Everything we've gleaned from Airventure 2009 today can be found Here! All other Aerotainment news is below:and don't forget - AirVenture's official websiteDidn't make it this year? Start planning!FUTURE AIRVENTURE DATES:
2010: July 26-August 1; 2011: July 25-31; 2012: July 23-29
Today/tonight: Heat, Blue Angels, concerts, King County's future - West Seattle Blog
BLUE ANGELS: Today's the first of two days that they'll be practicing, before the two official shows Saturday-Sunday over Lake Washington. ...
Soundtrack: 15 songs to watch Blue Angels to - Seattle Post Intelligencer
The Blue Angels fly past the Space Needle while during a practice session over Lake Washington in Seattle as viewed from Newport Hills on August 2, 2007. ...
How I Stopped the Blue Angels in Their Tracks - Black Star Rising
Check out Jeff's Photo Tip of the Day blog. in Art of Photography on July 29th, 2009 I recently had the opportunity to shoot the US Navy's Blue Angels at an ...
MILITARY: Blue Angels highlight Miramar air show - North County Times
The US Navy's Blue Angels aerial demonstration team highlights the annual air show set for Oct. 2-4 at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station. Base officials on Wednesday said the squadron ...
Snowbirds share in excitement of unique 'Canadian moment' 'There's something special today,' pilot says of first experience by marylee
By Kristy Nease, July 2, 2009 Reprinted from the Ottawa Citizen www.ottawacitizen.com A few hours after making fly-overs at Parliament Hill and the Canada Aviation Museum on Canada Day, 11 snowbird pilots strolled into the museum to greet more than 300 excited youngsters, aviation enthusiasts, and sightseeing families. And with them was retired Col. Chris Hadfield, an astronaut with [...]Snowbirds Announce New Team Coordinator - Aviation.ca
Captain Dan Rossi, 34, from Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, was appointed as Snowbird 10, Team Coordinator, for the 2010, 2011 and 2012 show seasons after a ...
Take the count down to the air show of the Frecce Tricolori - Ancon Informa
Falconara (Ancona) - "The arrival of the Frecce Tricolori falconaresi to enjoy a spectacular and incredible reminder to the beach." Word of the Tourist Board Stefania Signorini that as the whole city looks forward to the arrival ...
Aero-TV: Keeping The Dream -- Aerobatic Pilot Greg Poe - Aero-News Network
His flight instructor, John Chambers, introduced him to aerobatics early on and it quickly turned into a passion that continues to this day. ...
Lifestyles & Leisure: Airshow Will Attract Thousands August 7,8,9 ... by Mike Archer
The Abbotsford Airshow began in 1962 when the recently formed Abbotsford Flying Club decided an airshow would be an effective way to promote flying from Abbotsford Airport, which was inactive at the time. The Flying Club approached W.J. ...
Windermere Airshow @ Bowness from Technorati
This photoset covers the Windermere Airshow last weekend, which was held at Bowness , on the shores of Lake Windermere , in the Lake District . In all fairness it wasn't the best airshow I had seen but it had a few notable moments and a few are captured here. The U.S. Mustang was quite a site, and the sound was equally as inpressive. "Minimulist Mustang" - The crowd seemed to agree, but still the mood was quiet as we had to wait a long time between planes.. "Airsh
Singapore Airshow 2010 appoints Hill & Knowlton - Media
SINGAPORE - Singapore Airshow & Events has appointed Hill & Knowlton to provide strategic communications support for the ...
Annual Milaca Fly-In/Drive-In set Aug. 8-9 - Mille Lacs County Times
... Young Eagle airplane rides and breakfast are some of the features of the annual Fly-In/Drive-In at the Milaca Municipal Airport set Saturday, Aug. ...
B-52 Recap from CAF Minnesota Wing Blog by Commemorative Air Force, MN Wing
Last weeks visit to Minot gave the B-25 an opportunity to fly formation with a B-52! Previous updates gave us a great perspective from the ground, both with pictures and a video. But nothing beats an air-to-air view like this!
Weekly Update - 24July to 30July from CAF Minnesota Wing Blog by Commemorative Air Force, MN Wing
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Very little can top last week, considering the Red Tail's first flight, the B-52 flying with the B-25 and all the huge efforts involved to make those projects happen! It's been exhausting for all involved to accomplish these feats, so a bit of slow time is never a bad thing. Slow can be a relative term however. The B-25 survived a week long flying extravaganza in Sioux Falls, SD. The B-25 Crew flew an astounding 22 flights, and racked in $20,000 with tours, history flights and PX sales. Great work guys! The P-51C "Tuskegee Airmen" flew from North Dakota to Oshkosh, Wisconsin! Brad Lang, son of a Tuskegee Airman, has been checked out and did his first solo in the Mustang as well. The aircraft, as well as a number of Wing members will be attending Oshkosh
The B-17 Flying Fortress - from All Things Aviation by JetAviator7
A magnificent machine, the B-17 Flying Fortress remains an iconic image of the strength and power which the United States of America brought to the European theater's air war during the Second World War. Boeing designed and produced the B-17 in response to the United States Army's call for a long-range bomber. Boeing's B-17 would [...]
