B-29 FIFI Cleared for Flight from Aero-News Network | FAA Deems FIFI is Airworthy. Phase I Flight Testing Can Begin On Tues. July 6, 2010, the FAA issued an Airworthiness Certificate allowing the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) B-29 Superfortress crew to begin Phase I flight-testing. The tests will begin in the afternoon on Friday July 9th and continue through Saturday, July 10…
Blues Angels warm up crowd for big weekend - Pensacola News Journal | Die-hard Blue Angels fans Scott Schmitz and Trisha Watkins were not going to let BP's oil spill stop them from making their annual trek to Pensacola Beach…
Meet the pilots: What does it take to become one of the six men inside the ... - Gulf Breeze News | Greg assumed command of the Blue Angels in November 2008. His decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, ...
Air show features amazing classics at Geneseo Airport - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle | The annual History of Flight Air Show sponsored by the 1941 Historic Aircraft Group is from Friday to Sunday at Geneseo Airport, Big Tree Lane off Route 63. ...
United States - Washington - Tacoma Freedom Fair Air Show 2010 - Ruston - 07/04/10 from FenceCheck Forums :
Airport visits OK'd for Friday's Air Show - Gary Post Tribune | In addition to the general viewing area, the airport at 6001 W. Industrial Highway, is offering the aviation enthusiasts an opportunity to sit airside to ...
Arlington Fly-In takes off today - Lynnwood Enterprise | ARLINGTON — They decided the Fly-In couldn't have a barnstorming plane exhibit without a barn. Last fall, Arlington Fly-In director Barbara ...
Aero-TV At Arlington 2009: Judge Me Please -- The Art of Aircraft Judging from Aero-News Network | Measuring Up At Arlington 2009 Aero-Note: During this week's 2010 rendition of the "Friendliest Fly-In" we know, we thought it paramount to revisit some of the heights of last year's Arlington Fly-In... with the 'high hopes' that those of you who were about to pass up this AMAZING Fly-In, might reconsider and skedaddle yourself to Arlington, WA... which for the next few days IS the Sport Aviation capital of the world!
AirExpo cleared for a July 17-18 landing - Eden Prairie News | By John Molene That's organizer Bob Jasperson's take on why the 11th annual Wings of the North premier air show remains so popular year after year…
Carnival and Red Arrows to mark Falmouth Week - Falmouth Penryn Packet | Falmouth Fun night is also returning to the festival on Wednesday August 11 when the Royal Air Force Red Arrows display team return to the skies above the ...
Sunderland Airshow will start with a bang - Sunderland Echo | The free family event gets under way at 7pm on July 23, with the 19-piece RAF Swing Wing band from RAF College Cranwell, followed by Blues Brothers tribute ...
A visit to free air show - Scarborough Today | Members of the Greengate Group are inviting adults and children to join them for an outing to Sunderland's 22nd International Air Show on Sunday ...
Win a Blimp Ride at AirVenture from News from EAA AirVenture Oshkosh | Five lucky attendees at EAA AirVenture 2010 will win the ride of a lifetime in the "Spirit of Goodyear" blimp in the "I Wanna Blimp Ride" Sweepstakes.
Warbird Pilot Wannabes Wanted from AVwebFlash Current Issue | Prowler Command is a different kind of flying club that's using a North American B-25 Mitchell bomber and a C-47 Gooney Bird to woo dues-paying members, and the group says it's hoping to add more warbirds to the mix. Membership includes a type rating with "second in command privileges" in either aircraft. The "second in command" satisfies insurance requirements. Qualified members may rent the aircraft at deeply discounted rates and fly it with an insurance-company-mandated safety pilot. Members can expect to pay about $25,000 for one rating, which, according to Prowler, is tens of thousands less than pilots might pay elsewhere. On top of that come annual dues of $10,000, but those are tax deductible because Pacific Prowler Organization operates as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Prowler also offers corporate sponsorships that help support the aircraft while bringing attention (and perks) to the supporting businesses and has plans to add at least three more aircraft to the fleet.
July 8 in Indianapolis - Landmark's Keystone Art Cinema
8702 Keystone Crossing, Suite 201A | Indianapolis, IN 46240
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m.
July 15 in Minneapolis - Landmark's Lagoon Cinema
1320 Lagoon Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55408
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m.
July 22 in Rogers, Arkansas
Free Pearl Screening on the Downtown Frisco Stage - 8:00 p.m.
Living history for the young and young at heart - Peninsula Gateway | Wheeler's aviation story took place aboard the Boeing B-17 bomber from August 1944 to May 1945 as an Army Air Corps pilot during bombing missions in Europe ...
Aerobatic Performers Support Wounded Veterans from AVwebFlash Current Issue | Airshow season is in full swing, and one new act on the circuit aims not just to entertain but also to raise awareness about injured veterans who are transitioning back into civilian life. Team Vandy-1, based in Maryland, operates a black L-39 aerobatic jet that now is branded with the Wounded Warrior logo on its tail. The Wounded Warrior Project, based in Jacksonville, Fla., began as a group of veterans and friends who would visit wounded soldiers recovering in the hospital. The nonprofit organization now provides support and advocacy for transitioning vets, from providing counseling and mentoring to organizing bicycle tours and rock-climbing treks. The Vandy-1 team will promote the project at airshows around the country, raise money and awareness, and also take veterans up for a flight…

Best of day 17: In the desert, you can't remember your name from Flying Across America | The departure out of Sedona was incredible. The rocks and canyons around the airport are impressive and climbing between them was very cool. After that, it was all about desert, mountain, headwinds, turbulence and trying to climb and maintain 9.500 feet. The flight from Sedona to Safford took us two hours and fifteen minutes. Crossing one mountain ridge after the other, being shaken in thermal turbulence and in mountain waves…
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