Blue Angels Return to Florida for Training Following Commanders Resignation (With Video) - WKZO | BATTLE CREEK -- The Blue Angels were scheduled to headline in Battle Creek on the 4th of July, but that may be in jeopardy. They were booked to return to the Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival in Battle Creek in about a month...
Despite weather, second Hollister Airshow dazzles crowds - Hollister Free Lance | Vietnam Veteran Vince Luna said it was great to hear so many people at the second annual Hollister Airshow thank those who risked their lives. "It's good that Hollister has an event like this that celebrates what Memorial Day is all about," he said Sunday, day two of the event...
Black Cats in action at RAF Cosford air show - Birmingham Mail | CROWDS at the RAF Cosford Air Show on June 12 will get to see the Royal Navy helicopter display team in action. Lieutenant Chris Chambers, last years No 2 Black Cat Pilot, has assumed the role as the Lead Pilot for 2011 and will be joined by Lieutenant Dave Fleming and Lieutenant Mike Curd...
First Scottish display for craft at airshow - Scotsman | Tickets have gone on sale for the National Museum of Flight Airshow at East Fortune near Edinburgh on Saturday 23 July. This year's Airshow display will include aircraft that have never been displayed in Scotland before and a further four that are new to the National Museum of Flight. Around 10,000 visitors are expected...
Glitch doesn't deter crowd from enjoying Flower Drop - My Desert | Patriotic colors fly at the Memorial Day Flower Drop at Palm Springs Air Museum. The event included music, the “missing man” formation by four T-34s and a flower drop. “Your heart just swells up,” when the flowers are dropped, said Palm Springs resident Kathleen Schultz, who wore a T-shirt that read, “Freedom is not Free” to her 10th Flower Drop...
Air Force Veteran Recalls WW2 Service - My Fox Atlanta | An 86-year old Air Force veteran spent this Memorial Day remembering his service during World War II. Marion Smith of northeast Atlanta had quite a story. He pointed to a photo of a B-17 bomber he flew in during World War II...
Fond du Lac pilot among first on Memorial day honor roll - FDL Reporter | DETROIT, MICH. — Though he is now mostly forgotten due to the passage of time, a former Fond du Lac resident was among the first to have his name added to the honor roll for the holiday we now call Memorial Day. Army pilot 2nd Lt. John Patton Boyle died in an aircraft crash as the United States was preparing to enter World War I...
The Vanishing Generation (with VIDEO) - WGRZ | Buffalo businessman Jerry Kelly never heard his father tell war stories. Lt. Col. Robert Kelly was shot down in a B-17 bomber while doing reconnaissance for D-Day in 1944. Jerry was just two. "My brother who was five does remember him a little bit, but I didn't..." He pauses to regain composure. "But I never knew him. Yeah."...
Aviation a long tradition for Wharton family - IV Press | If Donald Lee Wharton IV ever becomes an Air Force aviator, it’s likely the result of planes and military service being in his blood. On his father’s side, his grandfather Donald Lee Wharton Jr. was a captain for American Airlines...
EAA AIRVENTURE—HERE I COME! - AOPA Blog | Rain, rain, rain…and more rain. Only a very few brief windows for flying. I try to keep myself from severe flying withdrawal by reading anything to do with flying and watching movies featuring great flying. Then the phone rings. A good friend of mine in Tennessee has bought a Maxair Drifter...
"Immagini di volo" exhibition at "Caproni" museum in Trento (Italy) - Avio News | It is called "Immagini di volo" ("Images of flight") the photographic exhibition that showed, on Sunday, May 29, from 10:00 am, a glance to Andrea Pozza's shootings, an expert author of air photography. The exhibition’s opening happened together with the previous presentation of the homonymous photographic book published by the Air Museum...
Stolen Valor (with VIDEO) - TD Barnes | Memorial Day 2011, a day for remembering the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform. For many of us who listened to Coast-to-Coast radio last night, it is a day that we Roadrunners of Groom Lake, a.k.a. Area 51 realize that our valor has been stolen by an author who refuses...
