Below is the latest edition of the NECAS Notes eNewsletter: R.I.P. Lt(N) James Sebe THE CHIEF OF THE MARITIME STAFF, VICE ADMIRAL P. DEAN MCFADDEN, REGRETS TO ANNOUNCE THE PASSING OF LT(N) JAMES FELIX SEBE IN TRENTON ON WEDNESDAY 21 APR 10. LT(N) SEBE JOINED THE CF IN 1990 AS A CIC. IN 2005, HE TRANSFERRED TO NAVRES P RES AS A MARS OFFICER. A NATURAL SPEAKER, LT(N) SEBE DECIDED TO CHANGE COURSE AND BECAME A PUBLIC AFFAIR OFFICER (PAO). HE PARTICIPATED IN SEVERAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROJECTS NOTABLY WITH THE TRUTH DUTY VALOUR (TDV) TEAM. IN NOV 08, LT (N) SEBE BECAME THE PAO FOR THE CANADIAN FORCES SKYHAWKS PARACHUTE TEAM. AS A MEMBER OF THAT TEAM, SHOWING STRENGTHS IN LEADERSHIP, IN NOV 09 LT (N) SEBE BECAME THE FIRST NAVAL RESERVE OFFICER TO OCCUPY THE POSITION OF SKYHAWKS TEAM LEADER. HE ACCUMULATED 450 JUMPS. A MEMORIAL SERVICE WAS HELD AT CFB TRENTON MON 26 APR 10. A FUNERAL SERVICE FOLLOWED IN MONTREAL ON APRIL 28, 2010. This was the official release that followed James passing. It seems a brief statement when compared to the wide reaching, positive influence that he had on so many. James was a son, a husband, a father and to most of us, a valued and cherished friend. His time with us was too brief but thankfully, it was well spent. He knew the value of sharing, the merit of caring and he gave freely of himself to us all. I will miss him deeply and when I think of him, I will smile. C.Pilon NECAS was saddened by the loss of Lt. Sebe and we extend our deepest sympathies to the Sebe Family and to the entire Skyhawk Team who will remain in our thoughts and in our prayers. Mighty, Mighty Mustang: Member Profile 20 years ago, Bill Yoak started collecting and obtaining parts in order to start a mustang project for himself. After a few years he had located all of the major parts to begin the monumental task of resurrecting a World War 2 fighter. Many of the skins on the fuselage were corroded beyond acceptable limits, so one-by-one he handmade them. Luckily, this was something Bill was very good at. His business is restoring and rebuilding all types of warbirds, primarily mustangs. One of the last people in the aviation community running Yoder hammers, Bill carefully crafting the compound curves and skins on the P-51. When it came time to choose a paint scheme, he wanted to do something that has never been done. Most people nowadays want an original paint job honouring one pilot, one crew, and one squadron. Quick Silver's paint honours all that have fought for the US. When it came time to start flying it from airshow to airshow, Bill turned the reins of the mustang over to his son Scott. Scott started flying at age 16 and earned his private pilot license at 17. He attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida, graduating in 2008 with a Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Maintenance Science. While attending Embry-Riddle, Scott soloed in the P-51 at the age of 20. Now 25, he recently obtained 250 foot card in Quick Silver. When Scott isn't practicing or performing in Airshows, he is working in his dad's shop manufacturing parts for P-51's and learning the skills necessary to make the beautiful parts that Bill makes. You can reach Quick Silver Mustang and Scott "Scooter" Yoak at 386-846-7577, Mustang51HY@gmail.com or visit their web site at QuickSilverMustang.com. Web Site News: New Stuff We are in the process of executing some spring cleaning at necas.org and we would like to invite a bunch of you to renew your membership with Necas in order to insure that your links stay active on our members link page and we would also like to announce that we plan on hosting a new members only page that we would like to see you all be able to access….. To become a member or renew your membership, simply go to necas.org, fill out the form and send our money man, Rick, a cheque. In Recognition of Outstanding Service: Thank You Jerry Slipko, Donna Moseman and Edith Fose were presented with Necas plaques in order to recognize the outstanding contributions that they have all made to the success of several Necas conferences. These are the individuals that go above and beyond to make sure that our needs are met while we are guests at the Niagara Falls ARS in NY. It is with sincere gratitude that we thank them for their continued efforts on our behalf. Grants and Funding: Ken Arnott CHAA Being a member of a "not for profit" organization, my role in CHAA, the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association is to obtain available grant money from any source. Thus far I have been successful provincially but not federally. Our organization has, and is currently being assisted in the major funding of: - Restoration of aircraft
- Upgrading of buildings (hangars) and their facilities
- Procurement of upgraded or new equipment and funding for Education related programs.
