Thunderbirds to mark Air Force Week - Newsday | Air Force Week officially kicks off Sunday in New York City, but fans at Yankee Stadium will get an early taste when
the Thunderbirds aerobatics team does a flyover Saturday before the 4:05
p.m. start of the Yankees-Red Sox game. The Mets will get the ...
Chicago Air and Water Show this weekend in the air - | A Blue Angels squadron flying in formation at almost 700 miles per hour ( just below the legal FAA limitations) representing the best of the best that aerial flight has to offer. The 54th Annual Chicago Air and Water Show takes place this weekend on ...
THE VIEW FROM HERE - Joliet Herald News | Air show headliners include the U.S. Army Parachute Team Golden Knights, the U.S. Navy Parachute Team Leap Frogs, and, of course, the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. Expert water skiers will show off their skills and stunts on the lake, as usual. And fans can ...
Wings Over Wine Country Air Show at SoCo Airport - KSRO | The 16th annual Wings Over Wine County air show is celebrating the 100th anniversary of Marine Corps aviation. Sponsored by the Pacific Coast Air Museum, the show features high-performance military fighter jets and other vintage aircraft and runs ...
Miramar prepares for upcoming air show - DVIDS | “We are trying to get some NASA support aircraft, like the guppy, an over-sized rocket transport vehicle and some of their training aircraft,” said Ed Downum, the air show coordinator and museum director. “We will also have several mobile exhibits from ...
50th Anniversary Abbotsford Air Show! from Photorecon by Brandon Farris | It was August 11th and 12th 1962 when the very first airplanes took to the skies at Abbotsford International for an airshow. Fifty years later the show goes on, attracting demo teams from around the world to perform at one of the top tier shows in North America. This year the big teams to take the stage were the Canadian Snowbirds along with the United [...]
Fly-in Drive-in at the airport on Sunday - Rochelle News Leader | ROCHELLE — The Rochelle Municipal Airport invites you to the 16th Annual Fly-In Drive-In on Sunday, Aug. 19. The fun starts at 11 a.m. at Koritz Field, located at 1201 West Gurler Road, with pork chop sandwiches, hot dogs, DelMonte sweet corn, chips ...
Blades cut through the clouds to delight crowds - This is Cornwall | The team of four are billed as the world's only aerobatic display team and have an international reputation for daring exploits flying at heights ranging between 200 feet and 2000 feet. They are all former Red Arrows pilots who specialise in flying ...
A Letter From A Special Guest Of Team Chambliss/AirVenture 2012 - Red Bull Air Force | Last month I was privileged enough to be invited out as a guest of Team Chambliss. I am 17 years old (going to be a senior in high school) and I’ve recently started ground school and my path to the aviation field. Kirby has always been a mentor of mine, especially after seeing him dominate the Red Bull Air Races. I had always thought the races were awesome but I was younger and at the time the free ice cream was of equal importance as the race. Little did I know that the races would be such an inspiration...
B-17 Tour Lands at Leesburg Executive Airport - | Aviation buffs, historians, veterans and crew members were on hand Aug. 16 for the arrival of the B-17 WWII bomber known as “The Flying Fortress” at Leesburg Executive Airport. The Flying Fortress will stay in Leesburg from Friday to Sunday as part of ...
Trenton-Mercer Airport hosts Flying Fortress antique bomber air show - The Star-Ledger - | As part of its 2012 "Salute to Veterans" tour, EAA's (Experimental Aircraft Association) B-17 Flying Fortress Aluminum Overcast is appearing at Trenton Mercer Airport in Trenton, New Jersey. On Tuesday, August 14 and Wednesday, August 15, "mission ...
B-25 bomber fly-over to honor veterans at Back to the Bricks Saturday - The Flint Journal - | A B-25 bomber is scheduled to fly over downtown Flint at about 10:10 a.m. Saturday, said Back to the Bricks Chair Al Hatch. "It's going to be flying at about 1000 feet," Hatch said. The fly-over will take place at just about the time the Back to the ...
'Warbirds' buzz Rockland - Courier-Gazette & Camden Herald | Rockland — The Texas Flying Legends, a group featuring six "warbirds," flew over Rockland Harbor Aug. 17 at about noontime, providing many locals with an aerial spectacle. The vintage war planes performed as part of the Penobscot Bay Rendezvous, ...
Rantoul - Chanute: Anticipation from CAF Red Tail Squadron's Blog | ...The pilot training program at Tuskegee hadn't even started yet when the 99th Pursuit Squadron (later to be known as a "Fighter Squadron") was activated as the first African-American Army Air Forces unit on March 22, 1941 at Chanute Air Base outside of Rantoul,. The first class of aviation cadets wouldn't start classes at Tuskegee until July; at that point, the support trainees had already done months of training at Chanute....
Photoflying days: Friday (part I) from Apron 6 | Very busy day at the Photoflying Days. Lot’s of new aircraft...
New Naval Air Museum on track to start construction soon - So Md News | Construction of the new and improved Patuxent River Naval Air Museum is on track to kick off as soon as next month, with contract approval from the state level the only piece of the puzzle missing. “I've received unofficial correspondence from my ...
Video: Spitfire Hurricane Air to Air from's Facebook Wall
Amelia Earhart: New Documentary Searches Underwater for Pilot and Her Plane - Daily Beast | By 1937 Amelia Earhart was the most famous aviatrix in the world, a modern female icon. But all she really wanted to do was fly. She said she flew “for the fun of it” and for the challenge. She was beloved not only for her daring exploits, brilliant ...
Video: HMS Ark Royal aircraft operation from stickandrudderWTO
Video: DH Comet Shuttleworth October the 7th 2012 ? from stickandrudderWTO
Skagit Aero's Blog: North Cascades Vintage Fly-In 2012 from Antique Airfield News | ...The 2012 edition of the North Cascades Vintage Fly-In was another great
get together of pilots and vintage airplanes from around the pacific
northwest. Despite some cloudy weather on Friday, a decent number of
early arrivals spent the night here at 3W5. On Saturday the weather was
back to the July sunshine and more than 100 airplanes took part this
year.... Also from Antique Airfield:
Air Force Week in Photos from Air Force Link Top Stories | This week's photos feature Airmen
NHRA driver breaks sound barrier
from Air Combat Command - Top ACC Stories | Professional NHRA driver Alexis DeJoria received a ride that not even her 8000 horsepower funny car can deliver, a near 9G, supersonic flight in an F-15E Strike Eagle...
Awesome Vulcan XH558 Low Pass Over the Beach from TAKEOFF TUBE
Man seeks to stage around-the-world blimp race By Marina Csomor, Special to CNN | Don Hartsell knows his idea could be considered crazy. "I thought this project was so large, so ambitious, that no one would take me seriously," says the Texas resident and aircraft enthusiast. "In fact, I was concerned they would think I was insane." Hartsell is talking about his World Sky Race, which as conceived...
Shuttle Astronaut To Visit Duluth Airshow - KDAL | Besides appearing at the Airshow's NASA Educational Hangar, Colonel Johnson will also have several speaking engagements at area schools. The Duluth Air and Aviation Expo is being held on September 22nd and 23rd and features the Canadian Forces ...
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