Caption Contest #58 Winner - Early Burt Rutan? - Martt | It was the avgeek and caption expert 'Race 5' that came thru once again with this brilliant caption for the 5 person hang glider in contest #58. It's a truly inspired piece of work. So, it's another bacon sandwhich at OSH11 for Race 5! And, just in case you don't get it... Burt Rutan's first really big success in the airplane design biz back in the mid 70's was called the VariEze...
Pentagon Looks to Double Its Unmanned Air Force - Wired | Think the U.S. military has a lot of drones now? Just you wait. The Pentagon has just released its 30-year plan for buying and developing warplanes. And in a development that should come as no surprise, the future the military anticipates for its Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps air fleets — together numbering more than 5,500 warplanes — is more robotic than ever...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Indy Transponder 31-MAY-2011 1924z
Able Flight Sets Record!
Indy Transponder 31-MAY-2011 1030z

Snowbirds make presence known - The North Bay Nugget | The Snowbirds arrived in North Bay to celebrate Armed Forces Day in the city with an air show over Lake Nipissing. The nine airplanes of 431 Air Demonstration Squadron, the Snowbirds, make a low pass over Jack Garland Airport, Monday, May 30, 2011. ...

Memorial Day Ceremony in Hecker, IL Included Local Pilots from The Aero Experience by Carmelo Turdo

Monday, May 30, 2011
Indy Transponder 30-MAY-2011 2051z
Photos: Air Show Flying Machines - Massapequa Patch | Bethpage Federal Credit Union Air was another incredible success this weekend as more than 100,000 people flocked to Jones Beach for each session. The aircraft at this annual event are spectacular, and the spectacle is breathtaking. Many representatives of the U.S. Armed Forces were on hand as well...
Photos: Home Base at the Air Show - Farmingdale Patch | A look at the Bethpage Air Show weekend events from its launching grounds in Farmingdale...
Updated: Thousands turn out for Southend Air Festival - Echo-News | BARREL rolls, nosedives and loop-the-loops became familiar sights in the skies above Southend as aviation fans lapped up two days of aeronautical stunts and displays. The 2011 Southend Airshow attracted about 300,000 people to the town’s seafront to watch the spectacular sights overhead on Saturday and yesterday...
Honor Flight | For the WWII Vets (with VIDEO) - OkcHomeSellers | We need to honor the World War II vets. Unfortunately, we are losing them at a rate of 1,000 per day. My dad was one of those vets and great Americans, but unfortunately I lost him in 1964. I miss hearing his stories of the war in the Pacific, specifically Guadalcanal, where he served in the Navy Seabees. He had an influence on me that has lasted a lifetime...
WWII pilot, POW finds joy in life - The Spectrum | ST GEORGE - At 95 years old, Harold "Bud" Cannon is enjoying his life too much to stop for Memorial Day observances. "I usually don't participate," said the retired Army Air Corps bomber pilot and World War II prisoner of war. "I hold back and be quiet."...
History comes alive; WWII vet honored in Missoula - KAJ18 | MISSOULA- The Rocky Mountain Museum of Military History honored a handful of former pilots and ground personnel on Sunday to kick off their Memorial Day celebrations, and one of the men they honored is a 94-year-old combat pilot from World War II...
Last shall be first: World War II POW to lead 91st annual Corvallis Memorial Day Parade - Missoulian | Chuck Duus has always considered himself a lucky man. As an 18-year-old, Duus' luck held for 16 bombing missions as a tail gunner in a B-17 Flying Fortress that struck deep over German territory in World War II...
Memorial Day Memories: Tosa Veterans Recall Service in WWII - Wauwatosa Patch | Some 16 million Americans served in World War II. Most of them were very young men and women when they entered their country’s service in the largest conflict the world has ever seen. We are now entering the year that, on Dec. 7, will mark the 70th anniversary of the United States’ entry into that war...
