AC air show to return for 9th year - Shore News Today | ATLANTIC CITY – The Atlantic City Air Show Thunder Over the Boardwalk will return for a ninth year Wednesday, Aug. 17. “This year, the US Air Force ...
Portrayal of Pearl Harbor featured at SC air show - ABC NEWS 4 | A portrayal of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor will be part of the annual air show at Charleston ...
Greg Poe – WOW! : Moose Peterson's Website by Moose | Next Previous. Picture 1 of 20 | Toggle. Loading. Last Sept at the Reno Air Races, I was very fortunate to be asked along on a editorial shoot with my bud and aviation mentor Richard of world famous. Recent Blog Posts · Greg Poe – WOW! ...
“Winter Training” in the warmth of Florida from US Army Golden Knights | People often ask why do the Golden Knights call Winter Training, “Winter Training”. Are you training in the cold? No, not really. Are you training in the snow? No thank you. So why, “Winter Training”. We actually train in areas known for sunny skies and warm weather while the rest of the country is enduring [...]
Almanac: The Wright Brothers - Video from CBS Morning News
January 30th, 1948 was the day Orville Wright died of a heart attack at the age of 76. His moment of truth came on December 17th, 1903 when the "Wright Flyer" finally flew.
Wright Bros. relative looks to the future - | If she has her way, Ohio will tout its aerospace expertise at the prestigious Paris Air Show in June. She's also working to land a retired space shuttle in ...
Western Museum of Flight - Aviation Museum
Celebrity Lecture Series, February 19 - 11 am, Lt Col Tony Marshall, Shotdown over NorthVietnam in an F-4J Phantom, Marshall describes the ordeal of captivity. ...
The National Museum Of The U.S. Air Force from AirPigz
The first ever AirPigz Air Force Museum meet-up was a great success. A total of 9 people participated on one day or the other from Friday January 28th thru Sunday the 30th. The informal format of the gathering meant that everyone was free to do as they pleased, but gathering together for lunch and even dinner in the evening made for great hangar flying conversations. More AirPigz avgeek meet-ups will definitely be planned in the future. The following is just a quick glance at some of the aircraft seen over ...
Japanese warbirds - x planes
Flying hero's relatives sought by Dutch museum - Rye and Battle Today
On July 24 1942, an RAF aeroplane was shot down over Geffen, killing all the crew, including Ernest Charles Isted, who is believed to be from Ashburnham or ...
Aircrafts at war before WWI - Rulers of the Sky | As soon as the aircraft’s began achieving stable flights, the armies of many countries formed an idea of the use of aircraft for observation purposes. But there was still much to be improved upon. Because of limitations of the engine power of the time, the effective payload of aircraft was extremely limited. In August 1910 Jacob Earl Fickel did the first experimenting with ...
Famous Aircraft – Part 2: Messerschmitt 109 (ME-109) - City of Polymedia | The ME-109 was a German World War 2 fighter aircraft, designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Robert Lusser in the mid to late 1930′s. It was one of the first truly modern fighters of the era, including such features as a full metal construction, closed canopy, retractable landing gear and was powered by a liquid cooled, invereted-V12 engine. ...
You like airplanes, too?
The Red Arrows go gear-up at the start of their demo at the 2007...
Great shot of this RAF Red Arrow pilot flying low overhead....
One of my favorites, the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk comes in to grab a...
F-15E pilot selected to receive Jabara Award from Air Force Link Top Stories | An F-15E Strike Eagle pilot and 2004 graduate of the Air Force Academy was selected Jan. 25 to receive the 2011 Col. James Jabara Award for Airmanship. Capt. Michael Polidor, a member of Air Force Global Strike Command, distinguished himself through heroic actions in an Operation Enduring Freedom sortie supporting U.S. and Afghan ground forces. ...
Boeing Employee Wins Stinson Award from Aviation Today | Nelda K. Lee, a test engineer at Boeing’s facility in St. Louis, is the recipient of the National Aeronautic Association’s 2010 Katherine and Marjorie Stinson award...
Air Force officials give Civil Air Patrol a technology boost from Air Combat Command - Top ACC Stories | When Air Forces Northern officials need an aircrew to fly a search and rescue mission, run counterdrug support or play the bad guy, they frequently call on the members of the Civil Air Patrol, who are always more than eager to lend a helping hand. ...
Flying Wild Alaska interview (via polypoke) from Calgary Recreational and Ultralight Flying Club | Flying Wild Alaska interview Those of you who have been watching Flying Wild Alaska on the Discovery Channel on Friday nights might get a kick out of this. Era Alaska pilot Doug Doherty did an audio interview with the folks at the new site called Doug is the pilot-in-command of the Beech 1900D that transported the dynamite tipped spears for the folks on St. Lawrence Island in episode #3. is run by a friend of mine and former ACES Studios t …

P-51 Mustang Radiator Covers - P51 Models | This is one fine piece of exquisite under-the-hood artwork! SSInserts has come up with this new exclusive product for 1999-2009 Mustang that features a custom painted mural of the P-51 war bird. This is a hand painted airbrush product, not computer generated print. ...
Teen makes her first flight - Daily Commercial | Once he learned about the Leesburg Chapter 534 of the Experimental Aircraft Association's Young Eagles program, geared to introduce 8- to-17-year-olds to ...
A big V-2 history post from The Original Rocket Dungeon | The images below document a V-2 launch circa 1950. They were part of an article in the October 1950 issue of National Geographic, which was written by Clyde T. Holliday. Mr. Holliday was an employee of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab under contract to the Navy. ...
Top 5 must watch movies for military aviation enthusiasts from Defence Aviation
Movie Monday - January 31 - Flight Testing Shuttle Columbia from FlightBlogger - Aviation News, Commentary and Analysis | This final week of January and early February offer somber reminders of the incredible risk astronauts have taken to participate in the manned exploration of space and their sacrifice in the line of duty to America's space program. ...
Smithsonian Considers Display of Challenger, Columbia Shuttle Debris - | The Smithsonian Institution's National Air & Space Museum may incorporate debris from space shuttles ...
NASA's Space Shuttle – From Top to Bottom from
NASA's space shuttles are amazing flying machines. They launch like rocket, land like airplanes and then hit the hangar for a pit stop before turning around and doing it again. ...
Cadets honor Challenger's memory from Air Force Link Top Stories | On the surface, it was a reveille ceremony like any other. Cadets were lined up in formation waiting for the first note to sound. The honor guard was in place, prepared to hoist the flag, and a bugler was standing by, waiting for his queue. ...
More Challenger Tributes are here.

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