US Air Force Thunderbirds perform fly-over at Daytona 500 - | The world-renowned US Air Force “Thunderbirds” provided race fans with a flyover during the National Anthem for the 53rd running of the Daytona 500 Sunday. This is the second time the flying squadron perform the flyover at the historic “World Center of ...
USAF Thunderbirds Daytona 2011 - a set on Flickr
Ex-pilots shoot down timeline of Navy - Washington Times | “This timeline offered up the first female naval aviator and first female navy astronaut and first black Blue Angel pilot as major milestones and high-water marks for naval aviation to the exclusion of the real history makers. That just didn't sit well ...
Peggy Chabrian, President of Women in Aviation International from AVWeb Podcast | The annual conference of WAI is coming up this weekend (Feb. 24 to 26) in Reno, Nevada. President Peggy Chabrian explains what the group is all about, what happens at the conference, and why it's a great ...
The joy of flying from General Aviation News | From air races to commuting for business, Joyce Wilson flies high ...
Freeflight Aviation member pilots offer flights to girls and women in New Jersey - Women of Aviation Worldwide Community | Freeflight Aviation, located at Flying W Airport Resort in Medford, is southern New Jersey’s most friendly and most value oriented flying club. A 35-minute drive east of Philadelphia, they offer a unique flight school and club membership on the promise that flying small airplanes is first and ...
Author, aviator to talk at Daniel Library event - Charleston Post Courier | Eldon Brown will recount his career in the aviation industry and talk about his memoir, "Controlled Crash," at The Citadel on Tuesday. Brown will talk about the humorous and often scary side of working with Braniff, Seaboard World Airlines and Japan ...
Cleaning Atlantic City house yields diaries, letters from famed pilot - Press of Atlantic City | And what she came out of the trash with is history — family history, Atlantic City history, black history and aviation history. She found letters from her father, a man she had never known because Buddy Dickerson, or George Jr., died just six months ...
Plan for plane hits turbulence - San Bernardino County Sun | Norton's 63/445 Veterans Group is finding unexpected twists and turns on its mission to bring a vintage airplane to San Bernardino as a memorial. The nonprofit veterans group, headed by retired Air Force Master Sgt. Ed Jeffries, has undertaken a challenging task: Get the fuselage of a C-141 Starlifter jet cargo plane transported from a Tucson Air Force Base to the former Norton Air Force Base as a memorial honoring both service members and civilians who served aboard the cargo plane and at Norton. ...
Inspiration in Aircraft Design from Another Time | The fascinating aircraft designs that came out of the 1930s were truly remarkable. Who dreamed these aircraft up, put them on paper and then built them!? Where did the designers get their inspiration? When Zantford "Granny" Granville and Bob Hall walked past the early Gee Bee's sitting in the Grandville Brothers hangar and made their way back to the work table what was on their minds? Large radial engine, yes. Small airframe, yes. Short wings, yes. Streamlines wheel pants, yes. Then what!? I am sure they both ...
Paleejo's 'prehistoric' aeroplane - The Express Tribune | KARACHI: If Sindh's culture minister Sassui Paleejo is to be believed, an aeroplane dating two centuries back has been discovered at Jharak (Thatta) in Sindh. Jharak's earlier claim to fame was that it was the actual birthplace of the founder of the ...
Today in Aviation History – February 21 from Calgary Recreational and Ultralight Flying Club | In 1911… A new 1910 Wright Type B Flyer owned by Collier’s magazine publisher Robert F. Collier, arrives at San Antonio, Texas on rent to the U.S. Army for $1.00 per month to supplement the aging Wright biplane first accepted on August 2, 1909. ...
Video: U Fly It Aircraft Introduces the Sport Storch from AVwebFlash Current Issue | In the 1930s, the German war machine created an amazing STOL aircraft called the Storch. A 3:4 scale version of the aircraft is now available as an LSA or experimental amateur-built plane through U Fly It Sport Aircraft. ...
F-22 Raptor’s Landing At Anderson AFB from AIRBOYD.TV
Red Flag 11-3 kicks off Feb. 21 - Nellis AFB | NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- Southern Nevada residents will notice an increase in military aircraft activity as the Air Force conducts Red Flag 11-3, Feb. 21 - March 11. Red Flag is a realistic combat training exercise involving the air forces of the United States and its allies. The exercise takes place north of Las Vegas on the Nevada Test and Training Range--the U.S. Air Force's premier military training area with more than 12,000 square miles of ...
NASA Dryden Flight Research Highlights 2010 from AIRBOYD.TV
PSC instructor hopes to inspire young black artists - Pensacola News Journal | He served as an art director and photographer for the Blue Angels before becoming the chief of naval operations in London, where he did undergraduate and graduate work in graphic design. In 2010, Hopkins established a four-year graphic design program ...
Designer says his car will soon fly - Emirates 24/7 | Sam Bousfield, inventor of the Switchblade™ spoke to a crowd during a forum at the recent Golden West Regional Fly-In and Air Show in Yuba City with a scale model at his side. (AGENCIES) The science fiction dream of a flying car will soon be realised, ...
Ugliest. Launch. Vehicle. EVER. from The Unwanted Blog | In May of 1962, JPL put out a report on a Nova-class space launcher that was designed to use nothing but solid rocket motors. Such things have been designed from time to time… but never as downright butt-ugly as this horrible monstrocity. ...
Message From Virgin Galactic: Have A Nice Day! from AirPigz | As Virgin Galactic continues to have success with the free flights of SpaceShipTwo, I thought it would be fun to take a nice close look at the area on the mothership (WhiteKnightTwo) where the space craft attaches... mostly because it says Have A Nice Day! I find these kinds of details to be a very important connection ...

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