Inside a Flying Fortress - Air & Space | Compared with the B-29, the B-17’s navigation equipment was basic. The navigator’s principle tools were the air position indicator (an electromechanical dead reckoning computer), a drift sight, and an astrodome to take sextant sightings...
American good deed remembered -- and appreciated -- 70 years later - Star Advertiser | Military Appreciation Month in Hawaii seems the perfect time to recount a recent experience that defines military appreciation. As an American with a busy international travel schedule, I'm often drawn reluctantly into political discussions with citizens of countries I am visiting...
Aviation Inspiration Day Recap - Life on the Road as a Pilot | Last Saturday, May 28th, was the first ever Aviation Inspiration Day - a joint effort between Girls With Wings, Inc., and the Commemorative Air Force - Minnesota Wing, led by Squadron Commander Col. Amy Lauria. Amy and I had talked at EAA Airventure in Oshkosh about "someday" coordinating an event at the CAF museum...
Love of aviation led to illustrious career - Winnipeg Free Press | George Elliott is being remembered as an icon in Manitoba's aviation history. Elliott, who was general manager of Winnipeg International Airport and later the executive director of the Western Canada Aviation Museum, died suddenly on Thursday of a heart attack...
Still Time to Register - Big Muddy Air Race | We will be taking registrations right to the end. Claude Hendrickson just entered with his beautiful P-51, Sarah Jean, so I just had to post this photo from the Texoma race...
“Piston” pack reaches 5,000 feet - AOPA Blog | The Martin Jetpack, really a piston-engine pack powered by a derivative of a Mercury motorboat engine, has reached 5,000 feet above New Zealand with a mannikin simulating the pilot. It should be ready for delivery, the company says, in 18 months...
Space Shuttle Endeavour Returns to Earth for Final Time Wednesday - NASA | Space shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to return to Earth for the final time on Wednesday, June 1, completing a 16-day mission to outfit the International Space Station. If Endeavour lands Wednesday, it will have spent 299 days in space and traveled more than 122.8 million miles during its 25 flights. It launched on its first mission on May 7, 1992...
Endeavour is Coming Home: Amazing Photos From the Shuttle’s Last Voyage - Mashable | NASA’s space shuttle Endeavour has undocked from the International Space Station at 11:55 p.m. ET Sunday, embarking on its last voyage towards home. After undocking, Endeavour flew around the station at distances of about 450 to 650 feet, with crew members taking videos and photos of the station...
Indy Transponder 30-MAY-2011 0900z

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Indy Transponder 29-MAY-2011 1700z
Blue Angels' safety review won't affect plans to honor them in Dayton - Dayton Daily News | The Navy Blue Angels flying team has canceled several air show performances during a safety review of a potentially dangerous mistake during a recent flight, but it won't affect plans ...
Blue Angels cancel Rockford performance - Chicago Tribune | The US Navy Blue Angels have canceled their headline performance at an upcoming northern Illinois air show as they continue a safety review. The Navy's air demonstration team announced Saturday it won't perform at the annual Rockford ...
Air Force leaders issue Memorial Day message from Grissom Air Reserve Base, Ind. | Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz send the following Memorial Day message to the Airmen of the U.S. Air Force and their families: As we pause this Memorial Day to honor those who have died in service of our great nation, it also is useful to reflect on what this day of remembrance reveals about the character of our nation and its people. History records that Maj. Gen. John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, formally designated May 30th, 1868, as a day to decorate the graves of the fallen. ...
Updated Gone West: Amanda Franklin - Tributes and Farewells
Memorial Day air show at Jones Beach, Long Island thrills thousands - | Tens of thousands thronged to Jones Beach State Park, Long Island, for the 8th Annual Bethpage Federal Credit Union Air Show, May 28 and May 29, to honor those who have given their lives in service, as well as veterans and troops still serving. ...
