Saturday, August 23, 2008

Indy Air Show 2008: B-17 Ride

Today was my lucky day! I got to ride in one of our finest pieces of history, the B-17 "Yankee Lady", restored by the Yankee Air Museum. We spent about 30 minutes in the air (ten of that was in a holding pattern while one of the performers had show center). While on board I tried to imagine what a long mission would be like if I were a crew member. Despite being a beautiful airplane for us to admire today, the B-17 wasn't built for comfort. It was built to fulfill a mission and come home. No frills. This was my view - and my seat was really close to this console. If I had to sit here for a long mission, I would have been very uncomfortable.

Additionally, we didn't fly at high altitude. I've heard and read stories of pilots creative ways to stay warm on their missions. Our veterans deserve a lot of praise and respect for what they accomplished during WWII.

More B-17 history can be
found here, and of course on Wikipedia.

Below is the gallery of pictures I took while on board. Some of them are a bit blurry. Turbulence during your flight can do that! I'll be bragging to my kids tomorrow at the air show that I've flown in a piece of history now!

B-17 Ride

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