I have only been in the area off "fund-raising" for a relatively short period; however I have been blessed with only one rejection (which had been over subscribed). I have had the most success from provincially run foundations, which I think is synonymous of most granting institutions, in that they are dealing with issues of the day, namely: Unemployment, Education, Regrouping or Renovating, Community oriented programs, Make-work programs in a variety of plans to assist the employed in a self sustaining way, especially in this current climate of economic down turn. Tips: It takes just as much time effort and trouble to apply for a grant from a foundation with only a small budget as it does with one with a large one; so go fro the one that has the bigger budget. "Not for profit status" like "charities" etc. are the best, as they are able to get grants for free as opposed to some which will only grant, say, 80% and then you have to raise the other 20% or take the 20% as a loan. Read the grant criteria carefully. Understand exactly what it is that they will fund, and why. The grantor usually has a philosophy which will indicate where your best chances for acceptance will lay. There are many people out there looking for money, so tell the grantor exactly why your cause is a good and just one, how it will improve or ad to the community life, perhaps educate a few people along the way, or directly and perhaps might even give somebody a job in the process. This is the kind of positive approach they are looking for. Good Luck! Breaking News: Hot off the Presses The organizers of the Windsor International Air Show and the coordinators of the Atlantic City Thunder over the Boardwalk Airshow and Boston-Portsmouth Airshow at Pease International Airport are pleased to officially announce the inclusion of the Brazilian Esquadrilha da Fumaça, or "Smoke Squadron" in their 2010 aerial events. The 2010 North American Tour of the Esquadrilha da Fumaça will start in Windsor, Ontario, Canada during the Windsor International Airshow on August 21 & 22, 2010 and will continue in the United States with demonstrations scheduled during the 2010 Atlantic City Thunder over the Boardwalk Airshow along the famed Atlantic City Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey on 25 August 2010 and at the inaugural 2010 Boston-Portsmouth Airshow at the Pease International Airport in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on 28-29 August 2010. The Brazilian Esquadrilha da Fumaça, or "Smoke Squadron," with more than 2900 demonstrations accomplished in Brazil and abroad since 1952, proudly crosses the skies in multiple aircraft formation and solo aerobatics. The Squadron flies seven aircraft in their aerial demonstrations. Their professional demonstration pilots have at least 1500 flight hours experience from which 800 flight hours as instructors. Every year three new pilots are added to the squadron. The ground staff of Esquadrilha da Fumaca is from the crew of the Air Academy. The team flies the T-27 Tucano, a military aircraft built by Embrear Aircraft in Brazil. We are extremely proud and fortunate to host the Brazilians as they have chosen our air shows, in Windsor, Boston, and Atlantic City in the 2010 air show season. Silly Stuff: From my Corner So this is what my coffee table/tickle trunk looked like over the course of the weekend when it wasn't filled with A/C insurance certificates, program letters, maneuver package drafts, income tax forms and GST returns. It is pure bliss when end of season taxes and the beginning of the air show season coincide so nicely. Another reason to remind ourselves that we need to stay focused on the things that can bite. I'm not saying the tax man can't bite…I'm just saying that he might not bite quite as hard as the ground at a couple of hundred knots. I call this my coffee table because sometimes I sit a mug of coffee on it and it happens to be strategically placed in front of my sofa. I call it my tickle trunk because it's a trunk filled with things that tickle my fancy. Case in point; a four page feature on our team in World Airshow News, a copy of our recently published anthology, Flights of Adventure and a six page article in the acclaimed review of Garage Magazine owned and published by West Coast Choppers very own, Jesse James. Before anyone even thinks it, don't go there! In case you are wondering where you can acquire all this wonderful reading material to enhance the quality of your rest room experience, Garage Magazine is still on news stands. World Airshow News is just a click away and the most awesome, coolest, incredible aviation anthology evaaaaar is available through our publisher's site at http://www.flightsofadventure.info/ and on line at Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. I will also be doing some book signings throughout the summer. So while I'm sitting here, idly pondering why I can't afford pay my hydro bill with 60K worth of media value starring me back in the face I will leave you to ponder how this space could have been used to talk about something much more interesting such as the news going on with your team/event/ aircraft……so please send me your news so I can brag about you instead. Carol P |
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