1st Annual Hawai’i Airshow Invitational Finally Gets Off the Ground (w/video) - Big Island News Center | Hundreds gathered for the 1st Annual Hawai’i Airshow Invitational at Kona International Airport on Saturday. The dream child of Terri Thomas, this show had its beginning in 2003 when Thomas asked Hilo airport manager if she could have an air show. Research and development began immediately, but, ultimately, Thomas determined that the Kona International Airport would provide a better location ...
Vulcan stars in little and large airshow: Falklands bomber takes to the skies ... - Daily Mail | It is an image that aviation fans will treasure: the sight of the last airworthy Vulcan bomber flying over a huge Victor tanker aircraft. The two jets operated in tandem during the Cold War and Falklands when the Victor, ...
Terre Haute 2011 - Warbirds and Airshows | This Airport Open House was held on another overcast and rainy day that has been the norm for the state of Indiana in the months of April and May. Despite this there was an excellent turnout for the event by the local citizens to visit their airport and view not only the warbirds below but see the local aircraft that were put on display by their owners to assist the effort. The Missouri Wing of the CAF was giving rides in "Show Me" which provided the heavy metal flying that was complemented by several local Cessna trainers that were giving rides and taking passengers up to drop "Flour Bombs" on the marked target. It was a great way to spend part of or an entire day at the Terre Haute Airport. ...
Sarin Witchayakul a top rookie aerobatic pilot - The Daily Telegraph | Screen Grab Shot from GoPro of Aerobatics pilot Sarin Witchayakul preparing to fly a Pitts Special biplane at Action Aerobatics at Maitland Airport in the Hunter Valley. Picture: Liam Driver Source: The Daily Telegraph FORMER air hostess Sarin ...
Geico SkyTypers - 2011 Jones Beach Airshow - YouTube
From Vietnam to Blue Angels, retired admiral at home in sky - The Daily News Journal | Taylor served in the US Navy for 34 years, flying 170 missions as a fighter pilot and later becoming the boss of the Blue Angels. / Taylor Loyal/DNJ Family: Wife of 53 years, Annette; daughter, Tracy Condy; sons, Todd and Jim (both deceased); brothers, ...
Former bomber pilot does his bit on Memorial Day - Jackson County Floridan | These are some of the medals Albert Lane earned during his time in service as a B-17 bomber pilot. – Deborah Buckhalter/Floridan An artist in Italy drew this caricature for bomber pilot Albert J. Lane while Lane was stationed there ...
HH-60 crews rescue Army pilot, fallen comrade - Air Force News | This rescue mission had it all: an urgent call to pluck downed Army pilots from enemy territory, a firefight that wounded the flight engineer and forced a return to Bagram Airfield, and five pararescuemen left behind on the ground for nearly six hours. In the end, no one was left behind. ...
Tupolev Bear at Ukraine State Aviation Museum by Wayan Vota | Today we went to the Ukraine State Aviation Museum and checked out the best in Soviet era planes and helicopters. My highlight was this quad turboprop Bear. --
Weekend Warships 3: Submarines - is the old becoming new again? - Bayou Renaissance Man | ... She experimented with carrying two Sopwith Schneider (two-seat) or Baby (single-seat) floatplanes on her foredeck, launching them to intercept Zeppelins as they approached the English coast. The tests were successful, but were not further developed for operational use, because in rough seas the planes would break free from the deck and be destroyed. Also, of course, the submarine could not ...
Legal claims filed in Cottonwood Airfest balloon collision - Verde Independent | The City is once again planning its third air related activity, recently dubbed a "fly-in." The Airport Administration and the city are considering hiring a specialist or "air boss" to administer the 2011 show rather than handle all details themselves.
Kiwi Invented Jetpack Reaches New Heights from Planenews Aviation News | Christchurch inventor Glenn Martin has finally turned science fiction into reality, with a contraption that's got the whole world talking. Up until now his experimental Jetpack has only ever ground-hopped, but his flying machine has finally soared 5000 feet above sea level, albeit with a crash test dummy in the pilot's position. ...