A QUIET HERO - The Times Picayune
Veteran Martin Richard has never really spoken much about his experiences during World War II. Relatives said he rarely ever mentioned the day his plane was shot down over France, or the nine months he spent as a German prisoner of war -- not even his participation in the deadly 86-day trek that surviving POWs would later call The Black March.
But as modest as Richard, 85, has always been about his efforts during the war, he could not downplay the monumental acknowledgment he and two other Louisiana veterans received last month. Richard was one of three Louisiana natives to be appointed chevaliers or knights of the French Legion of Honor during a lavish ceremony held the day before the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
Richard sometimes manned the top gun turret on his B-24 Liberator during the 35 missions he and his crew flew. But that 35th mission turned out to be a doozy. On Aug. 14, 1944, Richard's crew had a bombing run near Cannes, France, that made them targets for German anti-aircraft artillery, he said.
"Our bombardier said, 'You know, we might get killed today.' But he said that every day," Richard recalled.
With a loud bang, gunfire took out two engines and the plane went down. Richard was panicked because he'd chosen an old parachute that he feared would fail him. Turns out the chute did just that until the last minute, but ended up saving his life.
"The others (whose chutes opened immediately) were in the air getting shot at," he said.
Richard's entire crew survived, but were captured by German troops. After being paraded around the streets of Paris in trucks and moved around to various farmhouses and make-shift dungeons, Richard was eventually crammed into a boxcar with other captured airmen and shipped by train to Stalag Luft IV, a prisoner of war camp in Gross Tychow, Poland, he said. ...
... After all these years, his daughter said there are still times her father will tell a story about the war that she has never heard. Richard said he and other veterans just didn't talk about it.
"We knew we had been through hell, but we didn't know that people were that interested in it," he said.
Veteran makes call for World War Two commemoration service - Darlington and Stockton Times
The Battle of Britain Commemoration Service and Parade will take place at the Allied Air Forces Memorial, at the Yorkshire Air Museum, to mark the famous ...
Pearl Harbor, Oldest Medal of Honor Recipient Celebrates 100th Birthday from U.S. Navy News Headline Stories
The oldest living Medal of Honor recipient, celebrated his 100th birthday at Naval Air Station North Island, July 25.
Pilot lives childhood dream showcasing restored fighter jet - from Aviation.ca News
He still remembers the day. June 6, 1959 is when Daniel Dempsey first fell in love. He was a six-year-old Calgary boy whose parents had taken him to see the Golden Hawks, a team of Canadian aerobatic airmen who dazzled crowds...
Thunder Bay, Ont., labs helping in hunt for remains of aviator ... - The Canadian Press
THUNDER BAY, Ont. — The decades-long mystery of the disappearance of American aviator Amelia Earhart might finally be solved next year with the help of two ...
WWII Planes at Palm Springs Air Museum Could be Grounded Indefinitely - KESQ
PALM SPRINGS - A large majority of the vintage World War II planes at the Palm Springs Air Museum could be grounded ...
Capt Force Logs 1.0 Jet Time in the Cessna Citation Mustang from Airspeed by Stephen Force (Steve Tupper)
I don't have a picture to put on this blog post. Mainly because I was pretty busy while the pictures were being taken and the video shot.
I was at the controls of the Cessna Citation Mustang, a six-seat VLJ. (Yeah!)
Rod Rakic of www.mytransponder.com has done yeoman's work in coordinating media flight opportunities for new-media folks like me. I got the call while en route from Detroit, dropped my stuff at Camp Scholler, and then headed for Appleton to fly.Certainly there will be a longer and more in-depth post when I get more time, but the basic flight profile was departure from KAPL, fly north toward Iron Mountain, Michigan, maneuver on the way back, and then land back at KAPL.
Radio-controlled model aircraft will fly into Banks - OregonLive.com
This year's show will feature scale models, warbirds, EDF jets, helicopters, electric planes, giant scale aerobatics, and combat and novelty craft. ...
Nat'l Guard plane pull will benefit Special Olympics - Sussex Countian
13, the Delaware Air National Guard will host the Delaware National Guard Plane Pull to benefit Special Olympics Delaware. Teams of 20 pit their strength against a 100000-pound C-130 aircraft to see who can pull the plane the fastest. ...
Malmesbury cadet on cloud nine - This is Wiltshire.co.uk
This was arranged and on July 17 she met the team at the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford, What Kieran didn't realise, however, was he too was ...
Kids show flare for the creative in rocket contest - Bloomington Pantagraph
His was one of 75 model rockets entered in the Aerospace Rocketry category. While waiting, the first-year member of the Homespun 4-H Club assessed his project. The nosecone and fins were bright red as planned, but the red stripe in the center of the ...
Rolls to supply copter maker from IndyStar.com Business Headlines
The local division of aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce has been selected to produce a light-turbine engine for RotorWay Eagle 300T turbine twin-seat helicopters. The RR300 engines will be delivered to Arizona-based RotorWay International through 2017. No financial terms were announced.
Purdue looking to partner with EAA, chapters from News from EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
Two years ago, Dennis Depew visited AirVenture for the first time.
Former US Sailor Shares His USS Indianapolis Survival Story - WKBT
He and his crew members had just finished the mission of delivering an atomic bomb overseas and were headed to invade Japan. Instead, they received a ...