Monday, October 8, 2012

Indy Transponder 08-OCT-2012 1045z

Blue Angels and Fleet Week festivities - San Francisco Chronicle | The Blue Angels perform over the San Francisco Bay during the Fleet Week Air Show in San Francisco, Calif., Sunday, October 7, 2012. Photo: Jason Henry, Special To The Chronicle / SF. The Blue Angels perform over the San Francisco Bay during the Fleet....

SF's jam-packed weekend ends smoothly - San Francisco Chronicle | Sunday's lineup included the final day of Fleet Week with the Blue Angels jet team, the America's Cup World Series and the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, plus a 49ers game and the Giants' second playoff game. There was also the Italian Heritage ...

Alliance Air Show Sunday - Fort Worth Star Telegram | In a "Heritage Flight" demonstration, Air Show guests got to see vintage and more modern aircraft flying side-by-side. In this fly-by, a F-4 Phantom, a P-38 Lightning and a F-86 Sabre (top to bottom) flew together. Coverage of the Sunday Fort Worth ...

Excitement soars for Embry-Riddle air show - Daytona Beach News-Journal | But there's no better feeling, the former Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University assistant professor said, than flying his World War I-era planes, especially over the ocean in Embry-Riddle's Wings and Waves Air Show. "You're hanging out in the breeze ...

Museum Open House and Fly-In Offers High-Flying Adventure from News  | The Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum and EAA Chapter 64 held its Fall Fly-In Saturday, offering a new way to experience aviation history – flights in a 1941 Waco and a T-6 Texan warbird. The event was held Saturday near historic Curtiss-Wright Hangars 1 and 2, with the museum and EAA aircraft on display. Other ...

EAA Chapter 64 and Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum Open House Offers High-Flying Fun from The Aero Experience - Celebrating Midwest Aviation by Carmelo Turdo | EAA Chapter 64 and the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum added another dimension to Saturday's Fall Fly-In - flight opportunities in a Waco biplane and T-6 Texan warbird. Visitors to St. Louis Downtown Airport were offered the chance to purchase flights at a discount rate in Kevin Kegin's 1941 Waco UPF-7 open cockpit biplane and...

Aviation Photo-Art at the Wekend Fly-In from The Aero Experience - Celebrating Midwest Aviation by Carmelo Turdo | Aviation is often the subject of photography as art, and this weekend's fly-in at St. Louis Downtown Airport was a great opportunity to experiment. There were interesting aircraft around, and there was enough opportunity to work around the visitors and get the right shot. Flight has always intrigued mankind, and the ...

8th Annual Barber Vintage Festival Includes Air Show Act from Alabama Aviator - Aviation News | BIRMINGHAM AL- One week to go... this year's Barber Vintage Festival is even bigger than ever before. New this year is Jerry Wood's Cyclemarket & Auction. The America's First Federal Credit Union Fan Zone is overflowing with all types of activities, vendors, clubs and more. We've added the Ace Cafe at the Ace Corner too! The Swap meet has over 250 vendors that can help you locate that last part needed or perhaps inspire you to start something new. There are Seminars in the museum and this is one of the few times when the...

Stearman Fly-In rolls into Jennings - KPLC-TV | The fly-in is put on by the city of Jennings and project coordinator Michelle Hebert says getting all of the historic planes in the same place every year, helps teach younger generations the history of aviation. "For example, we have a plane over here ...

Hobbyists gather for Modelfest in Camarillo - Ventura County Star | On Sunday, Morseman was in charge of Modelfest at the Commemorative Air Force Hangar at Camarillo Airport. Each year for the past 20 years in February, he has held a similar event at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. "But I'm a life member of the ...

Ely Air Lines: February 23, 2010 Sport Air Racing League by Linda Street-Ely | Mike: "It's a big country - you need a fast airplane" are the words emblazoned on the home page of Sport Air Racing League. “All pilots have dreams of being in the cockpit of a P-51 crossing a pylon at 30 feet and 400 MPH, ...

Peter Eager from Flightline UK | It is with regret that the organisers of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) Shoreham Airshow have to report the passing of the Display Director and Commentator Peter Eager after a short illness...

Returning to the wild blue yonder - The Republic | Submitted photo Former pilots and crew members gathered in front of a restored B-17 during a recent reunion of the 95th Heavy Bombardment Group in Cleveland, Ohio. At the end of August and extending into September, the U.S. Army Air Forces 8th Air ...