Indy Transponder 29-MAY-2011 1045z
U.S. military to be honored on Indianapolis 500 Race Day, including historic second flyover!
... After the checkered flag falls, a special second flyover recognizing the 100th anniversary of U.S. Navy aviation will take place. A formation of U.S. Navy aircraft consisting of one A-4 Skyhawk and a T-2C Buckeye will soar over the track followed by the Navy flyover of four F/A-18E Super Hornets from Strike Fighter Squadrons 105 from Oceana, Va. and 137 from Lemoore, Calif. Representing the Navy at the Indianapolis 500 will be Vice Admiral Al Myers, USN, Commander, U.S. Naval Air Force. ...
No Blue Angels? No problem for Millville air show - Press of Atlantic City | The Navy's Blue Angels flight demonstration team was grounded this week, preventing them from participating in this weekend's Wheels & Wings Airshow in Millville. But thousands of onlookers still flocked Saturday to Millville Airport for the first day ...
A soaring performance - St. Augustine Record | Four arctic camouflage-schemed jets swoop down from the skies over the Northeast Florida Regional Airport, Saturday, during a stunt performance at the St. Augustine Air Show. The Heavy Metal Jet team is made up of five aerobatic pilots from Lancaster, ...
Photo via Heavy Metal Jet Team
Rockford AirFest not just a show in the sky - WREX-TV | "Unlike at some other air shows in the region, you can walk right up to and inside many of our aircraft during the show," said Dave Lindberg, Rockford AirFest's static-display coordinator. "Most people don't get a chance to be this close to any of ...
Honoring our heroes - Monroe News Star | Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers, including once being shot down on a sea sweep in the South China Sea. "Any day that you can remember our veterans is what we need," Sherman said. "Memorial Day is wonderful. I'm one of the last Flying Tigers . ...
Tuskegee Airmen honored at Unity Day in Hickory - Hickory Daily Record | Jefferson was a member of the Tuskegee Airmen and spoke during Saturday's Unity Day program at the Hickory Air Museum. A children's parade marched and carried signs welcoming the five Tuskegee Airmen who attended Saturday's Unity Day program at the ...
WASP trainer plane restored to 1940s glory - Reporter News | Elizabeth Strohfus looked admiringly at the sleek lines of the 1942 Boeing Stearman PT-17 biplane parked outside the hangar at Avenger Field. The last time the onetime pilot and the airplane had been in the same location was in 1944, when Strohfus — known then as Betty Wall — was in training with Women Airforce Service Pilots. ...
Habersham resident shares harrowing tales of WWII bombing missions - Gainesville Times | As the nation marks Memorial Day nearly 70 years later, the World War II veteran remembers the moments inside of the B-17 bomber with the US Army Corps like it was yesterday. "For my first mission, we bombed a target in Frankfurt, Germany. ...
Veteran B-24 Pilot Recalls the War and Comments on US in Middle East - | Hattrup trained on the B-17 out of what is now called Edwards Air Force Base. He also went to Langley Field Air Force Base in Virginia for radar training. It's one of the largest and oldest bases in the country. "Every time I went up, ...
WWII Chinese translator denied U.S. veterans status but says record speaks for itself - Denver Post | ... But half a world away, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration had authorized a secret unit that would change the course of the war in Asia. Soon, Yee would find himself working as a translator to Claire Lee Chennault and the American Volunteer Group, the aviation legends who became famously known as the Flying Tigers. ...
Heroes of the air in the RAF - Passionate about aviation | During the last war, aviation was a critical element of the Allied victory. Two of the main heroes of the Royal Air Force have left accounts of their exploits. "Johnie" Johnson, who was all the fighting since the Battle of Britain is the British driver who has the table of the most spectacular game with 38 official victories. ...
World War II bomber bore name of a local woman - Youngstown Vindicator | While 8-year-old tomboy Dixie Lee played at Warren's Third Street School in 1944, a B-17 bomber bearing her name was flying over Europe. Today, Dixie Lee Kosovec, 75 and still lively, keeps shelved in her McDonald home the photo of ...
