notch outfit remains bright. Bob's oldest son Chris will continue his Dad's vision and we support him 100%. These are trying times for the Baranaskas family so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. | See Your Sidebar Ad Here for as Little as $12.50/Issue | | | |