PFLUGERVILLE, TX – SEPTEMBER 3, 2012 – As announced last week, the National Aviation Heritage Invitational (NAHI) has named its top award in honor of the late Neil Armstrong. Beginning at this year’s invitational, the Neil A. Armstrong Aviation Heritage Trophy will be presented to the top restoration at the event during the Reno National Championship Air Races in September. LiveAirShowTV talked with NAHI Co-Founder and National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrinement Director Ron Kaplan about Neil’s connection to the organization and his love of the restored aircraft of old. “I was fortunate enough to be on hand several times when Neil was there to present the awards”, said LiveAirShowTV President Jeff Lee. “The sheer joy that he got being around these aircraft of his youth was obvious. “
Check out our story
HERE As we get closer to the Reno Air Races, watch for more stories leading up to Race Week. We will

preview this year’s field of planes entered in the Heritage Invitational later this week. Just as race week gets kicked off, we will preview the races and let race fans know what to expect for this year.
The LiveAirShowTV crew arrives on Tuesday of Race Week and we will be posting daily reports each day. Make sure you “Like” us on our Facebook Fan Page, and follow us on Twitter for updates throughout the day.
Whether you’re going to be in the stands, around the pits, or half a world away, LiveAirShowTV will bring you the Inside Story of this year’s Reno National Championship Air Races! Gentlemen, you have a race!
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