Crowd at museum salutes those who gave their all - Monroe News Star | Amid rows of veterans of the armed services, 8-year-old Jacob Porter played with his toy plane Saturday in the shadows of the fighter planes at Chennault Aviation and Military Museum. Being around the aircraft was a “cool” experience for Porter, ...
Long-lost WWII pilot gets proper burial - WAVE | The body of a long-lost World War II Veteran finally reached his final resting place this Memorial Day weekend. A B24-D Liberator, flown by First Lieutenant Jack Volz lost radio contact and crashed during a mission over the Bismark Sea in 1943. ...
The theme is JATO - Planeshots
Soviet Air Force I - War and Game | In Western countries, typically known as the Red Air Force—one of the largest and most powerful air forces of the twentieth century. The rise and fall of the Soviet air force (1918–1991) reflected Soviet military might yet contributed enormously to the history of airpower. ...
RAW VIDEO: Homemade Plane Rolls Out Of Basement - WGAL | Dan Reeves spent 9 years building a plane in the basement of his Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, home. On Wednesday, May 25, after removing a wall and part of the foundation, the plane rolled out.
Where is Jackie Cochran's Monocoupe? from You Fly, Girl by Cathy Gale | ... n 1937, she [Jackie Cochran] had a Monocoupe custom-built to fly as her personal aircraft. ...
Today in Aviation History – May 29 - CRUFC
Shuttle Crew Packs Up Endeavour to Leave Space Station for Last Time from | The space shuttle Endeavour is set to undock from the orbiting outpost for the last time tonight.
Gone West: Amanda Franklin - Tributes and Farewells
Also, we were contacted by the organizers of the Aviation Roundup that will be held August 27-28 at the Minden/Tahoe Airport. To quote what was shared: We want to honor Amanda and help Kyle .... We know that Kyle and his family still face many challenges and we want to support him.
Photos from many fans along with heartfelt condolences from fans across the country have been shared at Airshowbuzz and you are encouraged to go there and add yours.
Update 5/29: The link to this amazing tribute video at ASB as well.
Added 5/29: Honoring Amanda - Missing Man Formation - YouTube | The 2011 Wheels and Wings Airshow at Millville Municipal Airport in Millville, New Jersey added a Missing Man formation to their show to honor Amanda on May 28.
added 6/4: A video tribute
Added 5/31: Tribute page from the Indianapolis Air Show and another from Friends of Aviation.
In Memory of Amanda Franklin from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News
Amanda Younkin Franklin - A tribute video posted by earshottank22
Added 6/24:
Amanda Franklin: Friday's Fabulous Flyer from Flight To Success | Amanda Franklin recently passed away, leaving a huge hole in the sky and the hearts of many. The rain poured from the heavens as tears flowed with the passing of this beautiful and talented woman. She will be missed by many, but her memory and imprint on this world will last forever. | Christine Hollingsworth shared Amanda's story with me, and I asked her is she wanted to write it. Christine sent me the following post of how this amazing woman, Amanda Franklin, lived and inspired many, and is the reason Christine flies today. ...>>
You can still donate: please visit ICAS or ICAS Foundation
And as mentioned above, don't forget the Minden-Tahoe Airport Benefit Air Show
Indy Transponder 29-MAY-2011 0130z
Civilians get glimpse of military history at annual air show - Columbia Missourian | Truman Varns, 4, of Columbia and his father, Curtis, get a moment in the cockpit of a P-3 Orion anti-submarine aircraft during the 23rd annual Salute to Veterans Airshow at Columbia Regional Airport. Truman told the plane commander, Lt. Kyle Vannatta, ...
PHOTO GALLERY: Soaring spirits at 23rd annual Salute to Veterans Airshow
Salute to Veterans Airshow Underway in Columbia, MO from The Aero Experience | The Salute to Veterans Corporation Airshow is underway in Columbia, MO. Aero Experience contributor Mark Nankivil provided these awesome photos of participating aircraft: ...
