2010 Cherry Point Air Show a huge success – WNCT | Cherry Point, NC - The 2010 Cherry Point Air Show turned out to be a huge success. By Stephanie Moore | Nightside Producer Cherry Point, ...
Big Turnout For MCAS Cherry Point Air Show – WITN | Quite a few people were at Cherry Point over the weekend enjoying the high flying fun of the air show. Cherry Point estimates 156000 people attended the ...
WEEKEND IN REVIEW – ASB.tv - Mother Nature caused some issues over the weekend for US air shows. The USAF Thunderbirds wowed crowds at Thunder Over the Red River and the Madera Air Show had blue skies and double its anticipated attendance. However, MCAS Cherry Point narrowly avoided bad storms and most of Sunday's show at Warbirds Over the Beach was canceled due to weather. Share your thoughts and stories or see what you missed
Even on the ground -- airplanes draw aviation fans | zanesvilletimesrecorder.com | Zanesville Times Recorder from http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/ In addition to the 10 single-engine planes, live entertainment, remote- controlled planes, door prizes, demonstrations, free food and more were part of the celebration, said Frank Berlo, at-home services for The Home Depot. "It's to give back to the community. We're (the store) really doing well. We're hiring people so it's all about customer appreciation," Berlo said…
DC-3 Reunion Anchors Reflective Airline Arc from Jetwhine by Scott Spangler | Reflection is an unintended consequence of a wide interest in aviation, and connecting past with present is the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh reunion of the iconic airplane that earns its keep still, even as it approaches its 75th birthday. Some call it the DC-3, others know it as the C-47 or R4D, and it is remanufactured for 21st century service as the BT-67 at Basler Turbo Conversions, across the airport from the AirVenture Grounds…
From the Delta Museum: DC-3 Ship 41 Restoration Photos from Delta Air Lines Blog by Marie Force | The Delta Museum marks 15 years of preserving and sharing Delta history this May 23. To celebrate, we just launched a slide show of over 80 photos showing the amazing, 5-year restoration of Delta's DC-3 Ship 41, from rusty freighter to 1940s passenger plane with modern flight capability. Check out the slide show!...
Memorial Day Weekend Alabama Aviation Events from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News | Without a doubt, this month topped them all in both quantity and quality Alabama aviation events. Take a Memorial weekend break and catch the last but not least of outstanding May aviation activities. Remember to celebrate our patriots, men and women of the United States military, who gave their life for the freedom we cherish…
United States - California - Planes of Fame Airshow 2010 - Chino - 05/15/10 from FenceCheck Forums - What a treat to see the flying wing in the air!
PARKER AIMING TO BREAK RECORD AT GOLDEN WEST-FLY IN - ASB.tv (GANews)- John Parker, championship-pilot and builder of Reno Air Race contenders Blue Thunder and Blue Thunder II, will try to set a world record at the Golden West Fly-In in Marysville, CA, June 11-13. Parker's race-built Thunder Mustang will be shooting for the world 100-km speed record in class C1c, currently 339.51 mph. What will it take for Parker to set a new record?
Richard Branson Will Make Virgin Atlantic Feel Shiny and New - Jaunted
... the plans for Virgin Atlantic's new seats, meals and entertainment, and hopefully it won't be long before Branson takes another celebratory wing-walk. ...
RECORD SKYDIVE SET FOR NEW MEXICO from Spaceports by jack@jackkennedy.net (JackKennedy) Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian daredevil, hopes to to break a 50-year-old record this summer in New Mexico when he begins a sky dive from 120,000 feet, or almost 23 miles above the earth's surface jumping from a capsule and going nearly 700 mph down breaking the sound barrier, reports CNN…
Zeppelin Eureka To Attempt World Flight Distance Record from AvStop » Number One Online Resource For General Aviation News - Airship Ventures, owners and operators of The Farmers Airship, the Zeppelin Eureka, announced that today the world's largest airship will attempt to break the world distance record for a modern airship. Flying between Airship Ventures home base, the historic Airship Hangars at Moffett Field in the San Francisco Bay Area, and Brown Field in San Diego, the Farmers Airship will cover 459.3 miles, breaking the standing Federation Aéronautique International (FAI) record previously held by a Russian team by 70.2 miles…
Pictures of B-17 Flying Fortress over Seattle - Seattle Post Intelligencer | EAA Aviation Center's restored B-17G Flying Fortress "Aluminum Overcast" in flight over Seattle on Monday, May 24, 2010. (Jeremy Lindgren/NYCAviation.com) ...
Blue Angels Fleur de Lis Formation on Flickr - Photo Sharing! from "blue angels" - Google Blog Search by nobody@flickr.com (Kevin H.) At Andrews Air Force Base in the Washington, DC suburbs for the 2010 Joint Services Open House Air Show.
GV pilot flies his 500th 'Young Eagle' - The Union of Grass Valley | Brian Harms of Nevada City was Sommer's 500th passenger flown as part of the Young Eagles program, hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association to ...
Teens got aerial view thanks to so many - Fergus Falls Daily Journal | I would like to thank The Daily Journal staff for the coverage of our Young Eagles Event on May 14. The numbers are in and between the Middle School, ...

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