World War II fighter pulled from Lake Michigan by Diamond Pilots
After more than 60 years below the surface of Lake Michigan, an F6F-3 Hellcat fighter plane was lifted from the cold water Monday morning.
The second World War II-era plane to be recovered this year - a Douglas SBD Dauntless U.S. Navy plane was pulled out in April - the aircraft was pulled by cranes from about 250 feet of ...
LoPresti grand opening Dec. 5 from General Aviation News
LoPresti Aviation has slated its grand opening at its new location at Sebastian Municipal Airport (X26) in Florida for the first Saturday of December.
The Dec. 5 celebrations will feature J.W. "Corkey" Fornof speaking about his life in the movie industry as a Hollywood aerial stunt pilot, camera man, aerial coordinator and an aerial director. The day will also include a special LoPrestiFury Air Show, as well as hot air balloon rides, skydiving, antique cars, aircraft static displays, vendor displays, ...

2009 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow - Skip Stewart by Randy Bodell
Skip Stewart Modified Pitts 2009 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow Naval Air Station Pensacola Pensacola, Florida Thursday November 12, 2009 IN THIS VIDEO, Skip Stewart takes to the skies and flies his hard-charging aerobatic performance over NAS Pensacola. ...
The Mighty Blue Angels by Joe Moore
This vid is a montage of the Blue Angels created with the hopes of inviting other to enjoy the Blue Angels as much as I certainly do. The music is from the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean.
Pretty Awesome if you ask me
The transformation of each Blue Angels team member has come full circle, and it is time for the entire year cycle to begin again. But when Hurricane Ivan hits near their home, the team delivers their final and most astounding airshow on ...
Rebecca is flying high after landing 'dream job' - Henley Standard
Rebecca Allen, 28, is co-ordinator for the Breitling aerobatics team and travels the world for the Red Bull Air Race World Championships with pilot Nigel ...
Introducing Jack Schofield - Nye - Gateway to Nevada's Rurals
As part of the 14th Air Force Flying Tigers, Lieutenant Schofield and his crew flew combat for allied troops fighting in China. The Flying Tigers were renowned for their flights and bombing runs through enemy fire, over the Himalayan ...
BRANFORD PIONEER DIES AT 86 - Suwannee Democrat
Hatch also served in WWII where he participated in 29 combat missions over Germany as a crew member on a B-17 Flying Fortress. Hatch is remembered as a man ...
Everett's Flying Heritage Collection is offering 50 percent off admission in December.
The collection features 15 rare World War II-era fighter planes from five major countries of the war. It is in a restored, working hangar at the southeast corner
of Everett's Paine Field.
To get the discount, print a coupon from the collection's Web site. Each guest can get up to six discount admissions.
The collection ...
In the Museum: The Mystery of the MiG from Air & Space Magazine
Riedel has also provided an IT infrastructure for all Red Bull Air Races, including Internet access, VoIP telephone, network infrastructure with servers and firewalls and a media center for journalists. ...
Wichita Aero Club slates online summit from General Aviation News
A top management panel featuring the senior executives of Wichita's airframe manufacturers will close out the Wichita Aero Club's year on Tuesday, Dec. 15.
The luncheon, which will be held at the Wichita Airport Hilton, will feature the first annual Wichita Aero Club "On-Air Summit." The event will be broadcast live over the Internet
"The December meeting of the Wichita Aero Club will be a special opportunity to gain first-hand insight into the challenges, plans and issues facing the major aerospace firms that call Wichita home," noted Dave Franson, Wichita Aero Club Executive Director.
"Calling this event the 'On-Air Summit' isn't totally 'tongue in cheek,' either. It actually brings together industry leaders just as the G-8 Summit does with
heads of state and it's focused on the air industry. By broadcasting it live over the Internet, we're adding another dimension to the event." ...
Calling all kids…Hello? from AOPA Pilot Blog
Ray Larner of Lapeer Pilot Center in Lapeer, Mich., just posed an interesting question on the phone. I promised I would put it in our blog and see what happens.
How do we light a fire under kids ages five to 20? "We are really, really, letting future generations down," Larner said. He got into aviation, and chose to enter the U.S. Air Force, because of Sky King, Chuck Yeager, Bob Hoover, and all World War II aces. "It was a romantic time in aviation." Now his granddaughter is determined to make it into the U.S. Air Force Academy. Why? Because Ray is around airplanes all the time, and her father encourages her ...
Rafael shows modern 'dogfight' concept, Python 5-style from The DEW Line
With its infamous Bollywood- and Marcel Marceau-themed publicity stunts, Rafael has earned a reputation for making corporate videos that are high on creativity but low on credibility.
So when Rafael's marketing staff handed me a disc last week in Israel labeled "corporate videos" I privately shuddered. How bad could these be?
As I turns out, not bad at all. The videos are conventional ...
Learning about life – from flying from Let's Go Flying
As I look back on over 20 years of flying, I realize how much I've learned - not just about flying itself, but about taking on new challenges, making risk acceptable, and pushing away the fears and anxieties which hold us back from what we'd really like to do. One of the things I've learned is that you need to be Pilot-In-Command. You should listen to experts, but then you need to rely on your own judgement and make your own decisions.
I don't even have to close my eyes to picture my first REAL cross country flight. I had been flying my Sunburst ultralight for about 6 months; I was a cautious pilot and all of my flights so far had been within 10-20 miles of my home airport. My flying mentors - other ultralight pilots - were encouraging me to stretch my wings. It was a beautiful day and they invited me to fly with them to an air show 60 miles away. I was nervous about going that far - especially as we'd be flying across the Columbia River. That sounded especially scary. And I didn't feel confident about my navigation abilities. But they were encouraging and supportive - telling me that I was up to the flight.
So now we're in the air. There are six ...
Radio-controlled aircraft show set for Expo Hall - Wichita Business Journal
"You're going to see pilots perform aerobatics inside of Expo Hall that will rival any air show you've seen at an airport," Stitt said in a release.
Loading up a Skyraider from Warbirds Online
More from Jan and Frauke from Wasabi Air Racing
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