Two former aviators show support at Salute to Veterans Airshow - Columbia Missourian | Jean McCreery sits next to Joe Bacon, a veteran aviator in Vietnam, during the Salute to the Nation Solemn Ceremony during the 23rd annual Salute to Veterans Airshow at Columbia Regional Airport . McCreery, 87, is one of the remaining ...
NASA Astronauts to appear at Rockford's 2011 Airfest - | Earlier today, just prior to Airfest organizers discovering that the Blue Angels had cancelled their appearance, Rockford announced that NASA will have also have a presence at the 2011 Airfest air show. With the help of US Rep. ...
Hawaiian Air’s first plane on display at air show (AP) - Papa Travel | HONOLULU – Hawaiian Airlines’ first airplane is to be displayed a Big Island air show. Company founder Stanley Kennedy acquired the Bellanca CH-300 Pacemaker in 1929 and began offering sightseeing tours over Oahu, but it was never used for interisland flights. The airline says the artifact of Hawaii aviation history is to make its Big Island debut Saturday and Sunday at the air show at the Kona International Airport. It was sold in 1933 and shipped to the mainland before Hawaiian reacquired it 75 years later. ...
Contest: Go to Oshkosh AirVenture 2011 with Southwest Airlines - Reuters | Last year when I had the opportunity to fly with Southwest Airlines to the Oshkosh AirVenture was easily one of my favorite things I have done with my blog. It was great being in a Boeing 737 full of excited ...
Updated: Southend Airshow takes to the skies - Southend Standard | The first day of the 2011 Southend Airshow finished with a bang as the Avro Vulcan filled the skies above the town with the sound of roaring jet engines. The 1950s bomber drew admiring cheers from the thousands of people stretched out along the ...
Duxford Spring Airshow 2011 Highlights - The spitfire Site | Planes TV has recently posted these video highlights from the windy 2011 Duxford Spring Airshow.
Memorial Day Ceremony in Hecker, IL to Include Aircraft from The Aero Experience | ... A multi-aircraft Fly-Over during the ceremony including B-25 J Mitchell Bomber, Grumman TBM Avenger Torpedo Bomber, Nanchang CJ-6, T34, Cubs, SNB 1 Twin Beech Navy Bomber; Champs, Cessna 172 Sky-hawks, Fly-Baby's, Cessna 120 & 150, RVs, Stearman. Aircraft are privately owned and operated. Many of them are members of ....
Commemorative Aero Museum hosts Memorial Day celebration - Daily Herald | The Commemorative Air Force is a non-profit corporation that attempts to preserve a representation of each aircraft flown during World War II. The CAF currently owns around 156 aircraft with more than 9000 members worldwide. The Utah Wing was formed in ...
Mustang Monday Part II – Scooter Yoak – Warbird Radio LIVE! – 10am (EASTERN) from | MONDAY – Last week Scooter was unable to come on due to bad weather and a late flight from Andrews, AFB. This week he’s ready and on deck for the show. Call in and join the conversation for this special episode of Warbird Radio LIVE, devoted entirely to the P-51. If you love the Mustang [...]
U.S. Army Fliers Rescued In The South Pacific (1943)
Dutch Ration Drop (1945)
Plane Pull Challenge tugs along - | The second annual Plane Pull Challenge took off Friday May 27. The United Way hosts the annual event at the Kelowna International Airport. The fundraiser challenges 25 groups to pull a Convair 5800, 20 feet across ...
Spaceman - Air & Space Magazine | Sometimes an entire era is represented by a single career.
A new beginning for America’s Space Programs – Spacevidcast Live SVC-12M from Spacevidcast | In tradition of not wanting a launch (or live show) to end in the number 13, this episode has been re-named to SVC-12M. Why that numbering system? Well, we explain it in the open of the show! A lot of amazing stuff is happening within America’s Space Programs on the 50th anniversary of JFK’s ...