Avro Anson! from Rodney's Aviation Ramblings by RodneyIt's been just over a week, but finally, another couple of posts from the Mosquito launch airshow at Ardmore! This time around it's another recently rebuilt warbird, this time the Avro Anson, ZK-RRA, based at Nelson. This is an awesome aircraft - quite different to the Mossie, but impressive in its own right. This aircraft always looks like...

Last post [well, maybe :-)] from the Mosquito launch airshow from Rodney's Aviation Ramblings by Rodney | OK, here are a number of photos of from the Mosquito launch airshow. Instead of my usual tactic of only detailing a few aircraft at time, I'm publishing a "random" assortment of aircraft from throughout the day. Some old, some newer, all interesting in their own right....

Firecat Goes To Museum from AVwebFlash Current Issue | A piece of aerial firefighting history has flown its last mission and will become the newest display at the Canadian Museum of Flight in Langley, British Columbia, about 30 miles east of Vancouver. Conair Group Inc., which pioneered the conversion of military surplus aircraft into air tankers, is phasing out its fleet of Firecats, modified Grumman CS2F Tracker submarine hunters. It donated the airworthy aircraft to the museum. The twin-radial-engine aircraft were carrier-based patrol aircraft used by the Canadian and U.S. Navies in the 1960s. Conair converted more than 35 for use as firefighting aircraft...

Landmark anniversary celebrated at York aviation museum - The Press, York | Ian Richardson, of the air museum, said: “The fascinating 77 Squadron Memorial Room and exhibition can be seen at the Yorkshire Air Museum, within the original wartime buildings, where the brave young aircrews and operations staff once trod.” ...

New England Air Museum opens new high-tech flight simulators - | WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. – Those who have ever wanted to try their hand at flying an airplane can now get a realistic feel for it at the New England Air Museum. The museum has opened its newest addition, a high-tech flight simulator, called Flight Sim Spot ...

B-17 of another kind... from Julie in the SkyJulie in the Sky by Eric James Swearingen | Julie in the Sky team filming at the Famoso Speedway March Meets with US Air Force nitro A/Fuel Dragster. Featuring Kin Bates Sr. and the Gene Adams Performance Crew. This NHRA Nostalgic is painted silver with the design of a World War II Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber.

Young Eagles Taking Off in St. Joseph - | A group of kids flocked to Rosecrans Memorial Airport to take part in the Young Eagles program. Kids got a crash course in aviation, learning about airplane safety, radios and controls, and more. Kids also got to take a plane ride to see their houses ...

Day 37 & Day 38 - September 29 & October 6, 2012 from TeenFlight! by TeenFlight Crew | ...Our second week back from summer break, the mentors were very surprised when only two students showed up. This limited our progress a little, but we still were able to progress on the canopy...

Red Bull Stratos | Lights, Camera, Action from Aerial Sports Feed | Felix Baumgartner might be feeling lonely when he steps out of his...

1 comment:

Mike Pearson said...

I've been searching for a few months the see if I could find video or photos of something that I remember seeing back in the 70's ( I think it was the 70's )

On a TV news program, either King 5 or KOMO 4 ( Seattle Wash ), I seem to remember a segment where a Vietnam vet actually flew on the back of a Boeing jet, ( 707, 737, 747 ? ) wing walker style. There was a specially built vertical post and harness to hold him in place. The jet took off and did low and slow turns over the airfield ( Paine ? ) the TV station played the Beach Boys "I Get Around"

There is not even a hint of evidence that this even happened anywhere on the net.

A Boeing historian said that was completely unreasonable to even consider the idea.

Tons of people have told me that it's impossible. It's an easy one to dismiss..... danger, risky corporate maneuver, expense...

But, It happened...I don't know if the Boeing company did it, Air Force...or a real cowboy of a jet owner, Kalitta.. maybe Pan Am, who had a Vietnam vet recognition program in the 70's

Do you have any contacts that might know something...or a smidge of gossip?...maybe someone who is in their 50's to early 80's in age...who saw it or worked on the project.

I'm trying to prove that the impossible actually happened. I think it happened, and someone buried it.

This is a clip of the type of post and harness that I remember.

Vancouver BC