Watch video: Air race CEO Mike Houghton discusses tributes that will be held this year from
Photos: Reno Air Races take flight from | Scenes from Tuesday at the Reno National Championship Air Races. Reno Air Races - Official Website
Reno Air Races Baby!!!! : Moose Peterson's Website from Moose | Well, we went from the high of Photoshop World to the high of the Reno Air Races, talk about being fortunate! After taking are of some very important tasks, we arrived to our trailer and friends and good times Monday night.
Shuttle pilots at Reno Air Races recall Neil Armstrong from | Even as pilots Hoot Gibson and Curt Brown focus on racing at the Reno National Championship Air Races today, a piece of their heart will be at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
Freedom of Flight Celebration Honoring Heroes, Legends and Reno air Racers from by Joe Kates | On the evening of September 6th 2012 Photorecon was on hand to cover the Freedom of Flight Celebration Honoring Heroes, Legends and Reno air Racers. This special tribute celebration was hosted by Atlantic Aviation DVT. The event honored the American spirit to overcome tragedy, such as last year’s events at Reno and to honor those who have served and continue...
Racing Returns to Reno from EAA - The Experimental Aircraft Association | EAA will be present at the 49th annual Reno National Championship Air Races runs through Sunday, September 16, with race pilots going for gold in six classes - Biplane, Formula 1, T-6, Sport, Unlimited, and Jet...
More Reno Info - AAFO | Inside scoop, excellent pictures and insight you won't get from anywhere else. These guys live and breath the Reno Air Races.
Vectren Corp. agrees to three-year deal with Dayton Air Show - Dayton Daily News | Vectren Corp.

Vinton County Air Show set for Sunday - The Commoner Journal | The Vinton County Air Show, Ohio's largest free air show, will be held at the Vinton County Airport Sunday. The airport's legendary barbecue chicken dinners with all the fixings will be ready to serve at 11 a.m. The air show will ...
Tricolor arrows in the sky of Imperia Air Show - | A team of specialists is already at work for the exhibition of the Frecce Tricolori Saturday 15 in Imperia, 16.00. The control room, the Shelter, a complex structure of the weight of 52 tons, will be located at the Urban Park ...
Fly-in pancake breakfast to be hosted by Western Michigan University's College ... - Kalamazoo Gazette - | Western Michigan University's College of Aviation will be holding its fourth annual fly-in breakfast at 8 a.m. complete with pancakes and airplanes flying in for the event. "Although weather dependent, it is not uncommon to have 20 to 50 planes fly in ...
Aerotrek A240 Really Stands Out at Midwest LSA Expo from The Aero Experience - Celebrating Midwest Aviation by Carmelo Turdo | The golden yellow Aeropro Aerotrek A240 really stood out at the recent Midwest LSA Expo - it was very hard to miss even at the end of the ramp! The Slovakian factory-made LSA costs less than $80,000 nicely equipped, and includes the...
Fly-in fills Polson Airport - Valleyjournal | POLSON — With sunshine and cool temperatures, weather was good as retired pilot Elsie Culver celebrated her 95th birthday at the Polson Fly-In on Saturday. In her youth, Culver learned to fly when she worked at th... Native Lands and Wilderness...
Capt. Brandt flies Harrier demo at Duluth Air Show - DVIDS | Christopher E. Brandt, a pilot training officer with Marine Attack Squadron 223, Marine Aircraft Group 14, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, rehearses an AV-8B Harrier level III flight demonstration which he will perform at the Duluth Air Show in Duluth, Minn ...
Women Airforce Service Pilots: A Celebration - Air Zoo | Dates: Sat Sep 22, 12 | Time: 1:00pm |
CAF B-29/B-24 Squadron September 2012 Newsletter - CAF | September 2012 Flyer Now Available | I am pleased to announce that Konley Kelly has agreed to take on the role of Editor for The Flyer. This is his debut issue. Please take a few minutes and congratulate him on his new role.
EEA's restored B-17 bomber lands in Rome - WXIA-TV | ROME, Ga. -- The Experimental Aircraft Association's restored B-17 bomber will land in Rome in late September during a national tour. The B-17 bomber, "Aluminum Overcast" is set to stop at Richard B. Russell Airport for the 2012 "Salute to Veterans" ...
Celebrating the B-52 from General Aviation News by Janice Wood | SEATTLE — On Sept. 29 from 4:30 to 10 p.m., the Museum of Flight offers a lecture, cocktail reception and dinner party with speakers in the museum's B-52 60th Anniversary Symposium. Special guest of the dinner, which is sponsored by Honeywell, is former B-52 test pilot Brien Wygle...
- Victor XL231 Lusty Lindy: "Never Again" part 3
- sneak previuw 2 tony agars mosquito
- More videos from brian Watmough (playlist) | More on the Mosquito
Living The Dream,Flying In A P-51 Mustang from TAKEOFF TUBE | I am not a pilot nor will I ever be one. My skill sets lie with a video camera and editing software, simply put, I am a storyteller. Flying with Dr. Ken Wagner
Help For Aspiring Pilots from AVwebFlash Current Issue | EAA said this week that Sporty's has made its new Learn To Fly course available to all Young Eagles free of charge. Sporty's has previously offered its recreational and private pilot courses free to Young Eagles, and more than 15,000 students already have accepted that offer. The new Learn To Fly course helps students to focus on the first step -- the first solo -- and then choose whether to pursue a sport, private, or recreational pilot certificate...
EAA to host Young Eagles Flight Rally on Sept. 15 - Freeport Journal-Standard | The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 475 will host a Young Eagles Flight Rally on Sept. 15. Registration for the rally will begin at 9 a.m. in the parking lot at the Albertus Airport, 1255 E. Airport Road, Freeport. This rally is part of ...
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