Blue Angels Ready to Fly - WTOK | It will features the US Navy's Blue Angels. The Blue Angels pilots met the media Thursday to talk about what's in store for spectators. In Meridian, it's a common sight to look up and see the white and orange of a T-45 streak across the sky. ...
The Thunderbirds Have Landed at Tyndall Air Force Base - WMBB-TV | This weekend, more than 75000 people are expected to pour into Tyndall Air Force Base for the 2011 Gulf Coast Salute Air Show, and one of the most popular performers flew in on Thursday. The Thunderbirds are a team of 8 pilots, representing the United ...
Local Angel Flights Pilot Flies with Thunderbirds - WJHG-TV | Panama City - The Thunderbirds got into town Thursday afternoon for this weekends Gulf Coast Salute Airshow. While they're here they'll be taking a local woman, who's an experienced pilot in her own right, for quite a ride. ...
Vintage Aircraft Join Air Show Lineup - WMBB-TV | Thursday a B-25 Bomber and several T-6's flew into Bay County, and all of them date back to World War Two. The vintage aircraft are joining the lineup of this weekend's Gulf Coast Salute Air Show at Tyndall Air Force base. The three T-6's are part of ...
Acrobats promise to rock heaven RD - The | "We promise a show that will be unforgettable for all Dominicans," said pilot Greg Shelton Airshows team, during the presentation that led Aristides Fernandez Zucco, chairman of the Committee and Executive Director ...
AirFAIRs received a gem from JEM - Beloit Daily News | JANESVILLE — Organizers of Southern Wisconsin's AirFEST already have forged a blueprint for success. Now they hope to use that same philosophy and a state grant they received Wednesday to promote three events coming to the Southern ...
Take a Ride on the B-25 Mitchell Bomber; Only 25 Still Operating in the World - WJHG-TV | Only a few months after the attack, Doolittle's Raiders launched a carrier-based bomber attack on Japan, using a squadron of legendary B-25 Mitchell Bombers. Now you have a chance to ride one of the only 25 historic aircrafts still operable. ...
The new air airshow Port Elizabeth in South Africa ... - Admin | Air New Port Elizabeth Air Show in South Africa, aviation and nominations Business Jets Super King Air Series 200,90,350 i & Cargo B747-8. Despite the bad weather, the air show in Port Elizabeth shone. Its public debut at the air show was deprived of the South Africa World War II P-51 mustage, appropriately named “Mustang Sally.” ...
Flying High: Pilot's air show mission has special cause - The News Herald | The nationally recognized program came about as a result of Greg's son Ryan's tragic drug related death in August of 2002. Greg Poe will appear at the Gulf Coast Salute 2011 Open House & Air Show happening this weekend. The gates open at 9 am Admission ...
High flyer really down to earth - Peoria Times | Local aerobatic pilot Tim Weber travels around the world to showcase his talents while maintaining a home in North Peoria with his wife and baby daughter. He was one of the performers at Luke Air Force Base Saturday for “70 Years ...
Air Show Impact - WTOK | When NAS hosted its last air show in 2008, an estimated 100000 showed up over the 2-day period. If the numbers are anything like that this weekend, the event should have a huge impact on this area's economy. The Blue Angels never disappoint, ...
Doolittle Raider Dick Cole Pilots B-25 Panchito! from | WARBIRD RADIO – Watch as Jimmy Doolittle’s co-pilot “Doolittle Raider” Dick Cole pilots a B-25 at 95 years young. Mr. Cole along with several other Doolittle Raiders are attending the Florida International Airshow. ...
Air To Air With Jim Tobul’s F4U Corsair from | WARBIRD RADIO – Ride a long as Larry Kelley’s B-25 Panchito and Jim Tobul’s F4U Corsair practice some formation flying over Florida. ...
New York to the Cannes Air Show in a Mooney from General Aviation News | For the 2011 Cannes Air Show, which is slated for June 9-11, Jacques Callies and Gilles Khaïat will attempt to set a new record: New-York to Cannes in less than 24 hours, in a Mooney Ovation2 GX without supplemental fuel equipment. ...
Biplanes and Us - Air & Space Magazine | 25 years later, it's a complicated relationship.
Antique Airplane Association chapter launches at Flabob from General Aviation News | Flabob Airport (RIR) in Riverside, Calif., is home to the newest chapter of the Antique Airplane Association, which also happens to be one of the oldest chapters. That’s because is a revival of the “Riverside Valley Chapter,” formed in the 1960s but long dormant. Two of the charter members, Ray Stits and Bill Hill, are still active at Flabob and in the new-old chapter. ...
Written by Philip Long - KHTS Radio | For the men and women of the Army Air Corps, the B-17 Flying Fortress is one of the most iconic symbols that helped win World War II and the public can experience it first hand. Only 14 B-17 bombers are capable of flight today, and the Liberty Belle ...
2011 National General Aviation Award Winners Named - | The FAA administrator will present the national awards in July during a "Theater in the Woods" program at EAA AirVenture 2011 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Included in the prize package for all four national winners is an all expense paid trip to Oshkosh for ...
Schumer and Israel Announce Air Museum Saved from Demolition - Farmingdale Observer | “This a monumental win for not only Long Island, but for veterans across the country and the proud aviation history of our armed services,” said Schumer. “The fighters, bombers, and transport planes housed and displayed here were vital to the defense ...
U.S. Marine Corps detailing the rescue of the pilot of USAF F-15E in Libya from CavokBlog | On the last day on March 22, the Marines (U.S. Marines), the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, rescued the pilot of a F-15E bomber that crashed in Libya. In the rescue operation were employed aircraft MV-22 Osprey, CH-53 Super Stallion and AV-8B Harrier II, all embedded naembarcação amphibious USS Kearsarge. The Marines have detailed how the operation was. ...
Air Force Week in Photos from Air Force Link Top Stories | This week's photo highlights feature Airmen around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Student pilots get their chance with Learn to Fly Scholarship from Australian Aviation Magazine | Four student pilots are a step closer to realising their dream of flying, after receiving an Airservices Australia Learn to Fly Scholarship earlier this ...
Amelia Earhart helps Jay Leno Jaywalk into stupidity - Westword | She told local viewers she knew who the aviatrix Amelia Earhart was, but she thought of the broadcaster first. Earhart found her to be "pretty quick on her feet." In regard to The Tonight Show's decision to air the clip without referencing her, ...
New England Air Museum Holds Space Expo - Hartford Courant | ... the atmospheres of Mars

NASA, El Paso style… from Rant Air - Welcome Aboard! | At the end of January, I finished a day of flying just after noon in El Paso, TX. After checking into the hotel and changing into civvies, my partner (Captain Ray) and I walked Eastward along the road that runs along El Paso Airport’s southern boundary to see if we could get a closer look at an Aero Spacelines Super Guppy that we’d seen sitting on the airport for a while. ...
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