AOPA Live This Week - AirVenture preview from AOPA Live: Latest videos from AOPA Live On the opening day of AirVenuture 2012, a preview of what to expect, some hints of major news from Cessna, and a look at what it takes to put the show together...
Pemberton's Show Combines Gyroscopic ... - EAA AirVenture | Melissa Pemberton knows how much things can change in 10 years. She flew into EAA AirVenture Oshkosh in 2002 as a newly minted private pilot. This year the 28-year-old is returning as one of the featured air show ...
Embraer airplane on display at airshow - Upstart | The A-29 Super Tucano aircraft is on display at the Oshkosh air show this week. The EAA AirVenture air show runs from July 23 to July 29 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wis. EAA is an international community of more than 160000 in a worldwide ...
Longtime Theater in the Woods Volunteer Chair to ... - EAA AirVenture | Judy Mueller, of Random Lake, Wisconsin, and a 40-year EAA volunteer, will receive the 2012 Dorothy Hilbert Volunteer Award Tuesday evening at Theater in the Woods. Judy worked for years as chairman of Evening ...
OSHKOSH-THE ULTIMATE AVIATION EXTRAVAGANVA | The - Blogs by aceabbott | Furthermore I have been to the Paris Air Show—at Farnborough, England (the alternating site)—and that event pales in comparision to Oshkosh. If you have not been there, immediately Google EAA Air Venture and you will ...
Podcast: UPDATE Airventure 2012- Warbird Radio LIVE! by Matt | AirVenture Update – Warbird Radio LIVE! – ...checking in with our friends at EAA's Airventure 2012 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Find out what's going on at the world's largest aviation event.
Ford salutes Tuskegee Airmen with unique Red Tails Mustang - Torque News | Proceeds from the auction of the donated car will benefit the EAA Young Eagles program, a provider of 1.6 million free introductory flights (so far) to young people since 1992, to inspire a new generation of leaders, aviators and innovators. Ford is ...
A "behind-the-scenes" look at Duggy, the Smile in the Sky, from 2010 from Airplanista Aviation Blog by Dan Pimentel | If you know anything about EAA Airventure Oshkosh, you know the air show can't start until the skydivers jump out of the happiest plane in the sky, aka Duggy. I had the rare opportunity to fly with the Odegaard family from their base in Fargo, ND to Rock Falls, ILL for the DC-3 reunion in 2010, and then on into...
US Navy Blue Angels: Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron - US Navy SEALs Blog & Information | The Blue Angels performed their first flight demonstration in June 1946, at Naval Air Station (NAS) in Jacksonville, Florida. The team flew the Grumman F6F Hellcat, and was led by Lt. Cmdr. Roy “Butch” Voris. On August 25, 1946, the Blue Angels ...
Sun shines on North East weekend events - GALLERY - ChronicleLive | Spectators to the three-day event got to see the acrobatic abilities of the Breitling Wingwalkers, the world's only formation wingwalking display team, who performed a breathtaking sequence of formation loops and rolls. Newcastle Pride. On Saturday in ...
Up in the sky: Spectacular aerobatics at Romania's Air Show - | The Bucharest International Air Show, the yearly event that brings together flying aficionados, adrenaline seekers and curious viewers at Bucharest Baneasa airport,...
Fatal crash of a Fokker Dr. I to rally Couhe-Verac from Passion for aviation by Xavier Cotton |
The accident occurred around 4:35 p.m., the triplane then a simulated dogfight with a replica of SE.5 "protecting" a Breguet XIV. Several witnesses reported having seen the device and sting from a spin just...
Thierry Dusautoir in a dream with the Patrouille de France - (translated) | Thierry Dusautoir, the Toulouse captain and XV of France, and new sponsor of the 2012 acrobatic training of Air Force, the Patrouille de France, Perpignan and flying over the Mediterranean coast Sunday aboard an Alpha Jet . The ...
