High-speed tricks attract thousands to the Cherry Point Air Show's 2nd day
heat in Havelock today didn't keep anyone from venturing out to the
second day of the Cherry Point Air Show. Thousands of people hit the
tarmac to witness dozens of planes soar through the sky...
Shaw Air Force Base's 'real thrill'
- Stars and Stripes | By Jeff Wilkinson SUMTER — For Melvin Barnes, the
sight of the famous Air Force Thunderbirds roaring by just a few yards
away was more than exhilarating. It was a dream come true. The former
detention officer from Easley has been a Thunderbird ...
Sound of Speed Airshow thrills thousands - News-Press Now | Eyes peered up into the bright blue sky for the first day of the 2012 Sound of Speed Airshow International Edition on Saturday. US Navy Leap Frogs, elite Navy SEALS and commandos jumped from various aircraft, parachuting onto the Rosecrans Memorial ...
The wild blue yonder above Chino - San Bernardino Sun | Aerobatic pilot Rod "The Tumbling Bear" Harrison is also set to appear in the skies above Chino during the airshow. Reporter Andrew Edwards takes a ride on an Extra 300 stunt plane flown by aerobatic pilot Sean D. Tucker of Team Oracle on Friday.
Air show lights up sky - Contra Costa Times | Several types of planes took part in the annual Planes of Fame Air Show at the Chino Airport on Saturday. The air show presented "Air Show 2012: Turning the Tide," which commemorated the turning tide of WWII. (Rachel Lunn/Staff Photographer) A pilot ...
Awesome Videos Of Kent Pietsch Landing On A Pickup & Motorhome! from AirPigz by Martt | Yesterday I posted some cool C-5 Galaxy videos including one from Stevo71 and that led me to find out another fabulous video on that account... the one above of Kent Pietsch landing his Jelly Belly Interstate Cadet on that really small landing platform on top of a pickup truck at the 2011 Beale AFB airshow. The video is only a little over a minute long but wow it sure is fun to watch. The GoPro is pointed...
Central Texas Airshow takes flight in Temple - YNN, Your News Now | Also the Texas Raiders restored a vintage World War II B-17. The vintage plane has been performing for over 40 years at air shows and venues across the United States and Canada. Friday marked the start of the airshow, but there's plenty of more fun to ...
Acrobatic pilot will be part of air show
by cpomerleau | LAYTON — One of the world's foremost acrobatic pilots
has agreed to be part of the Memorial Day weekend show May 26-27 at Hill
Air Force Base...
Snowbirds out, fighter jets in - HQ Comox Valley | By Jennifer Faerber The Snowbirds have completed their final training flight in the Comox Valley, for the time being, but CFB Comox is now busy with the arrival of the real-deal fighter jets. A brightly painted demonstration CF-18 has been shooting ...
The tricolor arrows celebrate the centenary of Milano Marittima
- Ravenna24ore (translated) | Sunday, May 6 to 17 in the airspace of
the coastal area of Cervia, will be the exhibition of the National
Aerobatic Team "Frecce Tricolori", one of the first events dedicated to
the centenary celebrations of Milano Marittima....
The airshow will be the centenary of one day ... Free
- The Republican Berry (translated) | The show only last a day, but the
Patrouille de France will be well represented. Stephanie Para file
photo. The airshow to celebrate the centenary of the base Avord, this
summer, only last a day, not two....
WIN! Pair of tickets to Belton Spitfire Proms
- Retford Today | During the interval the Blades four Extra 300
lightweight aerobatic aircraft, piloted by former Red Arrows, will
perform a close-formation display. This will be followed by a charity
auction to win passenger flights with The Blades...
USS Hornet Event Honors World War II Pilots
- Patch.com | The pilots were part of a squadron of 16 Army B-25
bombers that took off from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier
Hornet CV-8, the predecessor of the USS Hornet, on April 18, 1942, in a
daring attack on Tokyo, according to officials with the USS ...
Leader of WWII bombing raid on Japan remembered - KTVN | "Doolittle's Raiders" as the airmen have come to be called have been credited with boosting American morale following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Saturday's event was held in conjunction with the 70th anniversary of their April 18, ...
World War II Veteran reunited with former training plane
- KTRE | By Francesca Washington - bio | email The 9th Annual Center
Fly- in Air Show was chance for the Shelby County community to get a
view from a different perspective. The event included free flights for
the kids and flight stunt pilots for everyone to ...
Travel Air 12Q/W, G-AAOK - a fine aircraft, just built at the wrong time
from shortfinals | You would think that an aircraft company founded by
Clyde Cessna (1879 – 1954), Lloyd Stearman (1898 – 1975) and Walter
Beech (1891 – 1950) – all later to become giants of the aviation world –
could not fail. You would be wrong. These three founded the Travel Air
Manufacturing Company in 1925, to manufacture training and touring
aircraft, just before the Great Depression hit. Despite some success in
the air racing world and a few sales to private owners, the company
failed in 1929 and the rights to the Travel Air designs were taken over
by the Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Corporation Inc....
RAF Barkstone Heath 4-5-2012 from stickandrudderWTO by G-GARY | Canberra beyond all help at RAF Barkstone Heath 4-5-2012 used for Fire-training.
French fighter jet and helicopter launched to intercept a paraglider approaching a nuclear plant from David Cenciotti | On May 2, a Greenpeace activist flying a paraglider, entered the forbidden airspace over the Le Bugey nuclear power plant, between Lyon and Geneva, and dropped a smoke device on the reactor containment structure to demonstrate the vulnerability of a nuclear facility....
Was he the last Chinese 'Flying Tiger'? from Bayou Renaissance Man by Peter | China Radio International reports that the last surviving pilot in mainland China of the famous 'Flying Tigers' of World War II has died...
Students take flight for first time - Today's News-Herald | Neff joined other his other second-grade classmates from Havasu Preparatory Academy Saturday morning for the local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association's Young Eagles program. The program is designed

Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser seeks state incentives in meet-up with Florida officials from Spaceports | Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) Space Systems has expressed interest in Florida as a possible location for the Dream Chaser commercial human spaceflight programs and facilities, only this time the company announced it is seeking state subsidies, reports Florida Today and the Orlando Sentential...
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