Marcus(R) Hotels & Resorts to Sponsor Milwaukee Air & Water Show August 11 ... - MarketWatch | ... U.S. Air Force T-38 Talon Four Ship, a U.S. Coast Guard HU-25 Falcon Jet and other exciting acts including the Lima Lima Aerobatic Flight Demonstration Team, Matt Chapman, Bill Stein, Mike Goulian, Firebirds X-Treme, Rob Holland and Mike Wiskus.
Ohio Air News # 199 - Charles Johnson | C-17 at wrong airport - Mig-21 at other airport - Starting a

Record-setting electric airplane exceeds 200-mph (w/ Video) - Phys.Org | Last week's record of the fastest ever manned electric aircraft was set by electric-vehicle record-setter Chip Yates. He already had credentials as holding the world record for fastest electric motorcycle going over 196 mph last year. As...
UK's 'Friendly Invasion' 70 years on from Air Force Link Top Stories | During his childhood, Clive Stevens would gaze up in awe at a small B-17 Flying Fortress model that sat on top of a bookcase in his home. "It obviously gave me a deep-rooted interest in the airplane," said Stevens. Over the years, his fascination grew to include not only the U.S. aircraft but the entire 8th Air Force. The interest was so strong that the Wiltshire native moved halfway across England to airfield-heavy Suffolk in order to be closer to his passion.
Amelia Earhart 115th birthday: Google doodles US aviator - News Tribe | Amelia Earhart 115th birthday: Google doodles US aviator Washington: Google is marking the 115th birthday of the renowned American aviator Amelia Earhart, whose enigmatic disappearance in 1937 has been a mystery till today. Today's Google doodle ...
New England Air Museum Restores Record-breaking Aircraft - The Leading Aviation Industry Resource for News, Equipment and | There's a “new” airplane now on display at the New England Air Museum. After many years of restoration work, this Lockheed F-104C Starfighter was recently moved from the Museum's restoration hangar to the military display hangar. This aircraft served ...
Yankee Air Museum Fantasy Contest Rules - WDIV Detroit | General. By submitting an entry to this contest, sponsored by WDIV-TV,, and the Yankee Air Museum, Sponsors; contestant agrees to all of these Official Rules. No purchase necessary to enter to win. A purchase will not increase your ...
Museum conducts workshops, prepares for 'back to school' from National Museum of the USAF Top Stories | Back to school planning begins each summer. Teaching teachers and other aerospace education instructors provides a unique opportunity to extend the museum's outreach efforts. This summer, the museum staff conducted presentations for the STEM-ulate Your Mind Aerospace Engineering Teacher Workshop. This week-long workshop was developed in partnership with Wright-Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory Air Vehicles Directorate, WPAFB Educational Outreach, the Dayton Regional STEM Center, the National Museum of the USAF and many other supporting organizations. The museum's presentations focused on providing hands-on inquiry-based lessons with an emphasis on STEM content for middle school and high school teachers...
NASA to allow visitors to tour famous launch pad - Washington Times | The Enterprise will be towed past landmarks along the Hudson River and docked at Jersey City, N.J. on Sunday, June 3 until Tuesday, June 5, when it returns to New York and lifted to the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, which is...
Forrest S. McCartney, a Top NASA Official, Dies at 81 from History News Network | Forrest S. McCartney, a retired Air Force lieutenant general who played a central role in developing military spy satellites and the MX intercontinental missile system before being appointed head of NASA’s civilian-run Kennedy Space Center not long after the space shuttle Challenger exploded, died Tuesday in a hospice near Cape Canaveral, Fla. He was 81...
IRVE-3 Unqualified Success at Wallops Island - video from Spaceports | NASA Wallops Flight Facility launched a novel new heat shield prototype on a successful test flight Monday (July 23, 2012), a mission that sent a high-tech space balloon streaking through Earth's atmosphere at hypersonic speeds of up to...
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